Troy Intermediate
May Newsletter
Troy Families-
May has arrived, bringing with it a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the summer ahead. Here are some highlights and important information for the month:
Music Concerts: May 1st 5th grade band & orchestra May 2nd: 6th grade band & orchestra. All performances will be at ALHS Performing Arts Center. Please be sure to refer to the email that was sent by the respective teachers.
Scholastic Book Fair- Our Spring Book Fair will be May 8. 9 and 10th. If you are interested in helping out during the day please reach out to : Alessia Lloyd <lloydmomof3@yahoo.com>.
End-of-Year Celebrations: With the school year winding down, we're gearing up for a series of memorable events to celebrate our students' achievements. Students will be participating in Field Day, tours to Learwood, music concerts, talent show, and 5th grade lunch.
Volunteer Appreciation: As we near the end of the school year, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all our parent volunteers who have generously contributed their time and support throughout the year. Whether it's helping out in the Media Center, organizing events, or donating items your dedication makes a significant difference in our Troy community.
Theresa Lengel- Principal
Julie Scanlan- Assistant Principal
Dear Parents/ Guardians:
Please remember any student medication and/or medical supplies that you have provided for use at school must be picked up by a parent or guardian by the last day of school. By board policy, students may not transport any mediation home. If medication or medical supplies are not picked up by June 5th, 2024, they will be discarded.
Below you will find instructions on how to print off the appropriate medical form for the 2024-2025 school year. Please have them completed prior to school starting and bring them with the appropriate medications and/ or supplies to your child’s school. We will no longer be able to accept medications WITHOUT the appropriate paperwork; they must come to the school together.
As a reminder, per state law and board policy, students cannot take prescription medication without physician and parent permission regardless of what age the student is while in school. Medication must be provided by parents/ guardians in its original container labeled with the student’s name, physician’s name, medication name, dosage and administration instructions. Prescription medication dosage will not be changed without a written order which is signed by the physician. This law covers:
1. Students with inhalers
2. Diabetic students, who need to check their blood sugar, administer insulin or correct a low blood sugar.
3. Students with Epi Pens. Those students who choose to carry their own Epi Pens may administer their own medication, but ONLY if a physician verifies that the student is capable to administer the medication AND an additional Epi Pen is also available in the office.
4. Administration of any emergency medications including Benadryl, Diastat, and Nayzilam.
To print off the appropriate forms for next year:
1. Go to www.avonlakecityschools.org
2. Under “District Information” click on “Health News”, scroll down the page to “School Medical Forms”
3. Choose from the following forms, print, and complete.
· Diabetes Medical Management Plan (you can attach preprinted MD orders)
· Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan (FARE) - covers Epi Pen, antihistamine and inhaler if needed
· Prescription Medication Form and Drop-Off and Pick-Up Instructions
· Over-The-Counter Medication Instructions and Form
· Seizure Health Care Plan
If you have any questions concerning our medication policy or would like to meet with us prior to the start of the 2024-2025 school year concerning your child, please feel free to contact us at your child’s school. Have a safe and healthy summer.
Avon Lake City Schools Nursing Staff
Blood Drive
Please sign up for the Troy Blood Drive on Tuesday May 21st, from 3-8.
Students, whose parents donate, will be recognized as a pint size hero on morning announcements.
6th Grade Farewell Formal
Tickets are on sale this week during all 6th grade lunch periods.
For those that want to donate their time...
For those that want to donate prizes...
PTA News
May is when we celebrate staff appreciation. If you wish to contribute to the celebrations please sign up using the link below:
We are excited to celebrate our SWEET staff!
PTA is looking for board members and committee chairs for next year. PTA is a support organization for all students, teachers and staff and they organize and execute several initiatives and events throughout the school year. The executive board helps govern the PTA and committees plan the various activities throughout the school year. There are several positions that need filled to ensure success for the 2024-25 school year. Please contact Natasha Berridge natsberridge@gmail.com or Alessia Lloyd lloydmomof3@yahoo.com with questions.
The BOOK FAIR is coming! Please let PTA know if you are available to help with book fair the week of May 6th. We need daily sales associates and a chairperson so that this goes off without a hitch for all 5th and 6th grade students to enjoy. Contact Alessia Lloyd at lloydmomof3@yahoo.com or 440.637.3399 if you are interested and available during the day May 8-10th
The next PTA meeting is May 6th AT 10:30 at Troy.
If you have any PTA questions, please reach out to me at natsberridge@gmail.com
Natasha Berridge
PTA President
May Calendar
1- 5th grade band/orchestra concert
2- 6th grade band/orchestra concert
7- MAPS- Math
7- Early Release
8- Community Forum
13- 6th grade Music Concert- ALHS
13- Glaciers to Learwood
14- 6th grade Music Concert- ALHS
14- Captains to Learwood
15- Lake Effect to Learwood
16- Choir Concert- ALHS
21- Blood Drive
21- Lake Effect bowling party
22- Captains bowling party
23- Glaciers bowling party
27- Memorial Day - No school
31- 6th grade Farewell Formal
ALHS Weight Room
The ALHS Weight Room is open to Avon Lake residents during the following times (on days when school is in session):
Morning Times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 5:15 – 7:15 a.m.
Evening Times:
Monday through Thursday, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Residents must bring their ID with them. Middle school students must bring a parent/guardian. For complete rules and regulations, click the link below:
Camp Invention
Spark your child’s creativity and confidence with our new Camp Invention® program! At Troy Intermediate School the week of June 10th, children in grades K-6 will team up and take on fun, hands-on STEM challenges. They’ll design a light-up ball game, star in a prototyping game show and more! Visit https://www.invent.org/programs/camp-invention to secure your spot!
At Troy, we use a model of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to intentionally teach students expectations for behavior in all areas of the school environment. The Avon Lake City Schools’ core values of Responsibility, Respect and Readiness create a framework that we use to teach, model and reinforce behavior expectations.
We are looking forward to collaborating with families to demonstrate these expectations. Here are some helpful ways for parents and caregivers to be involved:
1. Ask your child what the three R’s stand for
2. Ask your child about his/her school and classroom expectations
3. Encourage your child to practice the three R’s at home, on their teams, with their siblings and in the community
4. Praise your child when he/she makes choices that align with the three R’s