St Elizabeth's News
Good afternoon parents and caregivers,
It was lovely to welcome back everyone to Term Two and to see all the smiling faces on Monday morning. I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and are feeling refreshed and ready for what I am sure will be another busy term!
A big welcome back to Ms Nguyen as she returns from leave and also to Mrs Celinski and Mrs Fitzgerald who are teaching Year Four while Mrs Curtis is on leave. I have spoken to Mrs Curtis and her surgery went well and she is now resting and on the road to recovery. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Communication is an important focus for us, so please make sure that you have looked through the Term Two Parent Planner and added important dates into your own calendars. Additionally, we have had to make changes to our Professional Development Day in Term Three. Students will now commence Term Three on Wednesday July 17 and school will be operating as normal on Tuesday, August 27, 2024.
Have a wonderful weekend!
God bless
Rebecca Clarke
Wednesday 24 April
- 8.45am - Anzac Day Service and Liturgy - all welcome
Thursday 25 April
- School closed - Public Holiday
Monday 29 April
- 6.00pm P & F Meeting - New faces welcome
- 7.00pm SAC Meeting
Please see updated Term 2 Parent Planner
Groundsmen - Thank you!
I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our gifted and dedicated groundsmen, Nate Bright and Karl Glenn, for their exceptional work over the term break. Despite the holiday period, they approached their duties with their usual professionalism and dedication. Their efforts not only included building a new boat in our nature playground but, also ensuring that our grounds remained neat and tidy for our return. We commend them for their commitment and hard work. Thank you, Nate and Karl, for your outstanding contributions.
As a mark of respect to the victims of the tragedy in Sydney, the school has flown its flags at half-mast this week. Please keep in your prayers and thoughts all the victims and their families, and all those affected by this tragic event. May those who have passed rest in peace.
Adult Catechesis: 20/21 March
Commitment Masses: 23/24 March. All masses
Parent/Child Workshop: Wednesday 8 May 5:00pm
Retreat Day: 17 May (all day)
Sacrament: 18/19 May
First Holy Communion
Adult Catechesis: 19/20 June
Commitment Masses: 22/23 June All masses
Parent/Child Workshop: 7 August 5:00pm
Retreat: 16 August (all day)
Sacrament: 17/18 & 24/25 August
Sat 6.00pm Sun 9.00am & 6.00pm
First Reconciliation
Adult Catechesis: 11/12 September
Commitment Masses: 14/15 September. All masses
Parent/Child Workshop: 30 October 5:00pm
Retreat: 1st November (all day)
Sacrament: 5/6/7 NovemberSaturday - 6:00pm
Running Club - work towards your achievement badge!
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is Running Club from 8:15am - 8:30am for students in Year One to Year Six. School running club is a great way to start the day! Each lap is 250m and we have badges available to students who achieve 25, 50 and 100 kms! See you on the oval.
Winter Uniform Purchases
Tudor school uniforms will be open for the Winter School Uniform purchases of Tracksuits pants and Tops from 8th April. Tudor have suggested that families pop in and try on these items so the correct size is selected.
P & F Mother’s Day Event
We are excited to celebrate Mother’s Day, with all the important Mother Figures in our community!
Start your day with a delicious treat, a coffee from Twisties Coffee and a Cinnamon Bun from Cinnayum!
Our event is on Thursday 9 May, and will run from 7.30am – 8.30am on the grassed area outside the hall. We look forward to celebrating with you!
Please click the below link to register for catering purposes.
Monday - Craft Dojo and Basketball with Sports X
Tuesdays - Tennis with Mike
Term 2 Tennis Coaching with Mike Roberts From Wanneroo Tennis club
Tuesdays 3-345pm
Starts week 2
Cost $145
All equipment provided
To enrol simply text Mike on 0412 572 886
Thursdays - Soccer with Sports X
Containers for Change
This year the Year 6 students are raising money through the Containers for Change initiative to donate to LifeLink. If you and your family have spare cans or bottles that you would like to contribute to our school collection, please scan this barcode when you are returning your containers, every container counts!
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday 31 January - Thursday 28 March
Term 2: Monday 15 April - Friday 28 June
Term 3: Monday, 15 July - Friday, 20 September
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December
Student Free Dates 2024
Tuesday, 5 March
Tuesday, 4 June
Monday 15 July
Tuesday, 16 July (note date change)
Monday 26 August
Monday 7 October
Please note, these dates are subject to change. Parents will be notified well in advance.
St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stecps.wa.edu.au
Website: www.stelizabethhocking.wa.edu.au
Location: 30 Ranworth Road, Hocking WA 6065, Australia
Phone: (08) 9303 7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stecps/
Twitter: @stecps