Where the journey begins.......October 2, 2024
Important upcoming dates
Thursday, October 3 Schools closed in observance of Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday, October 8 Fire Safety Day- Long Hill FD visit
Wednesday, October 9 Head Start Parent/Policy Meeting 6:00 PM
Wednesday, October 9 PTO 7:00 PM
Thursday, October 10 Apple cider day at TECEC
Thursday, October 10 Father's Club 7:00 PM
Monday, October 14 Schools closed for Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day
Tuesday, October 15 "Wear Pink Day" to support those who are affected by breast cancer
Wednesday, October 16 School photos
Thursday, October 17 School photos
Tuesday, October 22 Parent-Teacher Conferences 11:20 dismissal, no afternoon classes
Thursday October 24 Parent-Teacher Conferences 11:20 dismissal, no afternoon classes
Saturday, October 26 PTO Halloween Party. More information to follow
Tuesday, October 29 Trumbull Read Aloud
Tuesday October 29 TECEC Halloween Parades. More information below
Wednesday, October 30 TECEC Halloween Parade rain date
Thursday, October 31 Schools closed to observe Diwali
Dear TECEC families,
Birds, bees, and even a curious skunk paid a visit to TECEC recently! In just one week, we were graced by a beautiful yellow finch, a few buzzing bees, and a skunk that wandered onto our grounds. It seems they all recognize what a welcoming environment TECEC can be (pun unintended)! A few children saw the young finch safely guided back outside to reunite with a flock of other feathered friends. Our custodial and maintenance team managed the bees, ensuring they could find another suitable nesting site. Lastly, one of the Trumbull Animal Control officers responded to TECEC to safely handle and remove the skunk. Your guess is as good as mine when it comes to who our next visitor might be!
Thank you to all who signed up for a parent-teacher conference. If you did not have an opportunity to sign up, please use the following link so that a mutually agreeable time can be arranged for you to hear the progress your child has made this year: TECEC Parent-Teacher Conferences To register for an account click the "Register" menu tab and filling in the online form. Choose a user id and password for yourself and then click the "Register Now" button.
If your child is receiving special education support and you would like to invite related services professionals such as their speech therapist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, social worker, or psychologist to your meeting, please fill out the following form: Related Services . We will do our best to accommodate your request. Related services will not be in attendance unless they are requested.
Please take a look at the letter from TECEC's Speech Department below, which offers fantastic tips for fostering language development. They’ve designed an engaging fall scavenger hunt activity for you and your child to enjoy together. Their guiding principle is that "speech and language develop in all environments." Remember, every interaction a child has contributes to their growth in essential communication skills.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me or any member of our team if you have questions about TECEC or suggestions for making our school an even better place for learning and growth. Your input is always valued!
Warm regards,
Hello from the Speech Department!
We have been busy in the speech rooms supporting the 3’s and 4’s curriculum themes. We had a fun September with the All About Me theme. Our lessons were created around stories including Time for School Little Blue Truck and Bedtime for Peppa. We finished our All About Me Theme this past week learning about body parts. In the speech room we used our hands and feet to pour, mix, clap, knock, jump, run and kick.
We are looking forward to a fun October filled with vocabulary around apples, pumpkins, fire/firefighter, and Halloween.Please use the link below to access a fun Fall Vocabulary Scavenger hunt: Scavenger Hunt
The TECEC Speech Team
Speech & Language Pathologists- Gail Kay, Jessica Sapia, Jessica Thom
Speech & Language Assistants- Stacee George, Jessica Kundrat
TECEC photo day: October 16th & 17th
TECEC's school pictures will take place on Wednesday, October 16th and Thursday, October 17th. Your child's classroom teacher will inform you which day their class will have the photos taken. The packages can be viewed here: https://www.roberttaylorphotography.com/preschool
Use this link to order pictures:TECEC Prepay deal until October 30
National Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated each year from September 15 to October 15, honoring the rich cultural heritage and significant contributions of Hispanic Americans. This month also marks the independence anniversaries of several Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Chile. Additionally, it includes holidays that highlight Hispanic contributions, such as Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day, observed in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Rosh Hashanah begins tonight
Wednesday, October 2 and ends on Friday, October 4
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, a significant holiday in the Jewish calendar. During Rosh Hashanah, Jewish people traditionally attend synagogue services, participate in special prayers like the sounding of the shofar (a ram's horn), and enjoy festive meals with family and friends. Symbolic foods such as apples dipped in honey are eaten to symbolize hopes for a sweet new year.
