Wickliffe Family Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We are thrilled to announce that Upper Arlington will be hosting the Progressive Education Network (PEN) National Conference at Wickliffe this year! The theme of the conference will be The Space Between: How Progressive Education Fosters Curiosity, Creativity, Community, and Connection. This is the first time a public school has been given this honor, and we’re excited to showcase the uniqueness of our school district in offering progressive programs. The planning team has curated an incredible lineup of events and guest speakers that will provide thought-provoking discussions on progressive education for educators across the nation. To learn more about PEN and the conference please visit: progressiveeducationnetwork.org
The Wickliffe PTO is especially excited to share that Peter H. Reynolds, the acclaimed author of beloved books such as "The Dot" and "Ish", will be one of the featured speakers for the conference! As a bonus opportunity for our progressive education families both at Wickliffe and Barrington, Peter H. Reynolds has graciously offered to host a Create Bravely Family Night. This special event is designed to celebrate creative thinking and strengthen family connections through interactive activities and a film festival.
When: October 18th 5:00-6:30 pm
Where: Wickliffe Progressive Elementary
Suggested Donation: $10 per person. (If you would like to contribute more, we welcome additional donations. All proceeds will be donated to the 2024 PEN conference.)
Limited Tickets Available: Register here before they’re gone! We have a limit of 400 tickets available to share amongst our progressive education families (Wickliffe and Barrington)
Volunteers Needed: Sign up here to assist with set up/activity tables/clean up
We look forward to seeing you at Create Bravely Family Night!
Warm regards,
Melanie & Annie
Wickliffe PTO Co-Presidents
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