WCS August 2022 District News
August 5, 2022

Your August 2022 Hurricane News!
Welcome back to WCS for the 2022-23 school year!
I’m Jim Brady, your new WCS Superintendent. I’m excited to serve the district and the town that I’ve always called home, to continue the proud traditions that come with being a Hurricane. I hope to bring 25 years of administrative experience from Clinton, Pickaway, Cuyahoga, and Brown counties back to Clinton County to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all students to thrive.
My focus as your new Superintendent will be to support our staff and teachers so that they can support our district’s students as they pursue and achieve their goals and dreams.
Jim Brady
Arriving in the mail soon!
Get your kitchen magnets ready and clear a spot on the fridge! We're sending out large postcards with the school calendar, BOE meetings, Contacts, and other helpful information to keep handy all year long. ** Make sure you've updated your address in FinalForms so that your postcard finds you!
If you don't receive yours in the mail before Open House Night just contact info@wilmington.k12.oh.us.
Back to School Information
We're gearing up for the first day back to school on August 17, 2022! Get all your back to school information here and get ready for a great year at WCS!
School Supply Lists
You'll find all your school supply lists here.
Student Handbooks
Families can view our 2022-23 Student Handbooks online. If you need a paper copy, please contact your child's school.
Open House
Be sure to check your child's building calendar for all the Open House information! All Open House events are in-person this Fall. Elementary families should use provided links to sign up for a time slot. Just check the details on the calendar event. Preschool families were emailed a link to their sign up form.
Free/Reduced Meals: 2022-23 Application Update
For the last few years, breakfast and lunch have been free for all students due to the Covid 19 pandemic. This has been discontinued by the government starting with this upcoming school year (2022-23).
Please review our important application update on the District website .
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
We've posted the Breakfast and Lunch Menus for August and September! Be sure to visit wilmingtoncityschools.com/foodservice
Get ready to cheer on your Hurricane Athletes!
Are you ready for some Hurricane athletics? You can always find the link on the District website at WilmingtonCitySchools.com/Athletics - just click "All Team Schedules". Go 'Cane!
Coming soon! Information our new ticketing process for 2022-23 Athletic Events!
School Safety
We know school safety is top of mind for most parents. Please take a few moments to learn more about our efforts to keep our campuses safe in our Safety Article 2022-23 and talk with your kids about our school safety hotline - available on the District website and as a smartphone app.
You're also encouraged to help them install the mobile app on their smartphone. You'll find all the info you need in our Safety Article (page 2), along with our District code for the app.
Active Aggressor Exercise Planned for August 10th
An active aggressor exercise is scheduled to take place at the Wilmington High School on the morning of Wednesday, August 10, 2022. This exercise will include multiple first response agencies throughout Clinton County and will implement rescue task force (RTF) tactics between law enforcement and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel.
NOTE: WHS Campus will be CLOSED from 8:00AM to 12:00PM on August 10, 2022
You can learn more about this training event on the District website.
Wilmington, OH 45177