International Academy | Okma Campus
Weekly Message | December 21st, 2022
Principal's Message
This week our students continued to help ready our classrooms for our new furniture. Knowing that we had some furniture that was in good shape, Mr. De Zwaan reached out to Humble Designs, an organization that "changes lives and communities by custom designing and fully furnishing home interiors for individuals, families and veterans emerging from homelessness". Students helped move any gently used furniture under the awning at the front of the building and Humble Designs filled two trucks with the donated furniture. Please continue reading for pictures and a video:)
Whatever your plans are over the school break, may they be filled with love, laughter and relaxation. We look forward to seeing you in 2023!
PTIA Teacher Appreciation
As a holiday celebration-we gave last Friday each teacher and grad and staff member including maintenance a $20 gift card to various local places, all donated by by generous parents like you! We also set up a treat table for them. This was this year in lieu of a potluck style luncheon. We couldn’t have done it without you!
We appreciate our teachers so much - a big “THANK YOU” to all teachers, for your hard work and care for our amazing students.
Happy Holidays from the PTIA to all parents, teachers, students and staff! May this break bring you joy, happiness and rest time with your family and friends! See you in 2023!
Moving Day for Teachers!
With special appreciation of our amazing students: THANK YOU for making what I expected to be a daunting & time-consuming task an enjoyable & fun one instead!
Sincerely, Mr. De Zwaan
So many students helped their teachers during the last 2 days to pack up desks and classrooms. There was a lot of furniture moving and loads of trash needed to be taken out to the dumpster. IA students stepped up to help where they could. We thank you very much. We can't wait to see what the new furniture will look like.
Sincerely, All Your IA Teachers