PaTTAN BVI Newsletter
September 2024
In the News
PaTTAN Technology Adventure For Students with Vision & Hearing Needs
Join us for the PaTTAN Technology Adventure for Students with Vision & Hearing Needs -- connecting students, families, education professionals, and assistive technology (AT) representatives at your local PaTTAN office. No need to travel! Are you wondering how to find and pay for assistive technology after graduation? Come explore new technology and chat with vendors, learn about new trends, and ask any questions you may have. Try out the latest assistive technology tools and find what works best for each student. Join our "Q&A" sessions to get the answers to your questions about assistive technology and secondary transition; participate in round table discussions with local transition professionals so you can learn about the supports available for students after graduation, including assistive technology. Don't miss this chance to embark on this adventure, grow your skills, learn, and explore together right in your community. See you there!
- PaTTAN West September 25th; 9:00 am- 3:45 pm
- PaTTAN East October 22nd; 9:00 am- 3:45 pm
- PaTTAN Central October 23rd; 9:00 am- 3:45 pm
Register on the PaTTAN Calendar (filter by deaf-blind).
Science Accessibility with Emril and Caroline
This YouTube series has 19 videos on the best of science accessibility at the lab according to Emril and Caroline. Topics include:
- Measuring Liquids in the Lab Using Nonvisual and Low-Vision Techniques
- Labeling Lab Supplies using Nonvisual Method
Using the Sci-Voice Talking LabQuest 2 to Nonvisually Record the Temperature of Aquarium Tanks
Do Blind People Need to Wear Lab Goggles? Options for Wearing Glasses With Goggles
Lab Accessibility for Wheelchair Users
Attention COMS! Google Maps Accessibility Update
In this article learn how Google Maps has "released a new update focusing on keeping users updated with potential accessibility disruptions, such as malfunctioning elevators or escalators." Learn more on The Tom's Guide: Tech Product Reviews website.
7-Week Virtual Training on NVDA
Are you ready to enhance your accessibility skills? The Technology Committee of the National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania is excited to announce a 7-week virtual training on NVDA (Non-Visual Desktop Access). Whether you're new to screen reading or looking to sharpen your skills, this course is perfect for you. Throughout this course, you'll learn how to effectively navigate and utilize NVDA, a powerful and free screen reader, which is essential for anyone who needs or wants to improve their digital accessibility skills.
When: Every Tuesday, starting September 17, 2024 from 7 PM to 8 PM ET for 7 consecutive weeks.
Where: Virtually on Zoom
Price: Free; Register Here
For more information: Email Chris Westbrook at westbchris@gmail.com
It's that Time of Year - Starting the School Year
Resources for Classroom Teachers
Accommodations to the Physical Environment: Setting Up a Classroom for Students with Visual Disabilities This module from the Iris Center provides helpful tips for general education teachers on setting up the physical aspects of their classroom and will introduce types of equipment used by students with visual disabilities (est. completion time: 1 hour).
- Creating a student video
- How to create accessible materials
- Paths to Technology resources
- Co-teaching responsibilities
Tips for Classroom Teachers
Perkins provides tips for general education teachers who have a new student with a visual impairment in their classroom. Read more on Perkins website.
PaTTAN Publications to Share with Classroom Teachers
- Teachers' Desk Reference: Visual Impairment This issue of Teachers' Desk Reference focuses on what teachers need to know about educating students with visual impairments in the general education classroom.
- Teachers' Desk Reference: Deaf-Blindness This issue of Teachers' Desk Reference focuses on what teachers need to know about educating students with deaf-blindness in the general education classroom, including the impact of deaf-blindness on a student's learning and best practices in programs for students with deaf-blindness.
- Digital Eye Strain: Symptoms and Solutions After using digital media all day, are your students making comments related to their vision? This publication describes some of the symptoms of, and solutions for, digital eye strain.
Resources for TVI/COMS
Encouraging Collaboration: Beginning of the School Year Advice for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVIs) "We have all been there—it’s prep week for a new school year and your student’s teachers are all too busy to talk to you about your student. Besides, does it really matter? After all, you too are scrambling to get your student’s equipment and materials ready for the first day of school. But we all know it does matter..." Read more on Texas School for the Blind website.
