WE love Kindergarten!
October 1-4, 2024
In the case of Remote Learning, please join via the following zoom link:
Stephanie Wehrmann is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Remote Learning
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 1183 9184
Passcode: SWR2G7
Upcoming Dates:
10/4- Spirit day/ Birthday Celebrations
10/10- PBIS reward- Liberty Theatre to see "Wild Robot"
10/17- Fall Festival 5:00-7:30
10/18- Field Trip to Alpha and Omega Corn Maze
10/23- Early Dismissal at 12:30
10/24 &25- No School, Teacher Workdays
10/30- Report Cards go home
10/31- Happy Halloween!
~Be sure to pack your child a healthy snack and a water bottle every day.
~Please make sure we know how your child will get home everyday. If there is a change in transportation, please let us know
~ Please check your child's green folder EVERY day! Take out any work or papers that need to stay at home and return any forms or paperwork promptly please :)
~ If you are sending in any money, please be sure it is Labeled with your child's name and what the money is for. This needs to be in the green folder. Thank you!
Our Daily Schedule:
7:25-7:50 Arrival
8:00-8:30 Morning Meeting
8:30-9:20 Specials
9:30-10:00 Letterland/Heggerty
10:00-10:45 Reading (Wit and Wisdom)
10:45-11:20 Reading Groups
11:20-11:30 Morning Snack
11:30-12:00 Writing
12:00-12:30 Recess
12:40-1:10 LUNCH
1:15-2:10 Math
2:10-2:45 Science, S.S. Health
2:45-3:00 Group/pack-up
3:05 Dismissal
Our Encore Rotation for the week:
Monday - No School- Inclement weather
Tuesday- No School- Inclement Weather
Wednesday-- Day 6 Music (Will miss due to 2 hr delay)
Thursday - Day 1 P.E.
Friday - Day 2 Library
What We Are Learning:
Reading :
I can recognize my name.
I can write my name.
I can recognize my friends' names.
I can recognize numbers 0-5.
I can count to 10.
I can write numbers 1-5.
I can compare number 0-5.
Social Studies:
I know about my School Community.
I know how to be a class citizen.
I can express how I feel in healthy ways.
I can observe and describe characteristics of Fall.
Thank you so much for supporting our classroom:
Our classroom needs:
Individually wrapped candy
Prizes for the prize box
Large dry erase markers
Mrs. Stephanie Wehrmann
🗨️ Class Dojo
📧 send me an email
☎️ give me a call
Email: wehrmanns@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Location: Wilkesboro Elementary School, Room 117
Phone: (336) 838-4261