🦅Wings to Soar!🦅
September 2024
We have not received the Butterbraid/Cookie Dough order form sheets yet from 1st Class Fundraisers. We should receive them on Tuesday and will get them sent out to you as soon as possible. Please watch your child's backpacks next week for the paper copy of the forms. I have attached a copy of the information sheet and flyers below for your convenience.
We have changed our Facebook page
We have changed our Facebook page: Please follow us on the new Facebook page Cortland Elementary School.
Meal account information
The application process will be available for meal assistance. Paper applications will be available from the school buildings, and our online application portal is open now.
Students who qualified for assistance last school year. They will have a temporary status allowing them to continue receiving meals at no cost until a new application is received. The temporary status will expire after 30 school days if a new application is not submitted.
- Ensure that required immunizations are current and consider the annual flu vaccine.
- Teach your child the importance of handwashing and refrain from touching their eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Establish a bedtime and wake-up time to ensure adequate and routine sleep.
- Eat breakfast each day at home or school.
- If your child is sick or has a temperature of 100.4 degrees, please keep them home. Contact the school office to let us know. (kleberb@scsc.k12.in.us)
- Make your child’s health concern known to the school nurse.
- Bring current, signed healthcare provider orders for treatments and all medications to be given at school. Bring the medical supplies and medicines in the original labeled container.
- All medication to be given at school must have a signed consent form. This includes cough drops.
- Please notify the school nurse if any new health issue arises with your child during the school year.
- Please feel free to notify the school nurse anytime with any concerns that you may have.
The school nurse is here to support your child in achieving a healthy, happy, and successful school