Blue & White Newsletter - 10/4/24
Week of September 30, 2024

National Honor Society Award and Inductions
The West York Area High School chapter of the National Honor Society is proud to show their new award and the spectacular list of new members!
Our chapter was given the Service Award of Excellence, a prestigious award given to very few of the over 17,000 chapters around the world. The Bulldogs are extremely grateful for this recognition of their hard work and dedication to the community.
On Monday, September 23rd, the West York High School Chapter welcomed the following 21 new members to the organization:
Matthew Agapis, Paige Berkheimer, Estha BlancDoblas, Emily Bookhamer, Jarod Bradford, Ryken Bray, Lily Fahnestock, Sarah Manning, Madison McGlynn, Camryn Patrizio, Lillian Perry, Quinton Rhone, Nichole Simpson, Ava Soyke, Ryan Steele, Steven Steele, Samuel Study, Brianna Tabasko, Kevin Vu, Katilynn Walizer (not pictured), and Lillian Weaver.
The new members are jumping right in for the planning of Trunk or Treat at the High School on Thursday, October 24th. Thank you, NHS Bulldogs, for all that you do and congratulations!
National Junior Honor Society Inductions
On Thursday evening, the West York Middle School NJHS Chapter also welcomed the following 45 new members to the organization:
Kelly Agapis, Avery Appnel, Ryleigh Clancy, Addison Claycomb, Cash Cotton, Lia Cristofoletti, Sophia Deardorff, Ryan DeJesus, Mia DeLuca, Keyrianne Ferrer Bermudez, Camden Fisher, Emma Fochtman, Sydney Hampton, Gavin Hollick, Mackenzie Landis, Ryland Lasher, Zaina Lee, Mallory Lubas, Giada Marrero, Javier Martinez, Eli Mason, Benjamin McGladrie, Delaney McGlynn, Savannah Morgan, Mitchell Mummert, Zachary Murray, Noah Overlander, Evan Patrizio, Cami Plappert, Autumn Poe, Eden Reinoso, Maliana Schott, Ashton Sell, Hali Sell, Samina Simonetta, Tyler Skimski, Ivy Smith, Lena Smith, Aubrielle St. Jacques, Kaden Strausbaugh, Nathan Street, Isabella Swartz, Ryelan Swartz, Alexis Weaver, and Anderson Zech.
Thank you to the following high school students for their leadership, participation, and willingness to volunteer their time in support of this evening's ceremony: Madelyn Buckner, Ava King, Kera King, Caroline Pritts, Darien Reimold, Sierra Shupp, Addison Skimski, and Lily Wilson.
Autistic Support Community Night: A Creative Night of Art & Sensory Play
Our first Autistic Support Community Night of the year included a special viewing of the Youth @ Art Exhibition at DreamWrights Center for Community Arts, making sensory bottles, and exploring sensory bins. It was a great chance to see a local student art show. Families also enjoyed a back stage tour of the upcoming Musical: Newsies. A special Thank You to DreamWrights for donating their facility and for providing a great tour!
Students Attend the Youth Empowerment Summit
On Thursday, High School Counselor, Ms. Kaitlin Mock and Counseling Intern, Ms. Stambaugh, took the following students to participate in the Youth Empowerment Summit (YES) hosted by York County Library: Maylani Andrews (9), Jannah Bailey (9), Amelia Mendez (9), Kaitlyn McCollough (10), Minh-trang Nguyen (10), Paige Berkheimer (11), Meghan Clauser (12), and Aphasana Rasaily (12). Students that are passionate about volunteering and being involved in making a difference in their community were invited to attend. Our students participated in workshops such as Body and Mind Connection, Teen Volunteers, Medical Careers, College Applications 101, and Mental Wellness Tips. Our students gained a lot of valuable information and were inspired knowing that they are able to make a difference.
The Keynote Speaker, Jennifer Foxworthy, shared her experience of overcoming the barriers and limitations that society placed onto her. West York is so excited to attend future Youth Empowerment Summits in order to inspire more of our high school students.
