Special Edition BPMS Family News
Friday, June 3, 2022
Gratitude and appreciation for Kasie - she will be moving on to new adventures next year!
It is with a heavy heart
that we share another staff member departing
at the end of this school year
Kasie, PE teacher extraordinaire
will be leaving her teaching position to be able to
have more time for personal goals and adventures
We are grateful for her dedication and commitment
to our students and school community
I am pleased to let you all know that we
are in the process of hiring a new PE teacher
and will be able to welcome him and share his bio next week
In the meantime, if you see Kasie
please wish her well !
Tuesday, June 7th is BPMS SPiRIT DAY!!
We will be celebrating the end of the
school year with a SPIRIT DAY
Students and Staff
are asked to wear Blue and Green
our school colors
If you have any BPMS gear please wear that too!
Farewell Celebration for Alison and Barb!
Goodbye Bash with Red Hot Juba
Please join us in honoring
Barb Aitken, Alison Forest,
and other members of our community
5:30-8:00 pm
Brewster-Pierce Memorial School
in the HIVE
Light refreshments will be served
We encourage parking in the rec field parking lot
and walking across the street to BPMS
If you wish to share a photo and/or memory
with Barb and Alison, there will be a basket for cards
Last Week Special Event list! Please mark your calendar!
Monday, June 6th CLASS PLACEMENT letters emailed to parents.... BRING YOUR BOAT to school!
Tuesday, June 7th in the morning from 8-8:20 ish. MOVE UP day!
Tuesday, June 7th, School Spirit Day! Wear blue and green, and BPMS apparel if you have new gear
Wednesday, June 8th, Hopa-my-boata-floata! Boat races in the river!
Thursday, June 9th, Button Bay field trip for third and fourth graders
Friday, June 10th, 4th grade Recognition, 7:45-8:30 during ASMM
Friday, June 10th, Wicked Fun Day, 12-2:00 pm
Friday, June 10th, Last Day of school, report cards go home with students
Thursday, June 16th Red Hot Juba Departing staff farewell and celebration 5:30-8:00 pm Everyone is welcome!