Newsletter Issue 1
Term 4 - 23 October 2024
Principal’s Update
Kia ora, Nameste, Talofa, Konnichiwa, Guten Tag, Gidday, Vannakkam, ni Hao, Kia orana, Hola, Salam, Sa wat deekha, Dia Dhuit, Goeie Dag, Bonjour, Καλημέρα, Mālō e lelei, Greetings everyone
Nau Mai, Haere Mai, Welcome to Term Four
We hope our families had an enjoyable term break. The students have settled quickly into their Term Four routines and are looking forward to the fun events that we can hold as the weather improves. A special acknowledgement to our Year 6 students and their families, for whom it may be their last term with us before new adventures begin at Intermediate school.
Exciting Term Ahead!
We have many engaging activities and events planned for this term! From our ‘business as usual’ learning through play and student led inquiries to swimming, cricket sessions, trips and school spirit events like the Family Fun Run and Year 6 Camp there’s something for everyone. Keep an eye on the dates in the newsletter below and the facebook page so you don’t miss out!
Our water safety programme has got off to a great start this week with all hubs swimming weekly. Thanks to all the whānau who have given up their time to assist with these. Offering annual swimming lessons is something we continue to include in our Health curriculum in response to our biannual Health & PE consultation - where it continues to be identified as important to our families. It is an expectation of the New Zealand curriculum that all students have had the chance to learn basic aquatic skills by the end of Year 6.
Te Korowai ō Horokiwi Kapa Haka Festival
This Friday our amazing Year 5 and 6 students are off to Newlands Intermediate to represent Bellevue at our cluster schools’ Kapa Haka festival. The Korowai ō Horokiwi (Cloak of Horokiwi) Cluster includes the four local primary schools and intermediate and every year the schools all look forward to this event as a way to bring our students together for a day of kotahitanga (unity) and whanaungatanga (kinship). Again, we are supported by a fabulous team of parents to make this happen.
Seeking a Musician
Much of what we achieve in Kapa Haka is through the hard work and talent of our kaiāwhina Māori Whaea Jayjay. Unfortunately, for personal reasons, Whaea has to head back up North to her family in 2025 so she will not be able to support our weekly Kapa Haka in the way she has. The wonderful news is that she is not leaving us! Whaea will support our Kapa Haka lead teachers on a weekly basis remotely and intends to come down to Wellington on a regular basis when we will be able to benefit from her expertise. This does mean, however, that we are seeking someone to support our Kapa Haka group with guitar playing. This is a weekly afternoon session of about 2 hours. If you, or anyone you know of, might be willing to support the school in this way for a koha, please get in touch with Annette: principal@bellevue-newlands.school.nz or Tessa: tessa@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
Staff Professional Development
A large group of teachers, teacher aides and office staff attended first aid training last week during the term break to refresh their first aid certificates. A trainer from Hato Hone St John retrained staff to use CPR and respond to a wide range of injuries, including the ones we commonly treat at school such as fractures, bleeding noses, stings, sprains and strains.
We have been very fortunate to have an amazingly dedicated team of 5-6 volunteers who make up our FUNdraising team (with several family members who jump in to help with events when needed) for the last couple of years. They have achieved a great deal in regard to resourcing the things that our students really enjoy and which support their physical development - see the images below - while being aware of the financial challenges facing families over the past few years.
However, four of these people have children who are in their final year and will therefore be moving on. This leaves us with a team of two and no chair of the committee! The roles the committee is seeking include administration for events like sausage sizzles or pizza (mostly online and using a school computer), chairperson - organising meetings, liaising with the Principal, oversight of committee activities, secretary - taking and distributing meeting minutes and communications.
This is a plea for help!
Currently we are fundraising for playground markings. The students have a wonderful range of ideas we have gathered to improve the markings in 2025, but the cost for this work is around $15,000. Raising these funds will take a team working with the school.
If you are able to offer your time to attend two meetings a term and support with these events or roles it would make a big difference to the school both now and for the future.
The existing FUNdraisers and myself are holding an informal wine and cheese evening to come along and find out more on Thursday 28 November at 7.15pm in the staffroom so do please come along if you are able to support our school in this way.