20 Tips for New Itinerant TVIs & COMS "Tips for new vision professionals, including Teachers of the Visually Impaired and Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists." Read more on the Paths to Literacy website.
Organizational Strategies
Looking for organizational strategies? This Teaching Students with Visual Impairment website page has topics such as:
- Get Organized
- Schedules & Appointments
- Planned Weekly Schedule
From PaTTAN's Desk
What About HELIX 2024?
PaTTAN will not be offering the HELIX conference this fall. We are working on something new for next summer, but can't spill the beans just yet. Look for more details later in this school year.
Statewide Virtual Meeting for NEW Supervisors of Programs Serving Students with Visual Impairments
At this meeting, we will concentrate on content for new supervisors. However, all supervisors are welcome
- September 19, 2024; 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Register through the PaTTAN training calendar
- Filter: Visual Impairment/Blind
- For more information, including registration code, contact Jennifer Edgar (jedgar@pattan.net)
Reminders and Tips for TVI and COMS
Assessment Reminder: Determining Eligibility
Remember that we can not require an eye report, visual diagnosis, nor a specific visual acuity or field requirement. We also can not have a 2-step eligibility process such as a screener or observation to determine need for FVA. If vision is suspected of impacting education we must assess. To learn more refer to the PaTTAN webpage Educational Visual Impairment Eligibility. Review the OSEP 17-05 memorandum and view our PaTTAN Recording.
Itinerant Tip
Get to know the secretaries at each school you work in. They are a vital component to your school visit running smoothly.
- In your phone app, keep track of their name and a few specific details
- If more than one office secretary, note physical details about their appearance (e.g, hair color, glasses) and/or desk location
- Use their name every time you initially interact with them.
- Introduce yourself to the school principal to explain what O&M is, who you are as a COMS, and that as part of O&M instruction you'll be taking one of his/her students off campus. Ask if there is anyone else in the school he/she would like you to inform. Considering using the Teacher Desk Reference: Visual Impairment PaTTAN Publication.
- For the students file, provide the school secretary with a parent/guardian signed informed consent letter that states you will be taking a student off campus.
On the Horizon
Coffee Tea, O&Me 2024-25: Becoming a Beacon
Join us for this virtual discussion series tailored specifically for Orientation & Mobility Specialists. We'll dive into a range of topics, from navigating complex intersections and roundabouts to understanding ADA Guidelines and tactile warning surface indicators. Join us as we delve into these often overlooked subjects.
- Series Guest Speaker: Bonnie Dodson-Burk
- Time of Each Session: 2:30-4:00pm
- October 9, 2024 - Signal Savvy: Addressing Actuation and Signals
- November 13, 2024 - Clear Paths: Demystifying Complex Intersections for Better Mobility
- December 11, 2024 - It’s Going Around: A Discussion on Roundabouts & Channelized Turn Lanes (CTLs)
- January 8, 2024 - Urban Navigators: Empowering O&M on Public Transportation
- February 12, 2025 - Addressing ADA: Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines
- March 12, 2025 - Safe Surfaces: Essential Training for Tactile Navigation
- April 9, 2025 - Clear Signals: Navigating with Accessible Pedestrian Signals
Registration Coming Soon! Register for each session on the PaTTAN Training Calendar (filter by Visual Impairment/Blindness or Blindness/Visual Impairment). No registration code.
TVI Time: Spotlight on CVI
Delve into the world of supporting students with visual impairment, with a special focus on CVI a brain-based visual impairment for the 2024-25 school year. Enhance your daily practice through dynamic discussions and uncover strategies to overcome obstacles faced by itinerant teachers. Forge connections with colleagues who share your role across the commonwealth.