Building Blocks of Knowledge: Exploring Place Value with Creative Learning
Students in Mrs. Christine McKee's second grade class at Lincolnway Elementary have been exploring and learning about place value. They designed and built a creation using Base 10 blocks and then counted their blocks to see the "value" of their creation. The students loved this engaging activity.
Mrs. LaCour's First Graders Celebrate with Chalk and Bubbles
Mrs. Jennifer LaCour's first-grade students at Wallace Elementary are celebrating Playful Pups for the month of September. These children earned the opportunity to draw with chalk and blow bubbles with their friends by following the school expectations for the month of September! Keep up the good work!
Camping Comparing and Contrasting!
Mrs. Kelly Murphy's first grade class at Wallace Elementary read the wordless picture book called The Camping Trip. Then, they enjoyed a camping day in their classroom to compare and contrast the events in their read-aloud book from their personal camping experience. They loved engaging in flashlight reading as well! Finally, they had a sweet s'more snack around the campfire.
Middle School Family Fall Festival!
Be sure to mark your calendar for the annual Middle School Family Fall Festival!
Friday, November 8, 2024
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Free to Attend!
Winter Sports Registration is Now Open!
All students in grades 7-12 who are interested in playing a winter sport must register and submit a PIAA physical via FamilyID.
To access FamilyID, visit: www.wyasd.org > Athletics > Sign-Up
Elementary PTO Fundraiser and Important Dates
It’s time for our R&K fundraiser! We are offering a selection of subs, pretzel sandwiches, snacks, and meats from Seltzers. The top seller overall will be receiving a prize and the top selling classroom will receive a treat! Order forms are due to the school no later than Thursday, October 10th. All orders will be distributed on Tuesday, October 29th, at Trimmer Elementary.
If you have any questions, or wish to place an order and do not have a child in the elementary grades, please reach out to Katie Owings, WY Elementary PTO President at westyorkelempto@gmail.com.
Important Dates
10/14 - Community Spirit Night at MOD Pizza
10/16 - PTO Meeting at Wallace Elementary
10/24 - Trunk or Treat at WY High School
October 4, 2024
9th/10th Grade:
Kyla Lawrence
For being a ray of sunshine for our block one class. Kyla never fails to brighten everyone's mood and makes everyone laugh. Additionally, she is always willing to put her best effort forward and is extremely courageous when it comes to class participation. It has truly been a pleasure to have Kyla in class!
11th/12th Grade:
Riley Roe
For helping to make our Real Life event a success. Thanks for a great day!
Mrs. Manda Meese
For helping to make our Real Life event a success. Thanks for a great day!
Carve Your Way to Financial Success at the Bulldog Branch!
West York Area School District parents, are your students interested in taking advantage of our Bulldog Buck$ program and all the other great benefits of First Capital Federal Credit Union? This month we are giving away a $25.00 gift card to one lucky student who opens a membership with us during the month of September. Have any questions? Stop by the branch on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. and talk to Lily or Kayla to learn more about the account opening process.
The Bulldog Breakdown
The Weekly Athletic Department Newsletter
Stay abreast of the Athletic Department's weekly news with the Bulldog Breakdown, a weekly recap of the prior week's athletic accomplishments and the upcoming sporting events.
Simply click the Bulldog Breakdown bar below to view the latest issue!
The content below was in last week's issue but it bears repeating as a reminder or for anyone who may have missed it. If pertinent details of an article are changed, we will pull the article above this section and highlight any changes.
Help Us Create a Field of Flags for Veterans Day!
On Monday, November 11th, we will recognize the veterans in our local community. We plan to do this through a Field of Flags fundraising campaign at both the Middle School and the High School. The funds raised will benefit the Disabled American Veterans Organization (DAV).
The campaign coordinators for the High School fundraiser are Ms. Emily Corcoran and Ms. Yvette Ganoe. At the Middle School, Mr. Andrew Johnson and Mr. James Snelbaker are coordinating their fundraiser.
