Bear Necessities
McReynolds Middle School Newsletter for Parents and Students
August 31, 2024
McReynolds Mission Statement
McReynolds Vision Statement
McReynolds Core Values
Excellence is Expected
Resiliency is Learned
Collaboration is Welcomed
Integrity is Honored
Community is Necessary
Manifesting Academic Results & Victories for Every Learner
A Terrific Third Week of School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Congratulations on a fantastic third week of school! 🎉 Your bears' dedication and hard work is clearly paying off, and it’s wonderful to see everyone embracing and demonstrating their ROAR pride.
Students had an opportunity during lunch to use their earned Bear Bucks for tangible rewards. We will continue to provide this opportunity every other week, so continue encouraging your students to show their ROAR Pride each and every day!
As we celebrate a successful third week of school, we want to emphasize the critical role that daily attendance plays in your child's success. Being present every day (for the FULL DAY) ensures that students can fully engage in their learning, participate in valuable classroom activities, and continue to show their progress by recieving high quality instruction.
Consistent attendance helps students stay on track with their academic progress and build strong habits for the future. We appreciate your support in ensuring that your child attends school regularly. Together, we can help them achieve their full potential.
Keep up the great work as we continue to set and meet our expectations. Here’s to even more success in the weeks ahead!
Warmest Regards,
Principal Caesar
September Dates
2- No School - Labor Day
3- No Classes - Staff Professional Development Day
5 - Open House starting 5:00p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
17 - HAUL HISD Financial Literacy Night 5:30 - 7:00 All Families are invited
19 - Volleyball at McReynolds vs Rice 6:00/7:00 p.m.
27 - Report Cards go home
Campus Closed on September 2nd & 3rd for Labor Day & Staff Development
Campus Hours
Campus Rules
Enrollment Packets DUE to Campus!
Please be sure to complete all paperwork in the UPDATED ENROLLMENT PACKETS. There are several important items that need to be filled out and updated in order for the campus to continue recieving funding such as the SOCIOECONOMIC FORM ( this helps us to provide free lunch to ALL STUDENTS), Updated emergency contact information etc. Students who bring back the packets will recieve BEAR BUCKS to spend in the PBIS Store!
If we have 90% of the enrollment packets returned by Thursday September 5, 2024 students will have a Free Dress on Friday!
HISD Campus Rating
Students of the Month
Aniya Sayles
Congratulations 6th Graders! Continue showing your ROAR PRIDE!
Jaiden Ardison
Counselor's Corner
Altruistic August
Self-Care September
PEP RALLY & Sandy Hook Promise
GT Testing
Arrival and Dismissal
ALL STUDENTS arriving prior to the start of instruction ( 6:30 - 8:15) will enter through the side gate ( ZINDLER ST/ Courtyard area) and walk up to the first stairs to the cafeteria. Students will only enter through the FRONT DOOR of the school after 8:15 a.m.
Students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria and will be released at 8:15 to their respective classrooms. The cafeteria stops serving breakfast at 8:00 a.m.
There will be one car rider line for students to enter/exit safely. Students should be on the passenger side of the car so that it is easy for them to exit the car. Please watch for guidance from Staff members that are assisting with traffic.
The Entry gate to the courtyard will be closed promptly at 8:15 a.m. Students who are not in the building by 8:15 a.m. will need to go to the front of the building to enter through the front office. Students arriving after 8:30 will need a PARENT/GUARDIAN to sign them in at the front office. Student will be counted TARDY if they are not in their 1st period classroom at 8:40 a.m.
Walkers will be released first from the building through the dismissal exit ( Courtyard). Students will be walked to the intersection of Zindler and Market. Students will be instructed to stay on the side walk and part in the direction of their destination at the intersection.
If there is a train on the track at dismissal ALL WALKERS WILL BE HELD IN THE CAFETERIA until it is safe to release. Students may receive disciplinary consequences for failure to comply with adult directives. Please know that this measure is put into place for the SAFETY of your child.
Car Riders - will be released after clearing the way of all walkers to Zindler. Please be patient as we will be working to make sure that all students are safe at dismissal. Please do not park on the street in front of the school or near the Post Office. Please use the Car Rider Line for all car pickups.
