July 21, 2024
Week of November 17, 2024
From the desk of Principal Lessard
Dear Dolphin families,
As we approach Thanksgiving break, please help your child in preparing for final and End-of-Course Exams. Tutoring takes place daily before and after school.
We have several ways to support our community in the coming weeks:
- Interact is hosting a drive for Help or Beaufort. Please bring warm weather gear such as: jackets, hats, gloves, blankets, and sleeping bags to Ms. Baskwell in room G115. Donations are being accepted until December 16. Contact: katherine.baskwell2beaufort.k12.sc.us
- We are also collecting items for our Annual Food Drive as part of our Thanksgiving Community meal tradition. Please contact samaiyah.white@beaufort.k12.sc.us if you wish to contribute.
Thank you for your support and we invite each of you to choose the best way to get involved at Creek this year. Please consider completing the volunteer application below to find your voice!
Leading with love,
Mrs. Lessard
Please email Mrs. Gabrielle Heath (Gabrielle.Heath@beaufort.k12.sc.us), Ms. April Lang (April.Lang@beaufort.k12.sc.us) and Ms. Latricia Brown (latricia.brown@beaufort.k12.sc.us) any early release emails (doctor’s appointments, etc.) by 10am so that we my process your request effectively. Phone requests for early dismissal will be determined by emergency circumstances. All requests muts be verified to ensure the safety of your child(ren). Thank you for your understanding.
Monday 11/18
Tuesday 11/19
Wednesday 11/20
- Winter Sports Picture Day 11/20
Thursday 11/21
Friday 11/22
- Blue & White Day 11/22 - Details to FOLLOW
- Student's Thanksgiving lunch
Monday 11/25
Tuesday 11/26
NO SCHOOL 11/27-11/29 - Thanskgiving Break
- 12/2/24 SIC Meeting 5:30PM
Start Date
BCSD Cell Phone/Personal Device Policy
SC 2024 School Report
Official letter will be sent home Tuesday 11/12/24 via both BrightArrow and physcially with every student. We invite EVERYONE to attend the next SIC Meeting 12/2/24 at 5:30 in the Lecture Hall for conitnued work on our annual school report card Accountability Action Plan.
Boys interested in Spring Tennis should contact Coach Severide
You can support Tennis by purchasing a t-shirt, see attached flyer!
See Coach Ashe if you have any questions about athletics or if you want to volunteer!
We will begin Tighten Up Tuesdays next week. This is an opportunity for our students to dress for success. Students attire must be dress code compliant. Let's see who can DRESS FOR SUCCESS BEST!
Class of 2027 & 2028: We are looking at traveling internationally with EF Tours during the Summer of 2027. If you are interested, complete this survey. https://tinyurl.com/EFTour27
Key Contacts Directory 24-25
Principal Denise Lessard: denise.lessard@beaufort.k12.sc.us
AP Mr. Daniel VanWinkle - Last names H-N: daniel.vanwinkle@beaufort.k12.sc.us
AP Mrs. Kimberly Fields - Last names O-Z: kimberly.fields@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Athletic Director Terrance Ashe: terrance.ashe@beaufort.k12.sc.us
School Counseling:
Last names A-G - School Counselor Ms. Racquel Frazier: racquel.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last names H-N - Lead School Counselor Ms. Kirsten Nash: kirsten.nash@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Last names O-Z - School Counselor Ms. Jessica Stone: jessica.stone@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Registration - School Counseling Associate Heather Bailey: heather.bailey@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Bilingual Liaison: Ms. Dalisse Rosado dalisse.rosado@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Key Contacts:
Alumni: denise.lessard@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Attendance: april.lang@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Bookkeeper: barbara.layman@beaufort.k12.sc.us
JROTC: troy.james@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Nurse: jessica.lesesne@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Parking: catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
PowerSchool Updates: jennifer.frazier@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Senior Special Trips: ashley.smith@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Social Media Requests: gabrielle.heath@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Social Worker: samaiyah.white@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Transportation: catia.gilbert@beaufort.k12.sc.us
If you need help with a specific area not listed, please contact our Office Manager Ms. Latricia Brown at latricia.brown@beaufort.k12.sc.us