Book Studies for 2021-2022
Check out our book studies for the 2021 - 22 school year
Each book study will consist of the following:
- Virtual Kick-off via Zoom (45 min - 1 hour)
- Weekly reading "assignments" and discussion posting requirements in our new Learning Management System (LMS) Adobe.
- Virtual Wrap-up via Zoom (1 hour)
Book Studies
Mathematizing Children's Literature: Sparking Connections, Joy, and Wonder through Read-Alouds and Discussion
What you'll learn:
- Select picture books according to the goals of the read-aloud experience.
- Plan and facilitate three kinds of read-aloud discussions - Open Notice and Wonder, Math Lens, and Story Explore.
- Utilize Idea Investigations - experiences that invite students to pursue literacy and math-focused ideas beyond the pages of the read-aloud.
- Connect with students' families and communities through stories.
Essential Information:
Cost: FREE (you will need to purchase the book on your own)
Dates: 10/3/22 - 12/5/22
**NOTE: The book is available via amazon.com or stenhouse.com (search title & author OR ISBN-13: 978-1625311580 / ISBN-10: 1625311583)
Teacher's Survival Guide: Gifted Education: A First Year Teacher's Introduction to Gifted Learners (2nd ed.)
Target Audience:
Educators who work with gifted students (new AND veteran alike!)
Supervisors who supervise educators who work with gifted students
This book can be ordered from Prufrock Press for $29.95 or downloaded for $23.95. Amazon does not currently carry the 2nd edition.
$66.00 per participant
Making Mathineers: Transformational Math Experiences that Build Conceptual Thinking for Both the Teacher and the Student by Jonily Zupancic
What you'll learn:
In this highly practical, research-rich book by an expert in mathematics instruction, assessment and intervention, you'll learn:
- About the math stories of teachers and students and the impact those stories have on math learning.
- About the symptoms of math learning and understanding.
- How to make mathineers through rich math experiences that engage and motivate students.
Find out how to:
- Un-separate math society.
- Uncover the unique mathematical story and potential of every student.
- Unlock the joy of math teaching and learning!
Click the link below to register and for more information!
Essential Information:
Cost: $25.00 per participant
Dates: 10/4/2021 - 12/6/2021
Language at the Speed of Sight, by Mark Seidenberg
In Language at the Speed of Sight, internationally renowned cognitive scientist Mark Seidenberg reveals the underexplored science of reading, which spans cognitive science, neurobiology, and linguistics. As Seidenberg shows, the disconnect between science and education is a major factor in America's chronic underachievement. How we teach reading places many children at risk of failure, discriminates against poorer kids, and discourages even those who could have become more successful readers. Children aren't taught basic print skills because educators cling to the disproved theory that good readers guess the words in texts, a strategy that encourages skimming instead of close reading. Interventions for children with reading disabilities are delayed because parents are mistakenly told their kids will catch up if they work harder. Learning to read is more difficult for children who speak a minority dialect in the home, but that is not reflected in classroom practices. By building on science's insights, we can improve how our children read, and take real steps toward solving the inequality that illiteracy breeds.
Both an expert look at our relationship with the written word and a rousing call to action, Language at the Speed of Sight is essential for parents, educators, policy makers, and all others who want to understand why so many fail to read, and how to change that.
Target Audience:
- Instructional Coaches
- Supervisors
- Building Administrators
- District Administrators
- Curriculum Directors
- Classroom Teachers
- Parents / Family Members of students who struggle to read
** Anyone interested in the role the Science of Reading plays in learning to read
Essential Information:
Cost: $66.00 per participant
Dates: 10/28/2021 - 12/16/2021
Better Conversations by Jim Knight
Enter instructional coaching expert Jim Knight, who in Better Conversations honors our capacity for improving our schools by improving our communication. Asserting that our schools are only as good as the conversations within them, Jim shows us how to adopt the habits essential to transforming the quality of our dialogues.
As coaches, as administrators, as teachers, it’s time to thrive. Learn how to:
Coach ourselves and each other to become better communicators
Listen with empathy
Find common ground
Build Trust
Our students’ academic, social, and emotional growth depends upon our doing this hard work. It’s time to roll up our sleeves, open our minds, and dare to change for the better of the students we serve.
As a group, we will read Better Conversations, build upon our expertise as we progress through Knight's book using reflection-based assignments, group discussion posts, and ancillary videos. You'll even walk away from this eight week experience with tools to use in your personal relationships.
Target Audience:
- Instructional Coaches
- Supervisors
- Building Administrators
- District Administrators
- Curriculum Directors
** Anyone who recognizes that communication is one of the most difficult parts of any relationship and wants to get better**
Essential Information:
Cost: $66.00 per participant
Dates: 1/6/2022 - 2/3/2022
Becoming the Math Teacher You Wish You'd Had: Ideas and Strategies from Vibrant Classrooms by Tracy Johnston Zager
What you'll learn:
In this highly practical, research-rich book by a math coach who spent years with highly-skilled math teachers in diverse settings and grades, you'll learn:
- How to break the cycle of "how we learned math."
- What mathematicians do and how they do it: take risks, make mistakes, use precision, rise to a challenge, ask questions, connect ideas, use intuition, reason and prove.
- How to create "favorable conditions" for all math students.
Click the link below to register and for more information!
Essential Information:
Cost: $66.00 per participant
Dates: 1/10/2022 - 4/4/2022
Book Study: Gifted Education: Focus on Depth & Complexity"
Target Audience:
Educators who work with gifted students (new AND veteran alike!)
Supervisors who supervise educators who work with gifted students
Cost: $40.00 per participant
Dates: 1/24/2022 - 3/28/2022
Madison-Champaign Educational Service Center
We Work to Serve!
Email: tandlsupport@mccesc.org
Website: mccesc.org
Location: 2200 S US 68 Urbana, OH 43078
Phone: 937-484-1557
Facebook: facebook.com/madison.champaign.esc
Twitter: @M_C_ESC