Roland Hayes School
Community Notes ~ May 3, 2024
Our North Star
βWhen children and teachers feel engaged, safe, and supported we have room to grow and learn through collaboration and risk-taking with our peers.β
Previous "Community Notes" can be found here: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/domain/718
The "Community Notes" is sent every other week. Thanks for reading!
Dear Roland Hayes School Community
Mayfair is next Saturday, May 11th 1-5pm (rain or shine). Here is what you need to know!
The Mayfair silent auction is now LIVE! The auction will be ongoing until Mayfair! Items include: Celtics playoff tickets, a round of golf at The Country Club, a weekend on the Cape, batting practice on the field and monster seats at the Red Sox, summer camp at Artbarn, experiences for our students with their beloved teachers and staff, fitness classes and MORE! Let's raise some money for our school!
ALSO, Mayfair can only happen if we have volunteers to staff all of the great activities. SIGN UP HERE. Please come spend half the day enjoying the fair with your family and the other half helping us run this wonderful event.
You can also purchase an armband in advance of Mayfair and donate a cake (store bought or homemade.) Click HERE for all of the sign ups in one place for you!
See you at Mayfair!
May is ... Jewish American Heritage Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! To celebrate, our library is alive with books, posters, displays, and conversations thanks to Mrs. Anderson, our librarian, and Ms. Magnanti, our School Adjustment Counselor. There are many ways to celebrate these special months, including:
Save the Date!
Notes From Our PTO
Check out our website for upcoming events, ways to support our school, and much more! https://heathpto.org
Upcoming Teacher Appreciation Events
- Monday, 5/6: Coffee and munchkins in the teachers' lounge in honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week!and
- Tuesday, 6/4: Appreciation Luncheon for Teachers and Staff
- Volunteers, food and donations welcome. Sign Up Genius link to come after Mayfair!
PTO Spring Grants due Mon 5/6
We invite all Hayes community members to submit proposals that benefit our school community. Spring grant proposals are generally for ideas that will take place this summer or anytime during the upcoming school year (SY 2024-2025). https://heathpto.org/grants
We are meeting on Zoom in the evening. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Hear school updates from Dr. Sevelius and Please join us. https://heathpto.org/meetings
Mayfair on Sat 5/11, 1-5pm (Volunteers Needed)
Spirit Wear orders due Mon 5/13
The Hayes PTO and the Hayes Student Council are excited to present online ordering for school spirit wear. Every purchase directly supports the purchase of new soccer goals for our entire community to enjoy. https://airosports.com/hayes
Student Work Showcase
Book Creator is a great tool our teachers and students use to show what they know. Check out these amazing projects!
- Poetry Reflections (8th Grade | ELA | Bookcreator)
- 4B's Greatest Story: The Storu of Rexor Q17 (4th Grade | ELA | Bookcreator)
- Pet Rock Biographies (7th Grade | Science | Bookcreator)
And be sure to enjoy this set of amazing student products, too:
Spirit Wear!!!!!
Now is the time to lock in that Spirit Wear order β get your much anticipated Hayes gear while also supporting our students! Order here today:
Class Placement: Parent Perspectives Feedback Form
πππ https://forms.gle/cBz71ki6ykM3s5o26 πππ
Deadline: Sunday, May 5th
It is time for us to look ahead and begin planning for the 2024-2025 school year. Parents often ask how class placements are made and what role families may play in the process. This google form is meant to answer those questions, explain the process used at our school, and gather feedback from you.
Each spring, teachers, staff, and administrators work to form classes for the following school year. We invite you to join this process at home. While it is not necessary, nor is it expected that parents communicate regarding class placement, if you have information about your childβs social-emotional or learning needs that you think we do not know, please complete this google form by Sunday, May 5th.
We are unable to honor requests for specific teachers; letters that name a teacher will not be considered.
This feedback can help us get as much perspective as possible during this process. Additionally, this information can be helpful to next yearβs teacher as they work to gather information about their students prior to the start of the school year. If you want to remind us of any past concerns youβve had, please take a minute to do that in this questionnaire, too.
After we receive this information, teachers, specialists, our guidance counselors, and administrators will work together to form new class cohorts. We consider many factors while doing this important work. While making these classes, we consider the academic strengths, learning styles, academic needs, friendships, level of independence, and collaborative skills of the individual child and the group as a whole. Please know we give this process protected time and great consideration. It is our goal to form classes of learners that support and challenge each other. Moreover, although our teachers employ a range of styles, they teach under the same umbrella of shared core values, curriculum, and best instructional practices. You can be sure that professionals who know your child well will be putting great thought into their learning environment and peers for the upcoming school year. It is important that we respect this multi-step process and the outcomes that result.