It's a time for reflecting on the past year, seeking forgiveness for any wrongs committed, and making resolutions for self-improvement in the coming year. Rosh Hashanah is a joyous occasion but also carries a solemn undertone of repentance and renewal.
Trumbull Pink Pledge
Updates from Nurse Dana
TECEC is conducting vision tests with the SPOT Screener this week. The Spot Vision Screener is a handheld, portable device designed to help quickly and easily detect vision issues for children and adults. We will only notify parents if your child had failed the test. If you do not want your child to get the vision test done, it needs to be in writing that it is being refused.
Please call the absentee line (203) 452-4422, option 1 and state the reason for your child’s absence. If you have a specific health concern or want to report a communicable disease, the health office phone number is: (203) 452-4425. Absences of 3 days or more require a note to return to school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call (203-452-4425) or email Nurse Dana
Email: dangelic@trumbullps.org
PTO Outings
The PTO needs your help for our annual
Trunk or Treat
Option for Notifying Schools of Student Absences
This school year, parents in PK-12 now have the ability to report full day absences, late arrivals and early dismissals via their Infinite Campus Parent Portal using the mobile app or website in place of calling the school attendance line. For specific directions on how to report an absence via the Infinite Campus Portal click here.
Inclement Weather Schedule
TECEC's inclement weather and adjusted schedules can be viewed: here.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Our arrival and dismissal procedures were developed to keep the children, you and our team safe. Please review the following guidelines that your adherence is critical to assure everyone arrives and leaves TECEC safely. One particular highlight is that vehicles must only enter the TECEC driveway by taking a right from Middlebrooks Ave. into the parking lot from 8:20-3:30. Attempting to access Middlebrooks Ave. via Church Hill Road and trying to take a left into TECEC creates an unsafe traffic pattern and should be avoided. Our arrival and dismissal procedures can be found here.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.
We love our volunteers!
One of the hallmarks of our program is parent and community involvement. Your child’s teacher will be reaching out to you with the best ways to engage with their education. We also encourage you to take the time to fill out the TPS volunteer form for the 2024-2025 school year. For most individuals, you will only need to complete part one (Tier one). This will permit you to volunteer in the school while in the presence of a staff member. Part two (Tier two) is for those who will be working with children not in the presence of a school employee. Since every volunteer will be in the presence of a TECEC staff member, there will not be a need to complete that section, unless you plan on volunteering in another school. This form has to be completed annually as mandated by the state guidelines for school volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, the form can be found here and dropped off at TECEC so it can be processed. All submitted forms need to have an original signature, therefore a form with an e-signature will not be accepted.
Next TECEC PTO Meeting October 9
Please join us on Wednesday, October 9, for our next PTO meeting. The meeting will be held in person at TECEC beginning at 7:00 PM. For those who would like to join virtually, the link is: PTO Meeting
TECEC Father's Club Thursday, October 10
The TECEC Father's Club is recruiting new members. Please note that you can join as a mom, aunt, uncle, grandparent or any family member that would like to support the children, teachers and each other. Their next meeting will take place this Thursday, October 10th at 7:00 PM at Brewport in Bridgeport.
TECEC Spirit Wear
Every Thursday is spirit wear day! Since many of our children do not attend school on Fridays, we thought it would be fun to have “TECEC Thursday” each week where everyone is encouraged to wear school spirit wear. If you don't have any TECEC spirit wear, feel free to wear our school color which is blue. You can also purchase spirit wear here: https://tecec.ptboard.com/