Virtual Academy: Grades K-12
October 2024
Happy October!
We hope you're enjoying the beauty that autumn brings, even when the temperatures can't decide where they should be! There's a lot of important information in this newsletter - please read it thoroughly and reach out with questions!
Here are a couple of quick things:
- If you plan to stop at the District Office to speak with someone from Virtual Academy, please make sure we know you're coming. Most of our team is working remotely, and we want to make sure someone is available to chat with you!
- The fall climate and culture survey is LIVE! We ask that all parents/guardians and students take the survey to provide valuable information about the Virtual Academy. Click the appropriate link below to complete this survey:
Connection Day
Our next Connection Day will be held Friday, November 22. (Please note: This is a change from our calendar!)
Conferences - October 21 and 23
It's time to sign up for parent-teacher conferences! Virtual Academy conferences for secondary students will be held using two different formats - in-person on October 21 and online on October 23.
All conferences will be scheduled using sign-up genius: Schedule Conferences Now! Please list your student's name in the "notes" section of the sign-up.
Clothing Order - due by October 14!
Don't miss your opportunity to get some Virtual Academy gear! Scan the QR code or go to https://virtualacademy24.itemorder.com to do some shopping today.
Standardized Testing
Our fall round of NDA+ standardized testing will begin October 22, 2024, for students K-10. Students and guardians have received an email confirming their scheduled date and time, and all testing will be located at the Fargo Public Schools District Office (700 7th Street South).
Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR)
The Virtual Academy started Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) for our students in the spring of 2024. This year, students in grades 6-9 participate in weekly iTime meetings to connect with teachers and with one another through a variety of online activities. Due to the short week, an online pet parade was held in lieu of iTime this week.
Important dates
- October 10:Early Out (teachers available until noon for online support)
- October 11: No School
- October 14: No School
- October 15: ACT testing
- October 15: Clothing Order Due
- October 17: PSAT (Juniors)
- October 21: In-person Conferences (scheduled)
- October 23: Online Conferences (scheduled)
- October 22-24, October 29-30: NDA+ Standardized Testing (Grades K-10)
- November 1: End of Quarter 1 (first set of high school classes done)
- November 11: No School
- November 27-29: No School Thanksgiving Break
Fargo Public Schools is focusing on mental health through the month of October. The mental health series provides specific information in helping your child succeed. Information about this series can be found on the FPS main website and on the Virtual Academy counselor page.
Part of the Mental Health Series platform is Ask a Therapist LIVE event on October 23rd. This event takes place once a month and offers a unique opportunity for parents to engage directly with a licensed family therapist. Parents can ask questions anonymously and receive personalized answers in real time. Please utilize the QR code to register for Ask a Therapist LIVE on October 23rd.
Teacher Support
Our students have been busy in their classes; keep up the great work! Also, remember that we have teachers to help support you in grades 6-12. (Elementary students can contact their NDCDE teacher directly for support.)
- Matthew Dahmen (Science) dahmenm@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-8606
- Madelyn Moore (Math) moorem@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-8607
- Laura Qualey (English) qualeyl@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-8609
- Rachel Schroeder (Social Studies) schroer1@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-8632
Get Stuff Done/What I Need
Don't forget about GSD/WIN days for our students. This year our counselor and teachers will be spending time onsite at Trollwood Performing Arts in Moorhead for students to receive in-person assistance in their courses.
Staff will be available at Trollwood on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:30 to 3:30 this year. Trollwood is located at 801 50th Ave S in Moorhead, MN. This service is open to any student in Edgenuity courses in grades 6-12. Students who fall behind pace in their courses will be required to attend at least one day each week. Families will be responsible for transporting students to and from Trollwood.
The October schedule is listed below. (Please note some days are unavailable due to testing.)
Public Data Release of Information
Federal law requires districts and schools receiving federal funding to notify parents/guardians of particular components outlined in the Every Student Success Act.
The two communications are linked below:
Bright Arrow
Fargo Public Schools switched to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year called Bright Arrow Mass Communication and you MUST opt-in to receive text messages from FPS. If you don't opt-in, you could be missing important information from your school or the District. You can opt-in anytime by texting the word "YES" to 79041.
Additional Support
Vanessa Boehm - Grades K-12 - boehmv@fargo.k12.nd.us
Student Wellness and Family Facilitator:
Katie King - kingk@fargo.k12.nd.us
Need help?
Email: fiechth@fargo.k12.nd.us
Website: https://www.fargo.k12.nd.us/virtualacademy