Barring unforeseen situations, changes to class placements will not be made after they are announced.
We appreciate your and your childβs input and value your collaboration as we build our learning communities for the upcoming school year.
πππ https://forms.gle/cBz71ki6ykM3s5o26 πππ
Deadline: Sunday, May 5th
Coming Up: Art Show! May 24
Open Now: Family Climate and Culture Survey
The Public Schools of Brookline is committed to creating a culture where all students and families feel they belong to their schools and the larger PSB community. To help us achieve this goal, we are asking all PSB parents and guardians to complete the Public Schools of Brookline Culture and Climate Family Survey.
The survey will ask you questions that reflect your feelings about the schools your children attend, including how well schools communicate with guardians and how well schools support the needs of students. This information will be used to improve the ways that the Public Schools of Brookline (PSB) supports students and families.
Please know that your responses will be anonymous. We anticipate that the survey will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The survey is available in Arabic, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), English, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. If you have children who attend multiple schools in PSB, please feel free to complete a survey for each student. You can also complete one survey that reflects your combined experiences. Please note that all questions that ask about any part of your identity are optional. We are so appreciative of your time and feedback!
To complete the survey, please use this URL: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/brookline/family24/surveys
Upcoming Events
MCAS testing for students in Grades 3-8 will be taking place very soon. Please see the MCAS dates here. If you have any questions, please reach out to kirtan_patel@psbma.org
Monday, May 6th: MCAS: Grade 5 Math Part 1
Monday, May 6th: Rainbow Club! 3rd Grade, 11:20-11:50am
Tuesday, May 7th: Annual Town Election
Tuesday, May 7th: MCAS: Math Makeups
Tuesday, May 7th: AAPI Affinity Group, 10:50-11:20am
Tuesday, May 7th: BEF Celebrating Teacher Event, 3:00-4:15pm
Tuesday, May 7th: PTO Community Meeting (via ZOOM), 6:00-7:00pm
Wednesday, May 8th: MCAS: Grade 3 Math Part 1
Wednesday, May 8th: MCAS: Grade 4 Math Part 1
Wednesday, May 8th: METCO Connections Breakfast/Game, 7:30am
Wednesday, May 8th: Grades 6-8 GSA, 10:50-11:20am
Wednesday, May 8th: Model UN, 11:20am-12:05pm
Thursday, May 9th: MCAS: Math Makeups
Thursday, May 9th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
Friday, May 10th: MCAS: Makeups
Friday, May 10th: PEP - Gratitude Book, 8:05-8:30am
Saturday, May 11th: Mayfair, 1:00-5:00pm
Monday, May 13th: MCAS: Grade 3 Math Part 2
Monday, May 13th: MCAS: Grade 4 Math Part 2
Tuesday, May 14th: MCAS: Grade 5 Math Part 2
Wednesday, May 15th: MCAS: 6-8th Grade Math Part 1
Wednesday, May 15th: Grades 6-8 GSA, 10:50-11:20am
Wednesday, May 15th: Model UN, 11:20am-12:05pm
Thursday, May 16th: MCAS: Math Makeups
Thursday, May 16th: School Council Meeting, 8:15-9:45am
Thursday, May 16th: Young Scholars, 2:30-3:30pm
Friday, May 17th: MCAS: Math Makeups
Friday, May 17th: Yearbook, 8:00-8:30am
Friday, May 17th: Kindergarten Annual Earth Movie Screening, 8:00-9:00am
Field Trips:
Thursday, May 9th: Grade 4 Trip to Brookline Public Library, 8:15-11:00am
Community-Based Opportunities
Here you will find the occasional community-based opportunity that might be useful for some of us.
In Closing
Below you'll find the incredible plant-based options that will be on offer next week in our cafeteria! We hope your child will give these plant-based lunches a try next week β I know I will!
Every child can eat their first school lunch each day for free (a second helping does incur a charge), so what's to lose?
~ Asa
Dr. Asa Sevelius, Ed.D. | Principal
Email: asa_sevelius@psbma.org
Pronouns: he/him
Mr. Kirtan Patel | Vice Principal
Email: kirtan_patel@psbma.org
Pronouns: he/him
Previous "Community Notes" can be found here: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/domain/718
The "School Name: History & Resources" website page is here:
Website: https://www.brookline.k12.ma.us/Page/17
Location: 100 Eliot Street, Chestnut Hill, MA, 02467
Phone: 617-879-4570
Roland Hayes School
The Public Schools Of Brookline | A METCO Partnership School
Dr. Asa Sevelius, Principal & Mr. Kirtan Patel, Vice Principal