Navigating the River

October 18, 2024
Each week, you will receive our newsletter containing important dates, events, and school news. Navigating the River is one of the best ways to stay up to date on what's happening at the River and ways to get involved to help make this school year the best yet! #RMStheGOLDstandard
Currently Happening at the River!
Upcoming Events:
October 19th - 25th:
- October 19th - RMS 20th Anniversary Celebration (See invite below!)
- October 21st - 25th - Bus Driver Appreciation Week
- October 21st - 25th - Red Ribbon Week
- October 21st - 25th - Q1 Purchase Window for PBIS
- October 21st - FCS Stakeholder Summit (8:30 - 11:30 AM - FoCAL Center)
- October 25th - 6th Grade Boo Bash (4:30 - 6:00 PM, Riverwatch MS)
Happening Later:
- October 26th - Academic Bowl Competition (Titan Takedown)
- October 28th - College & Career Expo for 8th Grade (Lanier Tech)
- November 4th - Scoliosis Screenings for 6th and 8th Grade
- November 5th - Student Holiday
- November 11th - Veterans Day Event (9:00 AM - RMS Media Center)
- November 29th - Last Day to Submit Out-of-District Requests (More information can be found at the RMS website under Quick Links)
Connect With Us On Social Media!
Get important information even faster by following us on Facebook!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/riverwatchms
Boo Bash Ticket Sales - Ending Soon!
The 6th Grade Boo Bash is October 25th. Ticket sales end October 24th. No tickets will be sold the day of the event. Please visit schoolpay.com to purchase tickets.
Notes from PTSO:
We are looking for parents to help out with concessions at the Boo Bash (the annual 6th grade social) on Friday, October 25th. For more details and to sign up to help, please click BOO BASH!
PTSO is also looking for a parent volunteer to serve as the liaison for the annual Honoring our Heros essay contest. Responsibilities would include attending an informational meeting with the Forsyth County PTO/A organization and reporting back to RMS PTSO with need to know details, and serving as the school point of contact for the duration of the essay contest. Total time commitment should be less than three hours for the initial meeting and follow up emails. If you are interested in serving in this role, please email us at riverwatchmsptso@gmail.com.
A Note from Nurse Brenda:
Scoliosis screenings will take place on November 4th for 6th and 8th Grade students. Students will be shown an informational presentation about scoliosis and the screening process which can be viewed below. If you would like to opt your child out of the screening, please see the Parent Letter and Refusal Form below!
RMS Athletes of the Week:
Congratulations to our last athletes of the week for Football and Cheerleading!
Edward Kim
Charles Holtslander
Meghan Harrell
Paris Wardrick
8th Grade - Career Exploration and Pathway Event
8th grade students will be attending the Career Exploration and Pathway event at Lanier Tech, October 28th. Permission forms should have come home on October 16th. The due date for the permission form is October 23rd.
Interested parents or guardians may also attend the Career Exploration and Pathway event at the Forsyth Conference Center from 4:30 to 6:00 on October 28th.
Topics for K-8 entries include:
- How should you treat others online?
- How can you stay safe while gaming online?
- What information is safe to put on social media and what should you keep private?
- What should you do if you see something suspicious online?
- How should you handle unwanted attention or strangers online?
- How can you select a strong password and keep it secure?
- How can you handle cyberbullying?
For more information, please visit this document!
RMS PRIDE Periodical:
8th Graders Interested in Attending Alliance Academy for Innovation:
Alliance Academy for Innovation is a Forsyth County School that any 8th grader that is a resident of Forsyth County may apply to attend. AAI opened in 2018 and offers unique Career Pathways that are not found at our other district schools. The application to attend Alliance is the Out of District Form and is now open! The deadline to apply is November 29. If your family is interested in learning more about Alliance, we encourage you to attend one of our Experience Alliance Nights coming up October 22 and October 30 from 5:00-7:00PM. Also, visit our recruitment webpage at https://sites.google.com/forsythk12.org/aai-recruitment-class-of-2029?usp=sharing as well as our school webpage at https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/alliance
We look forward to welcoming your family to Alliance Academy for Innovation!
#findyourpassion #chooseyourpath #experienceAlliance
#RMStheGOLDstandard Instructional Spotlight!
6th Grade science students analyzed evidence and made a claim regarding how the moon may have been formed by writing group CERs. (claim-evidence- reasoning)!
#RMStheGOLDstandard Panthers On the Go!
