D103 News
Lincolnshire-Prairie View School District 103; July 15, 2021
School Board Highlights - July 13
D103 Learning Update
Fall Plans
All students and staff will return to in-person learning in the fall.
Vaccinated individuals are exempt from wearing masks.
Unvaccinated individuals will wear masks.
Masks are not needed when outdoors.
Remote learning is only available for students with identified medical needs and are homebound or hospitalized, or students that are ineligible for a vaccine and are under a quarantine order.
Students and staff will maintain a three-foot distance in school.
Students will eat lunch at a six-foot distance under current guidance either in the classroom or cafeteria.
K-5 students will operate in pods, which means students stay together for the entire day, as a way to trace individuals contracting COVID. Students in grades 6-8 will not operate in pods due to class scheduling.
Board Retreat Discussion
The Board reviewed the Board retreat that occurred on June 16, 2021, with the Illinois Association of School Board representative, Laura Martinez. The Board reviewed and modified the norms and how it will operate as a board of education.
Board Committee Discussion
The District has multiple committees that Board members participate in throughout the year. Board members will review the committees and be assigned to each committee at the next board meeting.
True North Contract
The Board approved the True North contract in regards to Early Childhood Assessment Team services to utilize these services for the 2021-2022 school year and revisit the contract in March 2022 as to whether the switch from the ELC program was advantageous.
ELC Contract
The Exceptional Learners Collaborative new usage model, based on the amount of service each district utilizes from the ELC rather than the number of students with Individual Education Plans, was approved by the Board.
Summer Learning
Busing Change Form
Please read and fill out the D103 Change in Bus Stop Request form ONLY if you would like to request a different bus stop when school begins due to day care matters or parental joint custody.
This request form must be filled out annually. For transportation questions, please call (847) 295-8258 or email Schoolbus@d103.org.
About Requests
All pick up/drop off locations must fall within Lincolnshire-Prairie View School District 103 boundaries. Transportation approves requests based on available seating on a particular bus route.
Requests that have different drop off/pick up locations on multiple days during the week cannot be guaranteed for approval, and any such request that lengthens the route time will be denied. New/additional bus stops will not be created. (Students will be assigned to the closest existing bus stop.)
A separate request must be entered for each student.
Before & After School Program
Registration is now open for kindergarten through fifth-grade learners for before and after school child care with the 103 Club, District 103's child care program.
To Register
Visit our RevTrak Web Store to register for the before and/or after school 103 Club program or to view pricing. 103 Club is excited to again offer non-school day care during the 2021-2022 school year.
103 Club will limit the number of students enrolled, therefore, all students interested in participating should register even if it is for the waiting list. 103 Club requires a minimum attendance of 2 days per week. Children must have the same schedule every week. 103 Club will start the first day of school.
103 Club is offered to students in kindergarten through fifth-grade. The 103 Club offers activities such as sports, arts & crafts, science, as well as a healthy snack. We encourage all children to participate in activities, but they do have a choice. We offer homework assistance for those children who require it.
103 Club Hours
Sprague: When school is in session, 6:30–7:55 a.m. (before school) and 2:30–6:30 p.m. (after school)
Half Day: When school is in session, 6:30–8:50 a.m. (before school) and 3:30–6:30 p.m. (after school)
When school is not in session: 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. All students on these days will meet at Sprague.
For questions, please contact Robynn Bryant, 103 Club Director at rbryant@d103.org or visit the 103 Club website.
Board of Education Meeting
The next regular Board meeting will occur on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The notice and agenda can be found on the District 103 Board meeting web page. The meetings are now being held in person only.
The D103 PTO is a completely volunteer-run organization, dedicated to enhancing and enriching the educational experience of our students. Please visit the PTO store to become a member.
Music Boosters
Upcoming Events
Leaders in Learning
Email: ask103@d103.org
Website: www.d103.org
Location: 111 Barclay Blvd, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA
Phone: 847-295-4030
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SchoolDistrict103/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: @district103