3 A's Focus for the 24-25 School Year
Academics, Attendance and Attitude
Excellence is expected. Students should be engaged in their daily learning and should take the opportunity to excel in all classes. Students will be provided tutorials, and interventions daily to be successful throughout the school year. Before school and After school tutorials will begin in September.
Expectations in the classroom
Students are expected to engage in all classroom activities which may include but is not limited to turn and talk ( students will turn and talk with a classmate or group about their learning), Whiteboard activity (students utilize a whiteboard to answer their questions), Response Card (students write their responses in complete sentences on a response card and share out), Think-Pair-Share (students will have think time, pair up with a partner and then share out). Students are not allowed to OPT-OUT, it is an expectation that they participate in each activity throughout the instructional period.
Attendance Matters
In an effort for all students to receive quality instruction please make sure that students are on time and are in class for every period. EVERY PERIOD COUNTS towards daily attendance.
McReynolds is a Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Campus. This is a framework we have in place to be proactive to behaviors and reward students for following school wide and classroom expectations. We want all Bears to show their ROAR PRIDE each and every day!
McReynolds is a restorative campus and we utilize strategies to help students understand their actions and students will receive appropriate consequences for their actions ( see student code of conduct/student handbook).
Open House Event
Parental Involvement
Calling all Parents/Guardians
We need you! We are in the process of forming a PTO for the campus and would love for you all to participate no matter how small or how big. WE NEED YOU. Please reach out to to Mrs. Yolanda Aguilar at yolandaaguilar29@gmail.com if you are interested in helping to kick start the PTO here at McReynolds.
Parent Conference with Administration/Teachers
Please be sure to make an appointment to set up an in person conference with Administrators or Staff. Teachers are available during their planning periods each day to conference (in-person or by phone) with you concerning your student.
6th Grade Planning Time: Monday - Friday from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
7th Grade Planning Time: Monday - Friday from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
8th Grade Planning Time: Monday - Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Shared Decision Making Committee
The Shared Decision Making Committee (SDMC) is an advisory group to the school principal except for approval of campus staff development. The principal will consult the SDMC in matters relating to the school educational program, but the principal has the final authority in all decisions.
The SDMC will meet quarterly throughout the school year. The dates will be provided at a later time. Most meetings will be hosted on the campus afterschool. The committee shall include at least two parents of students currently enrolled in the district.
If you are interested in serving as the parent liaison for the SDMC committee please submit your name and contact information to Principal Caesar at Chastity.caesar@houstonisd.org.
STEM/Magnet After School Courses
Click the picture to sign up!!!
Family and Community Engagement Night
Come out and learn how to support your students with literacy development at home! We will have door prizes, book give aways, and dinner for YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY! Please let us know if you will attend so that we can prepare for every family!
Parent Portal HISD CONNECT
On Friday your student recieved the HISD Connect Parent letter which provides each parent with unique login information so that you are able to check your students grade and attendance. Please login to make sure that you have the correct access. Should you need any support please contact the front desk.
Fundraising for Bears
24 -25 School Year Calendar
Prohibited Items
Food and Drinks
Students are prohibited to have food/drinks in the hallway and/or classroom. Students should keep all food and drinks in a lunch-kit or backpack. If items are outside of the backpack or lunch kit the items will be confiscated and not returned. NO GLASS containers. Students should bring individual sized food items, FAMILY SIZED/PARTY SIZE items will be confiscated and not returned. Students are allowed to bring CLEAR WATER BOTTLES ONLY!
Cell Phone Policy
Telecommunications Policy
Students are prohibited from using all telecommunication devices such as, but not limited to cellular phones, nintendo switch, Ipads, etc. Such devices must not be visible and must remain turned off during the school day. A student in violation of these rules will have the device confiscated. The campus is not responsible for missing or stolen phones ( students are able to bring them to campus at their own -risk). The administration will not search for missing phones at any time.
