BSD Family Updates
For Bremerton School District students & families
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
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Reminder: No school on Friday or Monday
In the month of May we take time to reflect and celebrate the important role that Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPIs) have played in our shared history, and celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and achievements of AANHPI communities.
Thanks to all our "be Bremerton" volunteers!
On the cold, rainy morning of Saturday, May 4, approximately 150 BSD students, staff, families and volunteers worked in teams clean up downtown Bremerton before the annual Armed Forces Day parade and celebration which took place this past weekend! The event included a FREE lunch for all participants provided by Seaside Church and free t-shirts for all participants.
It was a great day! View event photos here!
Share your thoughts about a new district mobile device policy!
Thank you to all who participated in our information gathering meeting on May 6. We wanted to provide an opportunity for all to share their thoughts and ideas as we consider a new mobile device policy. Feel free to share your thoughts here (through the end of the month)
Join us in celebrating Juneteenth!
No need to RSVP! Meet us on 5th Street near the Norm Dicks Government Center steps at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 15 and walk in solidarity with BSD staff, students, families and volunteers in the People's March. After a short program, the march winds through downtown to Evergreen Rotary Park. We encourage you to wear your favorite Bremerton School District or school gear!
Juneteenth Freedom Festival at Evergreen Rotary Park
Following the People's March, the Bremerton School District will also have a booth at the Juneteenth Freedom Festival Resource Fair at Evergreen Rotary Park from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
BSD Volunteers needed!
We are in need of a few volunteers at our booth at the resource fair. If you are interested, please contact Karen.Bevers@BremertonSchools.org.
Graduation dates & times
- Bremerton High School graduation is Friday, June 7 at 7 p.m. at Memorial Stadium. More info
- Renaissance High School graduation is Friday, May 31 at 7 p.m. BHS Performing Arts Center
- West Sound Technical Skills Center (WST) senior celebrations are Friday, May 31.*
*WST celebrations closed to the community due to construction but it will be live-streamed and recorded.
Summer Meals Program!
Sun Bucks grocery benefits program
In summer 2024, some families in the Bremerton School District will be eligible for a new grocery benefits program that provides families $120 for each eligible school-aged child to buy groceries when school is out.
Enrollment: Many families will get Summer EBT/SUN Bucks automatically if they are getting other benefits, but some families may need to apply. If you are unsure if you qualify or need to apply, please contact the BSD Child Nutrition Services office at 360-473-4717.
Summer Learning Opportunities!
2024-25 registration is open!
Registration is open for the 2024-25 school year! If you know a family with a student who will be attending kindergarten in the fall, or who recently moved or will be moving to Bremerton, please encourage them to visit BremertonSchools.org/Register.
B Present: Attend today, Achieve tomorrow
Health Resources for Students
PCHS school-based health clinics
Hazel Health
In an effort to ensure that all of our students have timely, affordable access to mental and physical healthcare, we are partnering with a health services program called Hazel Health.
With parent or guardian permission, students can speak with a Hazel mental health professional or have an on-demand medical visit at home or at school. We invite you to learn more here!
Gaggle Teletherapy
Helpful Quick Links
Need help accessing your student's first semester report card in Skward Family Access? Click here for step-by-step instructions. If you need help accessing Family Access or Skyward, please contact your child's school.
Check out our before- and after-school childcare options for each elementary school and Mountain View Middle School. This web page also includes information on childcare options for non-student days and summer break!
Background photo: Volunteers gather at Evergreen Rotary Park for "be Bremerton" 2024 on May 4.
The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Garth Steedman at 360.473.1031 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Phone: 360-473-1000
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