Condit Elementary Weekly Bulletin
Message from Dr. Malally
I wanted to take a moment and express my sincere appreciation for all of kind words and accolades that have been shared with me during these last several weeks. Condit has a very special place in my heart and it has always felt like home. I will miss you very much, but plan on stopping by every now and then. I wish the best to all of you and look forward to seeing you in the future! 💓
June Spirit Day Winners
Congratulations to Mrs. Gariador and Mrs. Sink's classes. They tied in the primary grades for the highest percentage of Spirit Day participation last Friday. Congratulations also go to Ms. Kammert-Watson's class. They had the highest percentage in the upper grades! 😀
Pre-purchased yearbooks will be distributed in classrooms on Monday. If you did not purchase a yearbook and would like to, we have a small supply of extras available in the front office for purchase. They are $40 each (cash or check only). Supplies are limited.
Volunteer Tea
Our Volunteer Tea this past Friday was a HUGE hit. Volunteers were treated to the first graders singing, all grade levels cheering them on in our hallways, and coffee & donuts. We are so thankful for all of our volunteers and couldn't do what we do without you. Thank you!
100 Mile Club Medals
I will be recognizing students who earned at least 100 miles in the 100 Mile Club with their medals in their classrooms on Wednesday, June 12th. The 100 Mile Club also runs a program through the summer called Club 262. Here is the link if you are interested in signing your family up: https://100mileclub.com/club-262/
6th Grade Promotion
Promotion for our 6th graders will take place right around 9:00 AM on the last day of school, Thursday, June 13th. There will be a 6th grade celebration on campus after their 9:50 AM recess.
I hope everyone has a great week!
Message from the Superintendent
Dear CUSD Parents, Guardians and Caregivers,
As we prepare for the 2026-2027 school year, we are considering a change to our academic calendar and we need your input.
We are exploring the possibility of moving the start date of the school year up by approximately two weeks, which would align the end of the first semester with winter break. This change would mean starting school in mid-August and ending around May 31st, rather than our traditional start date before Labor Day.
Your feedback is crucial in helping us make an informed decision. Please take a few minutes to complete the attached survey and share your thoughts on this potential change.
Please note that the calendars for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years follow our traditional calendar and have already been approved by the Board of Education. They can be found on our district website.
Survey Link: qrcodes.pro/StudentCalendarSurvey
Thank you for your time and participation. We greatly appreciate your input as we strive to create the best educational experience for our students.
Dr. James Elsasser
Superintendent of Schools
Message from Mrs. Gadgil in the STEAM Lab
I am so grateful to all of the dedicated volunteers who contributed their time, energy, and talent throughout this school year! Your support truly allowed me to plan and create all of the awesome projects in the STEAM lab.
I would like to take this time to wish you all a very relaxing summer and I look forward to working with you next year!
Thank you!
Mrs. Gadgil
PFA Treasurer Needed for 2025-2026
PFA is in search of a Treasurer to assume the position for the 2025-2026 school year. The reason that this is being announced now, is that PFA would like to have the person that will serve as Treasurer to be identified by January 2025 so that person can be trained by our current Treasurer. Below is a description of the position:
Duties: Keep accurate records of all financial transactions; present financial statement at PFA meetings; be responsible for and have custody of funds; make disbursements; assure that PFA policies, bylaws, and best practices are followed with regards to funds; prepare the books for year-end reporting; deposit all monies into the PFA checking account.
Candidates should be comfortable recording financial transactions, committed to good communication and transparency, well organized, and detail oriented. Requires some knowledge of QuickBooks. On average, the time commitment is 6-8 hours per month.
Your help and involvement is not only appreciated but vital for Condit's PFA to continue funding many programs and resources at the school. If you are interested, please contact PFA President Randy Lopez (ralopez1@gmail.com) and PFA Treasurer Jennifer Derwin (jlderwin@hotmail.com).
Condit PFA is also in need of volunteers for next year in the following position:
Fall Fundraiser Coordinator
Plan and organize a fundraiser for PFA - either in October or November. Typically, this has been the Read-a-Thon but next year we may be looking at doing something different. Possibly one large event or two smaller events. This is PFA's second largest fundraiser to help in funding all the programs and items PFA financially assists.
Please reach out to PFA Vice-President, Heather MacPherson at Heatheremacpherson@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering.
There will be early dismissal days the last week of school for students in grades K - 6th. Dismissal will be at 1:00 PM each day. TK will dismiss at 11:50 AM.
6th Grade Promotion Information
Claremont Special Needs Classes and Events
Claremont Educational Foundation SLICE of Summer
The Claremont Educational Foundation needs your help!
CEF needs your help! The Claremont Educational Foundation (CEF) is currently hiring for a part-time administrator. It's a great opportunity for a parent who is looking for flexible part-time work that will help support our school district. Click on the link below to learn more: https://www.supportcef.com/jobs/