DAV provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, in positive, life-changing ways. DAV ensures veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits they deserve and receive care and support during tough times. DAV also advocates for the veteran community on Capitol Hill, connects veterans with meaningful employment, and so much more.
These are two separate fundraising campaigns, so you may donate to one or both campaigns as you see fit. As we raise money, DAV will send flags to each school to be displayed outside on the lawns. The fundraising campaign ends on October 28th, so do not delay!
Look for our flags starting November 8th in front of the Middle and High Schools.
Donations are online only.
Click HERE to donate to the Middle School Campaign.
Click HERE to donate to the High School Campaign.
Again, all funds donated go directly to the DAV organization to help our nation’s veterans.
Friday Night Lights!
We recently shared on Instagram that Mr. Brandon Furhman, Athletic Director, entered the District in the T-Mobile 5G Friday Night Lights Sweepstakes. The prizes are awarded in three rounds: 1st round, $5,000; 2nd round $25,000, and the 3rd (grand prize) round is valued at $2 million!
Out of just over 1,000 high schools entered from across the country, we are happy to announce that we have won $5,000 in the first round!
This is an amazing opportunity for West York and we're encouraging all of our students, staff, families, and fans to show their Bulldog Pride by sharing school spirit photos on Instagram during Friday night football games and tagging @gowybulldogs and T-Mobile @TMobile, along with the #Sweepstakes and #FN5GL, to support and help us become one of the Top 16 finalists!
For more information on the T-Mobile Friday Night 5G Lights contest, go to www.fridaynight5glights.com.
Also, be sure to follow our Athletic Department Instagram!
Stay tuned to see if we make it to the 2nd round! Click the image above for more information.
VisionCorps - Eye Exams & Glasses
Back to School Vision Voucher Program
VisionCorps and PA Vision Foundation have teamed up to offer free vision examinations
and glasses to qualified families in South Central PA.
Vouchers are accepted by Vision Benefits of America (VBA) network eyecare providers.
For more information and to see if you qualify for this program,
please call VisionCorps at 717-925-7275 or email vouchers@visioncorps.net
It's Never Too Early!
High School Year Books!
A student's high school yearbook is a way to capture all of the amazing memories that students experience during their final years here at West York - home of the Bulldogs!
Purchasing a yearbook early in the school year assures you the best pricing, currently $75, and an item off your "To-Do List" that builds as the end of the school year approaches!
Also available now is the opportunity to place a special message/ad in the yearbook just for your child. More information on this, and all things yearbooks, can be found by visiting the West York page of Jostens website by clicking the image above.
Important Information from our School Nurses
Does your child have signs or symptoms of the flu, Covid or RSV? Did they test positive?
The recommendations are that your child stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication and that they feel good enough to return to school. The CDC also recommends (it is optional) that a mask be worn for 5 days after their return if they tested positive for Covid.
Students who have been exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid do not need to stay home from school unless they come down with symptoms or test positive.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your school nurse.
Student Absence Excuse Form
As a friendly reminder, when your child is absent from school, parents/guardians must complete an Absence Excuse Blank, either a paper copy or by using the online Digital Excuse Blank through the Sapphire Parent Portal. An Absence Excuse Blank must be received within three days of a students return to school following an absence, known as the 3-day rule.
The 3-day rule states "No excuse blanks will be accepted after the third day of the date of return from the absence. The absence will be recorded as unexcused for students 18 years or older. Students under the age of 18 are recorded as unlawful.”
