GPS Capital Projects Update
Keeping you updated on Greenwich Public Schools projects
A Message From GPS
The GPS Capital Projects Update is a newsletter issued periodically in order to provide updates on major projects to the Greenwich community across the District. On-going information is uploaded to the facilities projects page on the Greenwich Public Schools website on a regular basis.
At the latest Board Business Meeting on March 21, the Financial Report for period ending February 29 was presented. The overall general fund available capital balance (excluding building committee) is at $28M. Overall available capital balance, including building committee funds is $140.2M. School Construction Consultants (SCC) have an assigned project manager now fully operational to support capital management. Winter was heavy in planning and scheduling in advance of the summer season. Finance and Facilities are doing an ongoing Capital review.
You are also invited to stay up-to-date on the Capital Budget Process on our webpages dedicated to the year-round budget process.
Thank you!
Dr. Toni Jones, Superintendent of Schools
Western Middle School Field Remediation
The field restoration is well underway and we cannot wait to get this project completed. So far, everything is going great and the professional team is on site working hard to get the field returned to our students. We hope to get our students back on their field midway next school year.
For more information, including fact sheets, memos, public hearing videos, and Q&As, please head to the webpage dedicated to this project.
Greenwich High School Baseball
Contract engineers, Gilsanz Murray Steficek, had their work extended on the Greenwich High School baseball field as more soil was required to be taken out. The GHS baseball field is not usable this season, but GPS is grateful for the coordination between the Town of Greenwich’s Parks and Recreation, our GHS Athletic Director, coaching staff, parents, and many members of the Town of Greenwich staff, for coming together to problem-solve and come up with great solutions.
This season, varsity and junior varsity baseball teams will call Havemeyer Field home. Nuzzled between the district’s administrative building and Town Hall downtown, the grass is plush and green, the infield is smooth, and outfield walls have been installed. Go Cardinals!
For more information, including fact sheets and updates, head to the webpage dedicated to this project.
Hamilton Avenue School HVAC
While there are some community members speaking about geothermal heating and cooling technology, we would like to set the record straight when it comes to Greenwich Public Schools. When the system being designed for Hamilton Avenue School was not funded before the Holiday Recess, GPS had messaged that the current emergency solution would remain in place for this and all of the next school year to provide additional analysis requested by the RTM. Hamilton Avenue has more work to be conducted as the current geothermal wells have not yet been inspected for future use. The design process for an alternative, modern, efficient system that is within the technical capacity of GPS staffing resources has been halted. The design process has not been started for anything different until the district has the information they need.
A couple of important notes:
- There are members of the Energy Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) that have suggested a particular geothermal hybrid system. The district is not opposed to exploring this solution. However, to date, there has been no agreement by GPS to move forward designing a different system than proposed last fall and approved unanimously by both the BOE and the BET. The analysis to date has not been conducted nor has the condition of the wells fully reviewed. The geothermal system at Hamilton Avenue has experienced well-documented challenges since installation in 2009, and litigation followed for many years. Work must be conducted before any determination about reuse of the wells and geothermal system are considered. It is also necessary to assess the full cost and viability of reusing some of the existing equipment. Portions of the analysis work may need to be done in the summer months when students are not in school. The district is contracting for that work to be completed. In the meantime, the emergency solution must remain in place throughout next year until the project is designed and completed, at a cost of about $25,000 per month.
- After the RTM vote to request more analysis, GPS worked to coordinate with the full First Selectman’s Energy Management Advisory Committee (EMAC), which has representatives from BOE, BET, and the RTM. However, to date the full committee has not taken up the item. We do understand committees are volunteer in nature and this project is time consuming. While there has been some positive discussion with two members of the committee, and two previous hired consultant’s (LiRo and Farnsworth) advising, the district recognizes that a more aggressive analysis is necessary to meet the varying expectations of the BOE, BET, and RTM to have a solution for consideration early next year with updated information and cost analysis. GPS has engaged in conversations with AECOM to analyze the condition of the wells, equipment, and cost analysis, and should complete their work by the end of the summer 2024. It is likely this project will be ready to move forward early next school year with any updated information for the BOE, BET, and RTM as part of an interim request. The design at this time is unknown until the analysis is completed.
- GPS is not ready to design for a new system, and had already started the previous design work. But we halted that design work until the RTM requested analysis has been completed with our outside contractor. There is also no new analysis concerning dollar comparisons between different types of systems. Once we determine the solution for cost estimates based on basic design elements, a more detailed cost estimate can be provided as requested.