At the TSA Fall Rally at Six Flags, Aarna Patel and Liv Kim won third place for their Elevator Speech promoting TSA while Dehab Kahsay, Elaine Lee, and Jasmine Rho placed 7th in the TSA Program of Work presentation.
At Tech Day for TSA students at the Georgia National Fair, Ishaan Domma and Octavius Szeto won 8th place for their design of a Barndomenium in Architectual Design while Nishant Das, Evan Ng, James Xie, and Adrian Zheng won 7th place in the Gravity Car Challenge.
Both of these competitions combined middle schools and high schools, so these students did an amazing job!
To RSVP for Coffee with Counselors, please visit this link!
**In Case You Missed It!**
Paws and See Our Therapy Dogs!
Come see Pippin in the Counseling Suite!
New to the River is Rosie! You can find Rosie with Ms. Cole on the 6th Grade hallway!
The Forsyth County Education Foundation is excited to announce the Dr. Jim and Peggie Morrow Glow Run for Educators! This will be an evening fun run and 5K on 11/10 for the community raising funds for scholarships for FCS educators to further their education. We need your help to spread the word. The school that has the most people sign up for the run will win your own Simple Booth HALO! Please designate a Glow Run Ambassador for your school here by October 11th. Click here for more details and to sign up! Let's GLOW for our amazing educators!
RMS Spelling Bee - Information:
Our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade ELA Teachers will hold their in-class Spelling Bees this month and finish by November 8 to determine a winner and runner-up. Each classroom winner will participate in the RMS Spelling Bee on Tuesday, November 19. This event is not open to audience viewing. Our school winner will go on to represent RMS at the FCS Spelling Bee on Saturday, January 11 at the FOCAL center. If students are interested in studying prior to their in-class spelling bee, they are encouraged to use the dictionary and any available online lists. Once each classroom winner is named, a study list will be provided to prepare for the RMS Spelling Bee.
RMS Panther News
A new episode is now available. Check it out now!
Informational Presentations - Curriculum Nights and Fall 2024 Parent University
Couldn't make it to the sessions? Catch up on what was covered!
Things end but memories last forever...with your yearbook. Purchase your yearbook now!
· Go to www.YearbookOrderCenter.com
· Enter Order number 1287 or Search for Riverwatch Middle School.
· Click on the icon labeled Yearbook & Ads
· Follow the instructions on the website.
If you have any questions, about your yearbook order, please call Herff Jones at 1-800-837-4235
Family Partnership Survey:
One of the biggest contributors to student success is engagement and partnership between schools and families. To help us with this, we're asking you to take a few minutes and fill out the Family Partnership survey. Your information helps us make #RMStheGOLDstandard for all stakeholders!
Family Partnership Survey - https://forms.gle/xaRbqDx5xTfQT3i26
Direct Link to Website for More Informaiton: https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/page/394
From the Panther Pit Stop:
Important Information:
School Safety - P3 Campus Reporting
P3 Campus - See Something, Say Something
The Forsyth County Sheriff's Office and Forsyth County Schools work together to provide P3 Campus Reporting, which provides an avenue for all members of the community to submit anonymous tips about non-urgent illegal activities such as unsolved cases, vandalism, theft, the sale and distribution of drugs, possession of weapons or information about crimes that are being planned on their schools' campus.
Students are encouraged to report information about dangerous or harmful situations to the principal, an assistant principal, a teacher, or another trusted adult. Anonymous TIPS can also be reported to the Forsyth County Schools P3 Campus Anonymous Reporting in one of three ways.
1. Download the App on App Store or Google Play
2. ANONYMOUS Web tip at https://www.p3campus.com
3. Call the ANONYMOUS tip line at 770-888-3466 ext. 1 or 3.
Anonymous reports can also be made by calling the State of Georgia School Safety Hotline Number, 1-877-SAY-STOP (1-877-729-7867).
*Callers will not be asked to reveal their identity.
Midterm and Final Exam Policy:
Attendance Impacts and Information:
For more information on the Riverwatch attendance policy, please click here!
Lambert Connected - Unplugged Nights:
A Big THANK YOU to Our Partners in Education!
No business? No problem! Partners in Education covers businesses, families, and individuals. Our Partners in Education help the school by donating necessary materials, whether through a monetary donation or the items themselves! If you or someone you know would like to help us be #RMStheGOLDstandard, consider partnering with us!