West Belmar
August 2024

August 2024
A Message From Principal Abeal
I hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer, spending time with family and friends at the Jersey Shore. The staff has certainly missed all the Bear Cubs over the summer months. The referendum work has been ongoing over the summer break. The students and staff will benefit from a brand-new black top, bathrooms and two new classrooms.
The staff have been keeping busy here at West Belmar School preparing for the opening of school on Wednesday, the 3rd of September for grades K-5. As you prepare your child for school, be sure to check out the grade level supply lists posted on the district website and on this newsletter below. The staff is looking forward to the return of the Bear Cubs and certainly welcomes new Bear Cubs to our school for another exciting school year.
As we approach the new school year, some children may get a bit anxious, especially if they are new to the school. You can alleviate this with a couple of visits to the school, so take some time and stop by the school to pay a visit! You may even be able to get a peek into their classroom. Teachers have been stopping in all summer, so you may be able to say a quick “HELLO!”
Under the leadership of Mr. Todd Hazard, the building has been cleaned and polished and ready for the new school year. As summer approaches its end, this is the time when children begin to get really excited about coming back to school. Build upon that by sharing funny or positive stories about your time in school. Rest assured that all our students will quickly become acclimated to their new teacher and environment.
Our outstanding and dedicated Parent Teachers Association is prepared for an exciting and productive school year, supporting our children and educational programs. Once again, they have planned for many fun educational opportunities for our students. This includes meaningful academic assemblies, fun family nights, and support our special days at school. Our PTA is truly a group of committed individuals that volunteer their time to enrich the experience of every student at West Belmar School. I encourage all parents to join the PTA and take an active role in their fundraising efforts.
I am looking forward to seeing all of you in the upcoming weeks!
Most sincerely,
Mr. Abeal
Elementary Summer Assignments 2024
Dear WTPS Elementary Parents and Guardians,
As we are wrapping up the 2023-2024 school year, our students are looking forward to a well deserved break! Summer is a great time to recharge and reset! While we’re doing that, we want to be mindful of the “Summer Slide.” Summer learning loss is a real thing, but it can be significantly minimized with meaningful and consistent activities to keep those brains sharp.
If you didn’t have a chance to attend last night’s parent presentation, “Let’s Avoid the Summer Slide,” please take a moment to click through the presentation as it contains many links with resources to help your child become a Summer Climber and avoid becoming a Summer Slider! Don’t miss the incentive slide, which explains how to earn raffle tickets to win individual and class rewards!
Although nothing is mandatory, these opportunities provide a chance for our students to engage their brains and minimize summer regression. Parents are encouraged to assist their children when needed.
Have a great summer!
Mrs. Erin Embon
Director of Curriculum PK-5
Save the Date!
WB Kindergarten Orientation
Thursday, August 29th at 10:00 am at WB Elementary School
New Incoming Student Orienation
Thursday, August 29th at 12:00 pm at WB Elementary School
First Day of School
Wednesday, September 4th at 9:10 am
Back to School Night (Parents & Guardians)
Monday, September 16th at 7:00 pm at WB Elementary School
Important Information
Orchestra/Band Information: 3rd, 4th, & 5th Graders
Play an instrument!
See flyer for QR codes to register for classes or sign up for rentals.
District News
PTA Meeting
Wednesday, Sep 11, 2024, 07:00 PM
West Belmar Elementary School Media Center
Student Wellness
Food Services
Free & Reduced Lunch Packet
Families must submit a new application every school year.
During the first 30 school days, students with free and reduced-price meal eligibility from the prior school year will be carried over.
Any student who has not filled out an application up the the 30th school day will have their prior year status changed to full pay status until a new application is received.
Parents / guardians are highly encouraged to fill out the applications as soon as possible. Also, it is very important that applications are filled out correctly.
Please note if families receive a direct certification letter in the mail / email, families do not have to fill out a free and reduced application for the school year. If you are unable to print at home, copies are available in your school's main office.
Questions? Please contact Joe Piddington at jpiddington@wallpublicschools.org or 732.556.2602