Coyote News #4

Park for the Arts: 10/4
We have a TCU game this Friday at 6:30 p.m. Park for the Arts will begin parking cars for the game at 4:30 in our lot. Logistics for the day are outlined below.
12:00-4:00: Volunteers will be stationed at our parking lot entrance, fielding vehicles to ensure that only Carlson staff and families are parking during this block of time. Please ensure car tags are in your window for quick entry during the school day and parking for dismissal.
1:00: Frog Alley will be shut down for game-day events at TCU. Parents of 5th-grade students and siblings will be forced to travel down W. Cantey and turn right onto Stadium Drive for dismissal.
1:00-3:30: TCU and FWPD will help ensure no one is parking in our car line on W. Cantey (K-4) or Stadium (5th and siblings).
4:00: Park for the Arts volunteers will ensure that game day parking does not begin until 4:30.
4:20: Parents will park and pick up students from Soccer Shots and News Crew as usual. We ask all families to exit the lot at this time.
4:30: Game day parking begins.
4:30-6:30: Families with students in after-school Clayton will pull into the lot up to the gate in front of the cafeteria. A Carlson staff member will verify pick up, collect your child, and bring them to your vehicle.
Picture Day Reminder: 10/4
Counselor's Corner
Guidance Enrichment:
I spent the first round of classroom visits getting to know students and talking about my role as the counselor. College Colors Day fell on September 6th, so it was the perfect chance to start a conversation about college and career ideas. Students loved our staff college spotlight board!
The next round of Enrichment was a 3-week rotation with specific classes. If I haven’t seen your kids for this, I will over the next six weeks. I continue implementing our Carlson Character Strong program, where we work through different character traits. Each grade level will delve into the character traits with differentiated activities.
Things we are exploring:
Respect: Showing kindness and celebrating differences among classmates, creating a positive reputation, and digital citizenship
Responsibility: Being a good listener, following directions, taking responsibility for actions, and time management
Gratitude: Developing an “attitude of gratitude" and ways to thank others
Holiday Coyote Tree Recipients 2024:
As we approach the holidays, we’d like to help support our families in need. Our Alice Carson Coyote Tree is one way we can do that! Coyote Tree is for Carlson families, made possible by Carlson families. All information will be kept confidential.
Holiday Coyote Tree Sponsors 2024:
If you are interested in helping sponsor a student or family, please email me at, and I’ll connect with you as I begin to work through this process!
Thanks for sharing your kids with me!
Clayton Youth Camp
PTA Carlson Weekly
You can find the following details in the Carlson Weekly posted on 9/29/2024
- Volunteer Opportunity: Intersession Office Support
- Picture Day Ordering
- Volunteer Opportunity: Parking Lot Monitors and PFTA on 10/4
- Running Club Dismissal Procedures
- Cafeteria Update
- Yearbook Cover Art Contest- Ends 10/4
- Spirit Night: 10/3
- Spirit Night: 10/7
- Fall Clusters Letter from Room 1
Alice Carlson Applied Learning Center
PTA Website:
Location: 3320 West Cantey Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: 817-815-5700
PTA Facebook: