Bee Cave Beehive
Dear Bobcat Parents,
I am so excited to begin the 2020-21 school year. In all honesty, not in a million years would anyone have ever imagined we would be starting a school year with everyone learning on line. But, here we are...we are starting school virtually during a pandemic. Throughout the summer, experts from the CDC and government officials have monitored the COVID 19 cases and considered what is best for the health and safety of everyone, students, teachers and families. No decision has been easily made, especially when situations change from day to day, sometimes moment to moment. Some of the considerations I have had the opportunity to discuss with Lake Travis school officials includes the following:
* safety for all, students and staff
* CDC, TEA and government recommendations and mandates
* expected learning losses
* impact on special populations like SpEd or low income households
* virtual and face-to-face schedules
I can assure you that our teachers and staff are eager to reconnect with our students and families. This year will hold some unique challenges. However, I know our community is one that is built on perseverance, understanding, and the ability to adapt to situations that are rapidly changing. In the history of this school, we have been fortunate to be a part of a collaborative and supportive community. I anticipate that as we move forward with the school year we will continue to feel that same support and understanding.
It is inevitable that school will look quite different this year. For when we are able to return in person, some of our families will choose remote learning while others will be on campus at Bee Cave Elementary. Regardless of your family’s choice, each and every child will continue to be a part of our Bobcat Family. Our common goal is to provide a safe learning and working environment for our staff and students both remote and in-person.
The 20-21 School year is our 21st anniversary. Our campus has served our community for the past 21 years. I am excited to share our many success stories of Bobcats from our past and I look forward to the growth and development of our current Bobcats.
Stay well,
Principal Kellner
Upcoming Events
08/14/20..........Parent / Teacher Email Sent Out
08/17/20..........Virtual Meet The Teacher
08/18/20..........Virtual Meet The Teacher
08/19/20..........First Day of School
Remote Learning ... Helpful Info
As we gear up for a very unusual start to school, our number one priority is everyone's physical and emotional health. The last thing we want to do is add any additional stress to your lives. Please take some time to read the Remote Learning at Home Overview linked here on the district's web site.
If you are wondering what a day of remote learning might look like, you can go to this link. Remote learning is intended to provide students and families with an opportunity to have a flexible schedule.
- Students may follow the class day synchronously and participate in real time.
- Or families may choose to be more independent and participate asynchronously.
- Instruction will be a blend of online content and traditional classroom teaching.
- Attendance will be based on daily progress and participation.
- Because sitting too much and too much screen time can be bad for children's health, synchronous online class time will be limited to 1-2 hours a day.
We hope that our plans for remote learning will be user friendly and allow families to engage in academic work on a schedule that fits their unique circumstances. We want your children to learn and enjoy e-learning, not create more stress for you during an already stressful time. If you are worried, your teachers and I want to know. If you need help, we want you to ask. If you just need to share how you are feeling, we want you to reach out to us.
I know educational decisions are so personal and are difficult to make. I support and honor the decisions you are making for your children, and I want to make sure each of our families who are choosing a different educational opportunity are fully informed of the guidelines established by TEA (Texas Education Agency). Here is additional information to help with these important decisions:
Students who attended a private school, including a home school, in Texas the prior year will be eligible to earn funding under the traditional on-campus method. But remote instruction is treated differently. Consistent with the laws governing the Texas Virtual School Network, school systems may not submit for funding educational delivery through either a remote synchronous or asynchronous method for students who attended a private school, including a home school, in Texas the prior year, with certain exceptions:
(a) students who transition from early education programs, where no entitlement to enroll in the public school existed, to public school;
(b) students who transfer in from outside the state;
(c) students whose prior year private school does not offer the appropriate grade level (e.g., a private school ends at 6th grade so students moving on to 7th grade would no longer be able to attend the private school);
(d) students whose private schools are either no longer in operation or are not offering remote instruction for the 2020–2021 school year;
(e) students who were enrolled in a public school in Texas for a portion of the 2019-20 school year, even though they were also enrolled in a private school, including a home school, for a portion of the 2019-20 school year; or
(f) students who receive remote instruction for a portion of the 2020-21 school year, but not the entire year. Specifically, students who attended a private school, including a home school, in Texas the prior year will ultimately be eligible to earn funding for remote instruction during the school transition period or during a school closure ordered by an entity authorized to do so as long as a student ultimately receives on-campus instruction for a minimum of one grading period.
In the situation we are in, any student may enroll at LTISD and receive remote instruction for the period of time that we are ordered to teach all students remotely (through September 4th). However, once we are allowed to re-open campus, students will be required to attend on-campus learning for a minimum of one grading period unless one of the following exceptions applies:
- the prior year private school does not offer the appropriate grade level (e.g., a private school ends at 6th grade so students moving on to 7th grade would no longer be able to attend the private school) or
- the prior year private school is either no longer in operation or is not offering remote instruction for the 2020–2021 school year.
I hope you find this information helpful as you continue to consider your educational options.
Yearbooks are here and we have extras for sale!
Yearbooks are available for purchase with our receptionist, Leanne Hamilton @ 512-533-6250 or email her at hamiltonl@ltisdschools.org. They are -
- Available in the front office
- Sold on a first come first serve basis (no holds)
- Cost: $30
- Payments: EXACT cash or checks made out to Balfour (checks made out to BCE or LTISD are unable to be accepted)
Take care,
Ms. Keri Swanson & Rachel Hughes
Bee Cave Elementary - LTISD
We Are Not Admitting Visitors At This Time
TEA on Minimum Standard Health Protocols on Visits to Schools During Campus Closures
https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/health-safety-discipline/covid/minimum-standard-health-protocols-for-school-employees-in-school-building-during-campus-closuresBee Cave Elementary
Website: https://www.ltisdschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 14300 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-533-6250
Twitter: @BCEBobcats