Smokie Says....
A bi-weekly newsletter for SHE families
Happy Holidays!
Oh, what fun we've had this last week of the semester. Wishing each SHE family a wonderful break full of precious memories.
We will see all our Smokies back here on January 7th!
Together We're Better,
Molly Rice
Dates to Remember: Mark your Calendars!
January 7th- Students return from Winter Break
January 10th- Report Cards go home for the 2nd 9 weeks
January 20th- Holiday (No School)
January 23rd Class Pictures
January 31st- Smokie Way Assembly
February 3rd- One Book Blitz Reveal Day
February 6th- One Book Blitz Open House 5:30-6:30 (Free Dinner provided)
February 17th- Holiday (Professional Development for teachers, no school for students)
February 27th- Spring Pictures
March 10-18th -Spring Break
Check out the video below! A Day in the Life of a Smokie!
Students who receive free and reduced lunch do not need to pay school fees. Please click below to apply for school meal benefits. This is confidential.
School Fees are$45 per child. Please click below to pay those fees. If you need any assistance, just contact or stop by the front desk at SHE. This year all permission slips and field trip fees will be paid online through this link as well.
Sam Houston Elementary - The Best School That We Know!
Location: 330 Melrose Street, Maryville, TN, USA
Phone: 865-983-3241