BMS STAR - Family Bulletin
November 1, 2024
Dear Blackhawk Middle School Families,
Thank you to all of our families for joining us during parent-teacher conferences. We encourage all parents and guardians to continue engaging in meaningful discussions with teachers about your child’s progress. Your partnership is invaluable in fostering a nurturing academic environment and ensuring that our students thrive.
As we enter November—a month of gratitude—we want to express our heartfelt thanks for your commitment and support. Thank you for being an essential part of the Blackhawk family. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of our students, building their futures one step at a time.
In anticipation of Veterans Day on November 11, we would like to extend a special acknowledgment to all of our school community members who have served our country. Thank you for the difference you have made in the lives of others through your service.
Wishing you all a wonderful November filled with joy, gratitude, and connection.
Diana Vergara
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BSD2 Website
Stay connected! Use the BSD2 website for more information about the strategic plan and information about Blackhawk Middle School!
MAKING THE GRADE: District 2 celebrates ‘Commendable’ Designation
8th Grade YWCA presentations
We are beginning YWCA Erin's Law presentations with 8th grade this year. This is a state-mandated lesson regarding Safe Dates for 8th-grade students. Due to a shortage in staff from the YWCA, we are only able to have 2 presentations taking place at one time.
Presentations for 8th graders this year will take place over 2 days:
- November 7
- November 8
Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online system that will provide parents access to their students’ schedules, attendance, assignments and grades.
Blackhawk Middle School PTO
Please join us for our next PTO meeting on Thursday, November 14! We meet in the cafeteria and start promptly at 6:30 pm. We have a lot of fun things we are planning out. Hope to see all of you there! Blackhawk PTO
Hawk Haunted Hangout - Thank you!
Thank you to our PTO, chaperones, Fenton student volunteers, Hawks, and teachers for an amazing hangout! I look forward to many more celebrations to come! Check out our FB page for all the pictures!
Grade Level Updates - Click Picture for Updates
Yearbooks are sold online. Click here to order. Blackhawk's order number is 8818. The softcover yearbook is $17 and the hardcover yearbook is $24. Students can also bring in cash or a check made out to Blackhawk Middle School. Students should see Mrs. Berardi for help with ordering. Yearbooks will be sold until March 31. Students will receive their yearbook in May.
Band and Choir Schedules
Band Schedule
See Mr. Winters for more information.
Tentative Choir Schedule
See Mrs. Ramel for more information.
Upcoming Dates
- 11/5: No School (Election Day)
- 11/7: BMS 6-8 Band Fall Concert @ BMS Auditorium (6/7/8 Band, Jazz Band) 6:30 PM
- 11/7: 8th Grade Erin's Law Presentations
- 11/8: 8th Grade Erin's Law Presentations
- 11/11: Veterans Day
- 11/18: End of Trimester I
- 11/20: Fall Choir Concert - 6:30 PM
- 11/23: ILMEA Concert Festival @ Unity Junior High School in Cicero (6-8 Band eligible, select students only) 7AM-4 PM
- 11/25 - 11/29: No school (Teacher Institute Days, Thanksgiving Break)
- 12/2: Report Cards Released
DuPage County Health Department
As pertussis (whooping cough) case activity has been rising nationally and locally, please see the attached DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) Pertussis Fact Sheet (also available here). Pertussis fact sheets in Spanish and Polish are also posted here: https://www.dupagehealth.org/237/Medical-Alerts-and-Fact-Sheets
District 2 prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at https://www.bsd2.org/students-families/non-discrimination-title-ix-and-anti-harassment
BMS Contact Information
Diana Vergara - Principal
Jamie Hogue, Assistant Principal
Jacquelyn Le-Mon, Assistant Principal
Mary Hamilton, Students Services Coordinator