Senior Playground - Stage 1 Opening
Excitingly our senior playground development is due to start this week. We anticipate this to take up to two weeks and so we are hoping to hold a low key opening for the playground at 10.30am on Friday 8 November. If you find yourself at a loose end at this time and would like to join us, please do! Although some of our students will be at swimming at this time, this is unavoidable in a term as jam packed as Term Four. Everyone will get plenty of opportunities to play on the equipment following this.
Property Update
In other property news, our Junior classrooms are now complete (except for painting touch ups which will be done over Christmas) and the Year 1s and 2s are enjoying their new more flexible spaces. The accessible walkway is due to continue into early next year so we will need to be ‘living in a building site’ a wee while longer.
The windows at the South end of the senior block are currently being replaced and cladding and re roofing work is underway above the Library and around the senior block.
The Board is exploring the possibility of internal improvements (flooring, walls etc) to the hall over the Christmas period too. Ultimately we wish to increase the capacity of the hall so that it can accommodate our whole community but budget means that we will need to find creative ways to get our community together in the interim. One of these will be through the reinstatement of Whakawhanaungatanga Fridays in 2025. This has been ‘parked’ for the remainder of this year due to the extent of the construction operations around the school and the short timeframe available in this term.
Thanks for the swift return of library books that were taken home for the break - the library stock take is almost complete. The re-roofing work on the library will be completed by the end of the week, but there is unanticipated work to do still on the entrance. As a result, although the library will reopen from 30 October to the 8 November, entrance will be through Room 7 during this time. This will mean scheduled library time for hubs at breaks.
Teacher Only Day focus
Following the Labour Day Public holiday on Monday, school is closed for instruction on Tuesday next week. We look forward to seeing our students back at school on Wednesday 30 October.
This teacher only day is the second of two Ministry approved days for our teaching team to engage with the New Zealand Curriculum Draft documents. On this day we will be exploring the English curriculum area as part of our ongoing focus this year on Effective Literacy Practices at Bellevue. We will be especially focusing on any adaptations we need to make to our existing Literacy progressions to align with the refreshed curriculum area. We will also be revisiting last year’s work on supporting students with behaviour challenges in ways that keep all the students safe, learning new waiata and exploring resources aligned with the new curriculum. It will be a full day and we are grateful for our community's support of these precious learning days to build on and refine what we do in response to the fast paced shifts that are currently facing schools.
Year 6 camp
Preparations for our Year 6 camp are well underway and the students are getting excited. From 13-15 November our Year 6 students head off to Brookfields Scout camp with a team of wonderful parent volunteers to demonstrate our school values through experiences including: Confidence building, Kayaking, Archery and this year for the first time even Abseiling. This is always a wonderful celebration of the learning, friendships and memories built in their time at Bellevue and a very special time for all.
Reporting to Families - Rest of 2024 and beyond - A reminder that you can find an outline of what to expect for 2024, including a hard copy of your child’s reporting coming home at the end of the year, in our first newsletter for the term - the fourth item after the Principal update.
Our FUNdraisers committee are recruiting. Please consider getting involved for 2025. See their update at the end of the newsletter.
Ngā mihi nui,
A reminder that our fortnightly newsletters can also be found on our Bellevue Website - scroll down to view 'previous Bellevue Newsletters' - and for more timely updates, you could follow our closed group Bellevue Facebook Page, if you are not already.
Images here are of the FUNdraising contributions to our school since 2022.
Haere mai ki te kura o Bellevue. Welcome to the following students and their whānau. It is great to have you in our Bellevue Learning Community.
Kyrie - R4 Maysie - R4 Vidhaan - R4 Moheko - R4 Colin - R10 Dhanush - R10
Thank you
- Thank you to Cricket Wellington for delivering an in school programme to our year 2- 6 tamariki last week Tuesday. Smash Play is a philosophy of coaching designed to introduce our tamariki to cricket through fundamental movement skills and game play. The kids had so much fun! We appreciate it.
- Thanks to all the whānau giving up significant chunks of their weeks to support the children’s swimming lessons.