Parkway School Wellhouse
We are all looking forward to getting the drinking water restored at Parkway School. The construction of the wellhouse has progressed as planned, and the contractor is now waiting on a few necessary parts which were delayed to complete the project. We are hopeful the parts arrive soon and the project can be marked as complete. In the meantime, we continue to supply bottled water to those that do not bring their own from home.
For more information, including family and staff communication, head to the webpage dedicated to this project.
Central Middle School Building Project
There has been some recent community discussions about utilizing geothermal heating and cooling technology in the new Central Middle School project, the decision was put to rest in May and the building is being designed with a different energy-efficient HVAC solution, in combination with energy efficient lighting, solar, and much more, that exceeds CT High Performance (Green) Building Standards. At the time, the project funding was at a low level and not sufficient enough to build the actual building to meet educational specifications.
The district is committed to energy efficiency to meet the needs of students and staff, which does not delay the project for redesign, and does not impact use of the playing field.
In addition, to change the concept at this point in the process would cause a delay in the project, require redesign, and add costs to the project.
It has also been suggested that the geothermal wells, which are to be placed at least partially in the space where the existing building sits, could be drilled while the building is occupied by students and staff. Drilling under a building, which is shored up with an emergency solution, raises safety concerns.
The entire design team has worked diligently to develop a project that is sustainable and addresses the Town’s conservation initiatives and desire to provide a high performing school building that integrates into the neighborhood setting. Greenwich Public Schools is grateful for their amazing on-going work and looks forward to the new school opening in August 2026. For more details, please review the Design Document Energy Analysis Report that was presented on January 24, 2024.
For more information on all things Central Middle School, please head to the webpage dedicated to this project.
Greenwich High School Vestibule Project
The new secure and safe vestibule project at Greenwich High School is scheduled for completion in the fall. Construction is ongoing and progress continues as expected, into the installation of the appropriate HVAC system. In addition, the project will also route all GHS guests through the newly designed GHS office to keep them from directly entering the glass hallway.
This is an exciting project which is going to enhance the safety and security for our GHS campus.
For more information, please head to the webpage dedicated to this project.
Julian Curtiss School
Building Committee
The Julian Curtiss Building Committee has been hard at work, focusing on accessibility. The summer of 2024 will start on the creation of a secure and ADA accessible entrance for the building. The elevator location has been determined and that work will commence after the entrance work. The JC building committee will be requesting additional funds via the Board of Education for primarily increased costs for the elevator and entryway.
For more information, please head to the webpage dedicated to this project.
The HVAC upgrade to the classrooms and offices was completed earlier last year. The installation of a new system for the gym was completed in early fall and it is working as expected! The students, staff, and families are extremely grateful for the updates and now that spring has arrived and warmer temperatures are on the horizon, this will be the first time everyone will experience wonderfully cool air during physical education classes, assemblies, and student productions.
EnergizeCT Energy Efficient Lighting
The district has been focused on upgrading to energy efficient lighting. The district has contracted with an Eversource approved vendor to complete a lighting upgrade program at Julian Curtiss and the Millbank Building to be 100% converted by the summer 2024. The work at JC will be coordinated with the Building Committee.
To date, energy efficient lighting projects have been completed at eight of our buildings.
Old Greenwich School
The Board of Education recently held a Special Meeting to approve revised education specifications and amend the Capital Budget presented by the Old Greenwich Building Committee.
The project moves onto the BET next and then construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2025 given this year's grant window closed without full funding. The Building Committee must submit to the state on or before June 2024 to get on the priority list for 2024-2025. Full funding must be available upon submission or the project would not be eligible for any reimbursement from the State of Connecticut.
You are encouraged to watch, or re-watch, the presentation to the Board on the district’s YouTube channel.
For more information on all things Old Greenwich School construction, please head to the webpage dedicated to this project.
ADA Access Presentation
GPS contracted consultants at Silver Petrucelli + Associates to conduct a thorough assessment to identify the non-conforming accessibility barriers at our school buildings according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). A presentation was recently provided to the Board of Education and public during a BOE Special Meeting. The study provides a cost analysis per school and in much greater detail about areas which could be prioritized by building to create an action plan for capital planning. The Riverside School was not originally part of this review as it was assumed that the ADA shortcomings would be identified and dealt with during the upcoming Major Project.
Email: communications@greenwich.k12.ct.us
Location: 290 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, CT, USA
Phone: (203) 625-7415