Welcome to SST Sugar Land!
First Day of School! Tomorrow Thursday September 5!
Welcome Bright Dolphins! Yes tomorrow is our first day!
Dear SST Sugar Land Parents/Guardians,
I know!
What is this?
Here we are!
Yes! Yes! YEEES!
School will be opening tomorrow!
We are very excited! It will be a great year!
Our parents are more than welcome to join us until 8:00 AM. tomorrow in the morning!
We are going to open our doors 7:15 AM. in the morning. Students and parents (if parents are willing to join us) will be going to their homeroom classrooms.
We will kindly ask our parents to leave the homeroom classrooms at 8:00 AM.
The dismissal time will be at 3:20 PM.
Please see our attached bell schedule, school calendar and arrival and dismissal plan.
Our school uniforms did not arrive yet, as soon as we get them, we will let our parents know.
Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be free dress days for our students.
We thank you so much for your trust to us and you will see that it will be worth it!
SST Sugar Land Administration
SST Sugar Land Logo
SST Sugar Land School Pillars
SST Sugar Land School Mascot
SST Sugar Land
SST Sugar Land
The mission of the School of Science and Technology is to create a safe and healthy learning environment that nurtures, motivates, and enables our middle and high school youth to develop into mindful and responsible people who contribute to their community and to the diverse society in which we all live.
Email: info.sstsugarland@ssttx.org
Website: www.sstsugarland.org
Location: 10007 Clodine Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-406-0955
Facebook: facebook.com/sstsugarland