PTS Rising Report
News and happenings from across Phoenix-Talent SD
Back to School Roundup
The first day of the 2024-25 school year for the entire Phoenix-Talent School District is Tuesday, September 3. Please visit and bookmark our new Back-to-School hub to learn about your school's back-to-school itinerary, including school supplies, registration information and orientation dates. And in case you missed it, the 2024-25 bus routes were recently added to our bus routes page.
If you would like to change your language settings, either on the official PTS website or on an application or device you use to access PTS content, please visit our language settings tutorial page by clicking here. Please note that messages sent to you from your school and the district office (these may include automated phone calls, emails, texts and mobile alerts) will be received/displayed in the language you select(ed) during the registration process.
PTS has a mobile app that is a great way to learn about what's happening around your school and the district. To download it, visit the iOS app store or Google Play and search for "Phoenix-Talent Schools," then follow the steps indicated to download the app onto your device.
Lastly, we love to show off all the exciting and important things happening across PTS and work very hard to keep you informed through our website and social media channels, so if you would like to stay up to date please consider following our various pages and accounts. Tip: most of our best content throughout the school year can be found on our YouTube channel, which you can access by clicking here.
See you in a few weeks, and if you have yet to register please click here to get started.
The Phoenix-Talent School District has all its back-to-school information in one convenient location. Click here, or on the graphic above, to be redirected to our back-to-school hub.
PTS Headlines
🔽 Bus Routes Ready - Click Below 🔽
PTS Top Videos
Flyers and other downloadables
Important Dates
August 28: Kindergarten welcome events, all PTS elementary schools (4-6 p.m.).
August 29: School welcome back events, grades 1-5 (TES and PES, 4-5:45 p.m.).
August 30: TMS Bulldog Camp.
September 3: First day of school, all PTS.
September 5: PTS Board Meeting (6 p.m. at PES).
September 19: PTS Board Meeting (6 p.m. at PES).
October 11: Teacher In-Service Day (no school).
Phoenix-Talent School District
Email: brent.barry@phoenix.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.phoenix.k12.or.us/Page/1
Location: 401 West 4th Street, Phoenix, OR, USA
Phone: 541-535-1517
Facebook: facebook.com/PTSRising
Twitter: @Phoenix_Talent