No Fuss, Take A Bus
Come take a seat and stay off the streets! - Group 6
Our Mission Statement
Facts and Statistics
Example of Poor Living Conditions in Waco
Public Transit Bus
Dilapidated Home
In case you didn't know...
- Between the years 2000 to 2012, the average percentage of jobs within the typical commute distance in cities fell by 7%,
- The average city dweller can ride a public bus for 1.5 hours and will only be able to reach 30% of jobs in the city. This means it would take the average city dweller around 5 hours just to reach their job if they worked all the way across town.
- The number of people living in dilapidated homes doubled from 1997 to 2005, therefore it is safe to assume that the said trend has continued over the last decade.
What We're Doing
Who We Want to Influence to Our Cause
Chip and Joanna Gaines
Mayor Kyle Deaver
We intend to sway the mayor toward our cause, because he is the face of Waco, and would be a major ally in persuading the council.
Waco City Council
What We Have Learned...
In order for Waco to reach its full potential, we need to address the housing and transportation issue in our community.
Abigail Zimmerman
I learned how to help our community.
- Harleen Colson
I have learned how that to be a good citizen you must help the people in our community.
- Harris Cook
I have learned how important it is to be active in a community.
- Keaton Pustejovsky
I have learned that to help the people in the community, it is important to know about the people and jobs in your city.
- Lindsey Wilcox
I have learned that buses are important to transport citizens from one spot to another.
- McKenzie McDonald
I have learned that our bus systems are more decrepit than they should be.
- Sam Webb
I have learned how to advocate in our community.
- Carter Penney
I have learned that most people don't have jobs, because they have no way to transport from one place to another.
- Dante Sosa
I have learned how important it is to contribute to a cause that I believe in, as the decisions I make can impact my community.
-Susanna Wollard
iEngage Summer Civics Institute- Group 6
Email: icivics@baylor.edu
Website: http://blogs.baylor.edu/iengage/
Location: 1 Bear Trail, Waco, TX, United States
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iengagebaylor