- Ngā mihi ki a koutou to our families supporting the Year 5/6 Kapa Haka Festival on Friday
- Thanks to all the whānau who helped out with the Hub 3 trip to The Dowse museum today!
To assist our families with locating our Attendance Procedures, please note that the below link now takes you to a 'quick link' on our website to the Attendance Procedures in PDF form.
Please do always contact the office (office@bellevue-newlands.school.nz), or call and leave a message for absences. Do not reply to this newsletter as your message may not be seen.
Te Puna Reo
In Term 4 our Te Puna Reo learning focuses on Ahunga Mai! This learning covers early iwi Māori history and revises our Level 1 language content. This term is a fantastic example of how we can use the sentence structures we have already learnt to integrate te reo Māori into other learning areas of the NZ Curriculum.
We will learn about the first few hundred years of iwi history in Aotearoa starting off from Hawaiki in Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa (The Pacific Ocean).
Over the coming weeks we will be listening to a number of pūrākau/stories including
Māui me te Ika Nui / Māui and the Giant Fish
Kupe me te Wheke Nui / Kupe and the Giant Octopus
Through these pūrākau/stories we will explore the origins of te whenua o Aotearoa, and where iwi Māori are from across Te Moananui-a-Kiwa (The Pacific Ocean). We will also develop our understanding of the navigation methods of migration waka, life on board a migration waka, using the stars to navigate, and what people brought with them on migration waka.
Ask your child/ren to share with you one of the pūrākau/stories that they have listened to in class.
Weet-Bix TRYathlon 2025
The 2025 Weet-Bix TRYathlon is coming to Wellington on Sunday March 16, 2025! If your child is interested, they can register as part of the Bellevue School Team by following this link. If you would like to know more information about the event, please head to:
Whole School FUNrun!
Friday 6th December (pp Friday 13 Dec)
Walk, jog or run. Dress up encouraged!!
More information to come in the following weeks.
How You Can Help At Home - Mathematics
Continuing our focus from Term 3 for communicating with families ways that they can support children with Mathematics at home, we are sharing a sequence of articles that may help families to understand the research behind the way we teach basic number facts in particular, as well as outlining activities that can support this. As we all know, for mastering anything the key is practice, practice, practice and these articles include ideas for simple, fun activities that can be done with the bare minimum of equipment for those who are keen to try them at home.
This week - There’s More to Counting Than Meets The Eye
Keeping Your Tamariki Safe Online —John Parsons Presentation - Follow Up Resources
Attached today you will find John's ‘Online Anti Social Behaviour’ flyer.
This flyer discusses how online conversations and bullying can make their way into school grounds, putting pressure on both students and teachers to resolve.
John shares advice for parents on how to prevent “cyber separation”, and some practical tips on how to manage safe digital usage at home.
Understanding Neurodiversity
We continue to include a few snippets for families in our newsletter to support our collective understanding of neurodiversity under one of our guiding values of Empathy.
This week’s focus is Dyscalculia. The following links include information about Dyscalculia via video and text.
A video for parents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GstqJ5sEEoo
General information about Dyscalculia: https://www.dyslexiasupportsouth.org.nz/parent-toolkit/types-of-learning-differences/dyscalculia/
Term 4 is a sun-smart term - wear a hat every day
A friendly reminder that term four (and term one) are sun smart terms and students MUST wear a wide brimmed hat when they are outdoors for activities such as PE and Sport, morning tea and lunchtime. Please ensure your child has a named sunhat ready to go!
Planning for 2025 - Enrolments
Do you have a child turning five soon or next year or know someone else who does? Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend to enrol their child at any time in 2025-2026 are asked to please notify the school as soon as possible to assist the school to plan appropriately. It helps us to know as early as possible how many students will be enrolling as a five-year-old. Interested families may collect an enrolment pack from the office or arrange a tour of the school with the principal.
Out of zone enrolment applications are now being accepted for the second enrolment period of 2025 (Saturday 12 April 2025 to Friday 27 June 2025). Up to five (5) places are likely to be available for out of zone students. The deadline for out of zone enrolments is Friday 6 December 2024. Please have a look at the school website for more details: https://www.bellevue-newlands.school.nz/enrolment.