While a paper Absence Excuse Blank can be sent in, they can also be forgotten or lost in transit. The most efficient way to assure the excuse is received within the 3-day rule period is to access the Digital Excuse Blank from the District website or the District App. Directions for both are as follows:
Using Your Computer to Report an Absence
MUST be completed within 3 days of the absence
From the District WEBSITE Home Page
➔ Scroll down to the vertical gray boxes just under the changing highlight pictures at the top of the District website's home page
➔ Click on the Attendance box
➔ Underneath Online Attendance click on Sapphire Community Portal Login
➔ On the login page put in your username and password (this must be set up prior to you using this page)
➔ On the left side is your student(s) name(s)
- If you have multiple students, please make sure you are at the correct student
➔ Under MY BACKPACK click on Student Data Forms (making sure it is the correct student)
➔ Underneath On Demand Forms click on Digital Excuse Blank
➔ Fill out the entire form and upload any doctor’s notes into this form
➔ Make sure to click on SUBMIT so your form is sent directly to the attendance secretary
Using the District App from Your Cell Phone to Report an Absence
MUST be completed within 3 days of the absence
➔ From the WYASD App Home Page, click on the More waffle icon on the right side of the screen
➔ Click on the Sapphire Portal icon on the right side of the screen
➔ Log in to Sapphire
➔ If you have multiple students, make sure you are in the correct student’s account
➔ At the bottom of the screen there is a purple circle with 3 white lines, click on the circle
➔ Click on the green circle marked Student Data Forms
➔ Underneath On Demand Forms click on Digital Excuse Blank
➔ Fill out the entire form and upload any doctor’s notes into this form
➔ Make sure to click on SUBMIT so your form is sent directly to the attendance secretary
Don't Miss Out on the Many Scholarships Available!
Our West York Area High School's Counseling Center compiles lists of available scholarships as our high school students prepare for their post-secondary educational plans and funding.
An updated list will be posted at the High School as new scholarships become available. Each time the bulletin is revised, it is printed on a different color of paper from the previous bulletin, making it easy to tell when new information has been added.
PLEASE NOTE: The date due is very important. Please have applications submitted to the Counseling Center at least 6 days prior to due date. This allows the Counseling Center staff sufficient time for review of the application and transcript preparation, ensuring that the application is sent out in a timely manner.
All hard copies of scholarship applications are located inside the Counseling Center in the waiting area in the drawer marked SCHOLARSHIPS. The Counseling Center also emails each scholarship and updated bulletin directly to students' school emails.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Gail Wildasin in the Counseling Center.
Golden Bulldog Passes!
If you are new to West York, you might be saying, "What is a Golden Bulldog Pass?" Exclusively for West York Area School District residents 65 and older, the Golden Bulldog Pass is valid for one admission to all District-sponsored events, including athletic events (excluding playoff events), fine arts events such as concerts, plays, and musicals, and special invitation-only events for senior citizens.
Our annual "Lunch and a Show" is our most popular invitation-only event and seating is limited! So, don't miss out on this and other opportunities! To learn more, please click the Golden Bulldog Pass card to the left.
Be Sure to Follow Us on Social Media!
Be sure to Like/Follow us on Facebook and Instagram so you don't experience FOMO - Fear of Missing Out! Simply click the images below.
Important Dates - October 2024
- Tuesday, October 8, Board Work Session (7:00 p.m.)
- Friday, October 11, No School - Professional Learning Day for Faculty
- Monday, October 14, No School - Columbus Day (District Offices Open)
- Tuesday, October 15, Communication and Engagement Committee Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, October 15, Board Voting Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
- Thursday, October 24, Trunk or Treat HS Parking Lot (6:00 p.m.)
- Friday, October 25, Early Dismissal
- Monday, October 28, Lincolnway Elementary Picture Day
- Tuesday, October 29, Wallace Elementary Picture Day
- Wednesday, October 30, Trimmer Elementary Picture Day
Community Corner
Be Sure To Check It Out Often!
The Community Corner of our website offers families many helpful links to organizations or flyers about upcoming or ongoing community activities, clubs, and events. The information on this webpage changes frequently and those changes will be highlighted here as they occur. The latest updates are pictured below.
From our Home webpage, click on Community to access links to various organizations/community events.
Here are just some examples:
- Cub Scouts (Boys & Girls ages 5-12)
- Girl Scouts
- West York Boys Club
- YMCA of York
- YWCA of York
Community Resources such as:
- Belmont Summer Academy - Theatre Summer Camps
- Community Progress Council
- Dream Wrights Center for Community Arts
- United Way