Rocket Review - Parents
This week...
Greeting Parents,
We welcome you back this week with learning fun and happy holiday spirit! We will continue with our 15 days of December holiday dress, please see dates and attire below.
This weeks highlights include:
Monday, December 9, 2024
Clash of the Carolers! ~ PK, K, & 3rd wear WHITE
1st & 4th wear RED
2nd & 5th wear GREEN
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Candy Cane Lane! Dress like a Candy Cane
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Holiday Lights, Tinsel, and Glitter! Wear all of your lights & tinsel
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Dress like a Present or Christmas Tree
4:00 PM ~ Parent and Family Center Winter Open House
5:00 PM ~ RPE Winter Holiday Program (3rd - 5th graders)
Friday, December 13, 2024
Chill Day Fri- Yay! Wear Sweats/ Tracksuit
4:30 PM ~ Cycle Houston Bike Distribution ( 2nd graders)
Holiday Liftoff!!
Anitra Wilson, Principal
15 Days of December - Holiday Dress Days!!
PBIS 2nd 9-Week Celebration
On behalf of our PBIS committee, we are inviting students that have accumulated 100 Class Dojo points from October 16th – December 6th to attend a Hot Chocolate Polar Express Party! Teachers will receive a list of students that will be invited during the week on December 9th. Students that have received ISS or OSS will not be allowed to attend. Please see details below.
Dates: December 18th (Pre-K – 2nd)
December 19th (3-5th Grades)
Time: 2 PM in the cafeteria
Attire: PJ’s 😊
Get discounted Holiday Lights tickets & support the FBEF!
Join the FortBendISD Alumni Association for free!
Support the Education Foundation's Annual Giving Campaign!
Brighter Bites Distribution Thursday, Dec.19, 2024... Volunteers Needed at 11 am
Parent and Family Engagement Center Open
Parent and Family Engagement Center Courses & Events
Parent and Family Engagement Center Courses and Events happen weekly, please email for questions or to confirm attendance. Thank you!
Tuesday, 12/10/24
- 11:00 AM (1 hr.) 1.3 Identifying Your role as the Primary Model for your Child ~Practical Parenting Course
- 2:00 PM (1 hr.) Reading Activities at Home ~Global Reading
- 9:00 AM (1 hr.) 2.1 Developing and Maintaining Trusting Relationships within the family~Practical Parenting Course
- 11:00 AM (1 hr.) Early Childhood Parent Engagement Strategies
Thursday, 12/12/24
- 4:00 PM Parent and Family Center Winter Open House
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024, 04:00 PM
Rosa Parks Elementary School, Chimney Rock Road, Fresno, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
You are invited to the STEM Fest & CTE Expo! January 11, 2025
Student ID's must be worn daily
All students are expected to wear their ID daily with the school issued lanyard. If a student does not have an ID they need to report to the front office to be issued a temporary wristband ID for the day.
Requesting a new ID - student should request a new ID when they come to get their temporary ID in the morning. A fee will be assigned to the students account in Skyward. Parent should pay the fee in Skyward. Have the student bring the printed receipt the next day to the office.
How to pay fee for new ID
School Counselor's Corner
Hello Parents,
You are our students first role model! We want you as guest speakers for our career day. If you are interested in presenting, please reach out to Ms. Tahida Williams, School Counselor @ or give her a call at 281-634-6395.
Tahida (Tihida) Williams
Professional School Counselor
All Items Below are Repeats
Congratulations, L. Moutra- RPE HAABSE Teacher of the Year!!
Volunteer Criminal History Application
We are excited to have a Parent Educator on campus again! Karina Anderson is excited to collaborate and build bridges between home and school by offering parent education courses of interest to our families and community, create partnerships with local businesses, and bringing parents and guardians into our building as volunteers! In order to join us, you must complete a Volunteer Criminal History Application each school year (after July 1st).
BOY- NWEA MAP Growth and Reading Fluency Results are in....
NWEA Growth Reports - Reading
NWEA Growth Reports - Math
NWEA Growth Reports - Science
Career Day Speakers Wanted!
PTO End of Week Snack Sale!
In order to raise funds for more fun and exciting materials and activities for Rosa Parks ES, our PTO is selling yummy snacks every Friday (or last day of the week) in the carpool line. Items sold include gatorade, water, candy, and more! Prices range from $1-3. Cash only. So bring your cash so that you can treat your Rockets to a fun end of week snack!
Donate clothes for dollars!
As you start to clean out your homes as we prepare for the holiday season, consider donating your clothes to our clothes recycle bin located near the cafeteria doors.
Student Holiday Dates at a Glance
Student ID Badges
Dear FBISD Parents and Staff,
This year, the district is providing all students with school ID badges.
Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students should receive badges over the next few weeks.
The benefits of ID badges are:
- Increased security on school campuses – badges provide a quick way to know when someone may be trespassing onto a campus.