1st - Offense - Phone will be confiscated and student will pick up at the end of day
2nd Offense - Phone will be confiscated and released to the Parent/Guardian at the end of the day
3rd Offense or more - $15.00 Administrative fee paid to school and phone returned to Parent/ Guardian
Dress Code for 24 -25 School Year
Dress Code
At McReynolds Middle School we do REQUIRE ALL STUDENTS to be in uniform. If students are out of dress code parents will be contacted to bring/provide the appropriate clothing needed for the student.
Students who have continuous dress code infractions will have consequences per the code of conduct/student handbook. If you are in need of support for uniforms please fill out the form here.
Free Dress
When students have been awarded free dress please make sure that your student adheres to the dress code for Free DRESS.
- No tights, leggings, spandex
- No pants with holes, rips, tears,
- No shorts/skirts/dresses above the knee
- No spaghetti strap shirts, crop tops, low cut
- No Crocs, slippers, slides, shoes without backs. Must be closed toed
- No HOODIES allowed at any time
- No clothing with inappropriate messaging/pictures
- No bandanas, head scarves, wraps
Uniform Assistance
If you are in need of support for uniforms please fill out the form here. We have several avenues/sponsors to help support our students in providing uniforms.
Thank you to our Sponsors!!
We want to thank both of our Sponsors for supporting our students and providing School supplies, donations to help kick off the school year. We thank you for all that you do!
The Zachary McMillian Foundation : https://www.zacharymcmillianfoundation.org/contact
Union Pacific: https://www.up.com/index.htm
Houston Astros Community Partnership - Thank you for donating school supplies to the campus!
Student Code of Conduct
HISD Commitments Parental engagement is critical to creating a collaborative community which supports and advocates an equitable learning environment. The Parent/Student Handbook is key to building positive and effective relationships between students, parents, and the district by clearly stating the expectations, guidelines, and procedures for Houston ISD. We request all students and parents to become familiar with this handbook and use it as a general reference guide for information and guidance during this school year. Please read the handbook thoroughly.
If you have questions, contact your campus principal. Of note, the Student Code of Conduct (SCC) is a separate resource and can be obtained either on the district website or at your campus.
The SCC provides comprehensive information regarding the following:
• HISD behavior management expectations
• Description of prohibited conduct
• Disciplinary options, methods, and consequences for preventing and addressing student misconduct
• Behavior framework
• The district process for administering disciplinary consequences.
This handbook remains in effect during summer school and at all school-related events and activities outside the school year until an updated version becomes effective for the next school year. If there is a conflict between the SCC and the Parent/Student Handbook, the terms of the SCC will govern.
CEP Free Breakfast and Lunch Program
Houston Independent School District will provide free breakfast and lunch to students in the Community Eligibility Provision Program (CEP) for the 2024-2025 school year, but all parents/caregivers will still need to fill out a new socioeconomic form (SIF) which is available at the front desk.
All enrolled McReynolds students will receive free breakfast and free lunch. Students may bring their lunch must be in a lunch kit or backpack. No glass containers allowed. No food may be eaten in the classrooms.
7th and 8th Grade DYAD TRIP
- Must not be suspended at any time during the school year
- Must not miss more than 3 days in the school year
Miles AHEAD Scholars 8th Grade Males Only
McReynolds Sports Schedules
24- 25 Football
24-25 Cross Country
24 -25 Volleyball
District Parent Resources
Safe Gun Storage
The TEXAS Education Code: TEC 37.222 requires districts to provide parents and guardians of each enrolled studnet with infomration related to safe gun storage. Please see below. For addiional gun safety guidance you can vist the SAFE GUN STORAGE TEXAS Website for additional resources.
Past Newsletters
August 2: https://secure.smore.com/n/h9m0p
August 11: https://secure.smore.com/n/u3s7a
August 16: https://secure.smore.com/n/jv6s9
August 18: https://secure.smore.com/n/jv6s9
August 25:https://secure.smore.com/n/5y4tm
John L. McReynolds
Website: https://www.houstonisd.org/mcreynolds
Location: 5910 Market Street, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: 713-671-3650
Twitter: @McReynolds_HISD
Principal at McReynolds Middle School in Houston Independent School District