This Week @ PS 88Q
December 8, 2024
Winter Recess: December 23-January 1: Students Return January 2
Spirit Week
Monday: Ugly Can Be Pretty! Wear your Ugly Sweater
Tuesday: Feeling Frosty! Wear Blue and White
Wednesday: Twin Day! Coordinate Outfits, accessories and even hairstyles to show off your unique duo and double the school spirit.
Thursday: Show off your favorite holiday themed outfit!
Friday: Cozy by the fire: PAJAMA DAY!
A Message From Mrs. O'Shaughnessy
What a week! One of the many things I love about working in a school, is that there is always something going on, and every day is different! This week was filled with many wonderful things, from performances, to Open Houses, to class trips, classroom celebrations and all the excitement of a holiday season.
On Monday, our SLT met. One of the many things we discuss at SLT (School Leadership Team), is how to create a space for our families to learn, to share and to collaborate. We are creating just that event! On March 22nd, SLT will be hosting an amazing day of learning, for families and students. Stay tuned!
We also kicked off our Early Childhood Open Houses this week. We hosted 6 Open Houses; daily at 9am and and evening tour on Thursday. Wow!! So many future PS 88Q families came to see for themselves what makes PS 88Q so special. One of my favorite parts of my role is getting to meet our families, and have 1:1 conversations. I explained that everything at PS 88Q is a direct reflection from what the community voices.
Our classes also took to yellow school buses, and learned in another one of our classrooms...Our Fabulous City! Each day, living in New York City, I am reminded that people wait their entire life, and plan once in a lifetime trips to the place where we live. Museums, landmarks, parks, and of course, holiday favorites like the Rockefeller Christmas tree were all on our students itinerary this past week. Shout out to our teachers and paraprofessionals who prioritize these opportunities for our students.
There were classroom events too, such as grade 3 G&T and their Project Based Learning Presentations, but what was a week long event was Mr. Nolan and his Computer Science Week Event! Every single day, our families walked the halls to enter coding class with their child. And if that wasn't enough, Mr. Nolan then hosted daily Coding with Families after school.
Friday, our amazing music team, Mr. Dumont and Mr. DeCastro presented our annual Holiday Show. Simply fabulous! The musicians and the singers put on a wonderful performance for a packed house. Our students will enjoy the performance on Monday, December 16th.
Lastly, our Saturday Academy celebrated together, in their annual Gingerbread House project. This is always one of their favorite days.
Each and every one of these opportunities is so important, because it supports each and every child in feeling successful. Success is measured in many ways, and confidence is gained each time a child is recognized, supported, seen, heard and celebrated!
This week is just as busy!!! Can't wait to see everyone Tuesday Evening for our PTA meeting at 5pm, followed by the Fabulous Mariella Price and her band, for a wonderful evening of music, cookies and fun!
This is our last week of school, as Winter Break begins Monday, December 23rd. The last day of school is Friday December 20th. Students and staff return on Thursday, January 2, 2025.
Have a great week!
This Week @ PS 88Q
Monday-Friday: Student Council Presents: Spirit Week
Monday: Band and Chorus Performance for Grades 3K -Grade 5
Tuesday: Grade 5 Ballroom Basix Performance
Band and Chorus Performance at Peter Cardella Senior Center
Wednesday: IS 77 and PS 88Q Performance @ IS 77
PTA News
All PS88 Families are invited!
Tuesday December 17th
5pm-6pm: PTA General Membership Meeting + Winter Crafts and Snacks for the kids during the meeting
6pm-7pm: WINTER FEST! Starring Mariella Price and Her Band! Live music, dancing, photo booth, cookies and milk and other tasty treats!
All Families are invited to bring their favorite cookies or other special winter holiday treats to share!
Let us know if you will be bringing something here: bit.ly/WinterFestCookies
Hope to see you there!
We need more volunteers! If you'd like to help decorate for Winter Fest, sign up here:
Winter Concert
Check out the entire show at full length, and a short video montage.