Collaboration initiative with the Newlands community House Foodbank and New World Newlands
In November this year New World Newlands are launching a $3 Donation Box in store for Newlands Community House. This will enable our community and customers to
be able to scan a donation box at checkout whereby the $3 cost of the box will be collected
for Newlands Community House.
The idea is that if every customer once a week or even once a month or annually scanned a
box at checkout all funds will be incremental to our local foodbank. It’s also something that
can be done subconsciously giving back as part of your weekly shop. Helping those locally
in need for $3 in your groceries will leave our customers feeling good about what they have
contributed to.
Sizzlin' For Schools Sausage Sizzle
Collective’s partnership with Total Touch is providing them with an opportunity to give back to local schools and have organised Bellevue School Newlands to participate in the Sizzlin’ For Schools fundraising BBQ on the 4th of November 2024 at Alex Moore Park.
Where: Alex Moore Park
When: 4th November
Time: 4pm onwards
All proceeds from this fundraising will be going towards sports equipment for our school. Please pass this message along, see you there!
Term Dates 2025
AA Insurance Big Little Sponsor
If you would like to nominate our school to win $10,000 worth of sports equipment, please click on the link below. The more nominations we get the greater the chance of us winning!
Username bellevue-newlands, password 'grow'
This is our platform to publish great writing from students across the school.
Please pop onto our website here to view a collection of great writing from our students.
Welcome to Term 4 Bellevue Whānau!
It’s going to be a cracker of a term, with plenty of school and FUNdraisers events coming up…
One way to keep up with our communications is via our FB page:
Our very small team need YOU!
4 of our FUNdraisers Committee have kids ageing out of Bellevue at the end of 2024, which
leaves just two active members, and we do need people on our committee to help enable us to run
the administration of the events.
Please get in touch with Rebecca about joining the team or just pop into our next meeting
tomorrow 24th October, 6.15pm at the school staffroom.
Please note, we had wanted to run a wine fundraiser this term, but things have got REALLY busy
and there is not capacity for us to manage this event this term.
The update on our events is below:
End of Term Pizza – 6th December
For Term 4 2024, End of Term Pizza will be a week early, and will be part of the FUNRun day on
the 6 th December.
FUNRun – 6th December
Keep your eyes peeled for communications from school about this event coming soon!
End of Year BAKE SALE! – 13th December
Time to get your kids practicing their baking skills in preparation for this much anticipated annual
Kids Art Work
Production of the artwork is underway, but we still awaiting a delivery date on the artwork.
New World Newlands & Newlands Community Centre Collab
Keep your eyes peeled for this Newlands community initiative supporting our local community
centre. From the 16th November, you will be able to donate directly to the Community Centre
during your weekly grocery shop by scanning one of their $3 boxes at checkout.
FUNdraisers Committee Meetings
Next meeting: TOMORROW 24 th October 2024
Meetings are currently held at 6.15pm (in the school staff room when possible) in week 2 and also
week 7 of each term.
If you have capacity to take on being an incredibly valued member of our community and
committee, please join us! You can contact Rebecca by email for information at
Community Notices
Kapai Kidz Before and After School Program
Operating from the school hall weekdays before and after school. All enquiries to linda@kapaikidz.co.nz or 021 409641 Register via our website www.kapaikidz.co.nz
Important Dates
Thursday 24 October
6:15pm FUNdraiser meeting - staffroom
Friday 25 October
Year 4-6 Kapa Haka Festival NIS
Monday 28 October
Labour Day - School closed
Tuesday 29 October
Teachers Only Day - School closed
Wednesday 30 October
Meeting for parents attending Year 6 camp - 6pm in Staffroom
Monday 4 November
Northern Zone Athletic Championships (pp Mon 11 Nov)
Friday 8 November
Opening of the Senior Playground - Phase 1
Thursday 28 November
FUNdraisers Wine and Cheese Information Evening - 7:15pm in the Staffroom
Friday 6 December
Whole School FUNrun! (pp Friday 13 Dec)
Pizza Day
Friday 13 December
End of Year Bake Sale
Tuesday 17 December
Final day of Term 4 - School ends at 12:30.
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
Email: office@bellevue-newlands.school.nz
Phone: 04 4787037