- Ease of transactions in cafeterias and libraries – badges may be used to purchase meals and check out books.
- Use with new Stopfinder bus software – bus riders will scan their badges when they get on and off buses to provide parents and school staff with nearly real-time information about bus arrival times and confirmation that students are on the right bus.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The district is in Phase 1 of using Stopfinder bus software. During this initial phase, the district will ensure Stopfinder is programmed to provide the most accurate data to parents and school staff.
During Phase 2, the parent app will be activated. Parents will receive a notification when the app is ready for downloading.
If a badge is lost, it must be replaced at a cost of $5. Please follow the instructions in the job aid below to purchase a new badge.
PTO Birthday Grams on the Marquee
PTO wants to help you celebrate your student's birthday with a little extra flair! Let us all celebrate your student with well wishes for their birthday by announcing "Happy Birthday" on our school marquee. See the attachment below for more information.
Join PTO!!
Brighter Bites
Get signed up now for the next distribution! Not only is it distributing healthy fruits and vegetables, there are active lessons and learning about healthy eating included! Share with a neighbor, we make are community stronger!
¡Inscríbase ahora para la próxima distribución! No solo se distribuyen frutas y verduras saludables, sino que también se incluyen lecciones activas y aprendizaje sobre alimentación saludable. Haga clic en los enlaces a continuación para ver imágenes de nuestra página de Twitter de RPE.
Faith and Works Family Fitness every Monday at 7pm - UPDATE
2024-2025 School Calendar
Regular school attendance is essential for students to make the most of their education. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s mastery of the instructional materials/objectives; therefore, the student and parent should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. Please view the school calendar attached below.
Attendance Tips for Parents
Students may not be picked up after 2:45 PM.
All excuse notes (whether from a parent, doctor’s office, etc.) must be received within 5 days of the student’s return to school or the absence will be considered unexcused.
Notes may be emailed to Any note brought in by a student should be dropped off at the attendance office located in the front office. The notes must include the student’s first and last name, parent signature/date, reason for absence, and telephone number.
If a student is absent or leaves early, a note needs to be turned in within the 5-day limit. Otherwise the absence will be coded as unexcused.
If your child must leave school early, the child must be signed out prior to them leaving the building. You will need to provide ID in order to sign the child out.
In order to sign out a child, the person picking them up must be on their emergency contact list. If not, an email will need to be sent to with the name of the person who will be picking the child up.
In order to add someone to your child’s emergency contact list, an email will need to be sent to with the name of the individual and a contact phone number for them as well.
If a student is out more than 4 consecutive days, a note from the doctor is required. No exceptions.
If you receive a call that your child was marked absent in a class and you feel this is an error, please either leave a message or send an email to your child’s teacher about the error. The teacher will then contact Mrs. Hernandez if an error was made. The attendance clerk cannot make any changes without notification from the teacher who made the error.
Being on time for School Matters!
School Hours
8:05a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
The doors open at 7:30 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7:30-8:00 a.m.
Blackboard and School Messages
If you or neighbors are not receiving messages such as attendance, newsletters, etc from the school, or you want to make updates please use the Job Aide below.
Important Dates
12/09/24 - Clash of the Carolers! ~ PK, K, & 3rd wear WHITE; 1st & 4th wear RED; 2nd & 5th wear GREEN
12/10/24- Candy Cane Lane! Dress like a Candy Cane
12/11/24- Holiday Lights, Tinsel, and Glitter! Wear all of your lights & tinsel
12/12/24- Dress like a Present or Christmas Tree
12/12/24 - Parent and Family Center Winter Open House 4:00 - 4:45 PM (Light refreshments)
12/12/24 - RPE Winter Program performance 5:00 PM
12/13/24- Chill Day Fri- Yay! Wear Sweats/ Tracksuit
12/13/24- 2nd grade Bike Distribution 5:40 PM
12/16/24- Winter Wonderland ~ Wear Blue & White
12/17/24 - Santa's Workshop! Dress like Santa, Elves, or Reindeers!
12/18/24- Jingle Bells! Wear your Jingle Bells and Jeans
12/19/24- PJ's and Parties! Wear your Holiday PJ's!
12/19/24 - Brighter Bites Distribution 3:45-4:45 PM (Sign up in advance:
12/20/24- Holiday Shirt
12/20/24 - Class Holiday Parties - Send store bought goodies for your child's class.
12/20/24 - Early Release at 12:10 PM
12/20/24 - Report Cards Available in Family Access/Skyward after 4:00 PM
12/23/24 - 01/08/24 - No School for Students: Winter Break
Italicized dates are updates.
Rosa Parks Elementary
Asst. Principal, Dr. Candus Jack -
Counselor, Tahida Williams -
Parent Educator, Karina Anderson -
Location: 19101 Chimney Rock Road, Fresno, TX, USA
Phone: 281-634-6390
Twitter: @RPE_Rockets