- Series Guest Speakers: Karen Whitiker (TVI/MCIU23) Lisha Yochimowitz (TVI/MCIU23), Dr. Kathy Alstrin (TVI/Salus at Drexel University), Dr. Beth Ramella (TVI/OSB)
- Time of Each Session: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Series Dates and Topics:
- October 29, 2024 - CVI: Myths and Misconceptions
- November 21, 2024 - CVI: Setting Yourself up for Success
- December 19, 2024 - CVI: Assessment Part 1
- January 30, 2025 - CVI: Assessment Part 2
- February 27, 2025 - CVI: Environmental Considerations and Presentation of Lessons
- March 27, 2025 - CVI: Collaboration and Teaming
- April 24, 2025 - CVI: Practical Applications
Registration Coming Soon! Register for each session on the PaTTAN Training Calendar (filter by Visual Impairment/Blindness or Blindness/Visual Impairment). Registration Code: CVI24
Pennsylvania Accessible Material Specialist (PAMS) Network
Join us for the PAMS Network series, a dynamic and engaging virtual event designed to bring Pennsylvania’s material specialists together. Each session focuses on starting the year right and ensuring proper formatting when producing braille. Expect rapid-fire presentations, lively discussions, and innovative idea exchanges, all packed into a power hour that fits perfectly into your midday break.
Whether you’re looking to network with peers, troubleshoot challenges, or spark new collaborations, our PAMS Network series provides the perfect platform. Connect with fellow professionals, share your expertise, and gain fresh insights in a vibrant and interactive environment.
Don’t miss out on this electrifying opportunity to recharge your professional connections and fuel your passion for materials science. Grab your lunch, log in, and get ready to be enlightened!
Act 48 and ACVREP Credits Available!
- October 16, 2024
- November 20, 2024
- January 15, 2025
- February 19, 2025
- April 16, 2025
Registration Code: “PAMS2425”
PaTTAN Training Calendar: PaTTAN - Session-40215
Family Corner
The content in this section remains the same in each newsletter.
BVI Family Newsletter
Family Resource Group
The goal of this group is to send out resources, event information, and contacts that can benefit your family and child. It is an easy way for you to get updates and take advantage of any available opportunities.
For more information:
- Watch our 2-minute video
- Contact us by email: FamilyResourceGroup@pattankop.net
- Check out the PaTTAN website for additional information!
- Sign up today: Blind-Visual Impairment Initiative and Family Resource Group Sign up
Resources to share with families:
ParentConnect: A Family Support Group
Leisurely Learning
The content in this sections remains the same in each newsletter.
AER eLearning
APH Offerings
The APH ConnectCenter includes FamilyConnect, CareerConnect, and VisionAware – a hub of websites that offer curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives.
Access Academy is your one-stop resource for the meaningful education and training webinars you need to get the most out of APH products and services. From tutorials on new products and hacks on how to get the most from your beloved tech, to information on resources, services, and programs: our goal is to give you the info you need for home, the classroom, and the workplace.
APH is also hosting many live events, including a focus on transition. Visit the APH Connect Event page to register for live online learning opportunities and earn ACVREP credits.
Eschenbach Academy - Professional Online Education
Eschenbach Academy is a "new online educational platform designed to supplement the knowledge and training they currently provide via in-person and webinar formats. Eschenbach Academy’s educational content ranges from interactive low vision courses, low vision training modules and general business courses useful for practice managers and owners.
This new eLearning platform provides training content that will help you and your staff become more efficient and effective in providing low vision care to your patients who have a vision impairment. In so doing, it will allow your low vision care service to deliver even more successful outcomes for both your patients and your practice."
This resource will be added to future newsletters under "Leisurely Learning."
- Daily Living
- Recreation
- Braille
- Adjusting to vision loss
- Technology
- Vision loss
Perkins eLearning
Sign Up for Access to our Google Drives
Sign up for Access Today!
PaTTAN East - 333 Technology Drive Malvern, PA 19355
- Jenifer Edgar - jedgar@pattan.net - Educational Consultant; BVI Initiative Lead
- Greg Gerhart - ggerhart@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
- Tim Knight - tknight@pattan.net - Educational Consultant
- Tess Nasehi - tnasehi@pattan.net - Statewide BVI Family Support Specialist