Cardinal Connections Newsletter

September 12, 2024
Thanks to the Clinton Education Foundation, Clinton High School marketing and business students are now rolling in style! This generous donation purchased 82 brand-new rolling office chairs that are set to boost both student comfort and productivity.
The Education Foundation for Clinton Students Inc., is a not-for-profit organization, whose mission is to provide resources to support the students, staff, and goals of the Clinton School District. All donations made to the Foundation are tax-deductible and help to ensure a bright future for the district's students by providing funds to help them receive the best education possible. If you are interested in learning more, please email Dan Wallace, dwallace@hawthornbank.com.
Pictured below:
Front row: Roberta Edgett (Ed Foundation), Markus Oliver (student), Malachi Wilson (student), and Carla Moberly (Ed Foundation)
Back row: Kim Mitchell (Ed Foundation), Angela Lowe (Ed Foundation), Dan Wallace (Ed Foundation), Kelly DeHaan (business teacher), Jessie Thompson (marketing teacher), and Stephanie Harp (business teacher)
On Wednesday, students across the district participated in age-appropriate activities that helped them understand the events and historical significance of September 11, 2001.
First graders in Ms. Nepple's class learned how police officers, firefighters, doctors, and nurses came together to help people who were hurt on 9/11. Students wrote thank you cards to local police officers, firefighters, doctors, and nurses to thank them for the important role they play in our own community.
See more pictures here.
Students in Mrs. Combs' 7th grade math class recently played a game of "Coveralls". The game's objective is to be the first student to shade 100% of the grid. Students roll 3 dice, each labeled with a fraction, decimal, or percent value. The students select which number is the largest value and then shade this number in on the grid. Not only is this a great way for their teacher Mrs. Combs to determine their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages, but they have a ton of fun in the process too!
See more pictures here.
Some think that map-reading is a lost art....but third graders in Mrs. Klahs' class are keeping this timeless skill alive!
In social studies, students are learning about different types of maps and how they are used. Small groups were given maps for Disney's Magic Kingdom and Disney's Hollywood Studios along with a magnifying glass. Students had to locate ride locations, restaurants, bathrooms and more. They also used cardinal directions to describe how to get to different locations in the parks.
See more pictures here.
Students in Mr. Stone's Automotive Technology class achieved one of their first learning objectives of the school year, "Shop and Personal Safety - Vehicle Lifting".
Like all Clinton Technical School programs, Automotive Technology students are able to gain employment with the skills they have learned or continue their education in post-secondary training.
See more pictures here.
Clinton Middle School G.A.T.E. (Gifted and Talented Education, formerly known as CAPS) students started off the year with a name tag challenge.
Students were tasked with creating a wearable name tag that had their name displayed by only using these limited items: 1 index card, a paper clip, 2 pipe cleaners, 1 string up to 12" long, scissors, and a hole puncher. Oh, and to make this task even more challenging, students only had 15 minutes!
Students were eager to take on this challenge and it was a fun and exciting way to start off the year! Students are taught by Ms. Raymond.
See more pictures here.
Clinton Early Childhood Center students in Ms. Madi's class had a blast with Play-Doh last week!
Students mixed different colors together to see what new colors they could create. Students had fun making predictions about what colors would form, and they were excited to see the results.
See more pictures here.
School Resource Officers play a very important role in our school, and we are very excited to have this familiar face on our team this year!
Help us welcome Officer Shane Lawson to the CSD! Officer Lawson brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our school district, as he has worked for the Clinton Police Department for approximately 22 years.
"I'm excited to be a part of ensuring a safe learning environment for students and staff. Through positive interaction and education, I hope to help build trust and understanding among the students towards the law enforcement community."
Welcome to the team, Shane....we're so glad you're here!
Clinton Schools will not be in session on Monday, September 23rd for staff professional development.
The district’s goal is to provide a fun, safe, and engaging opportunity for students and families to support our high school and middle school athletic teams. In doing so, the Clinton School District is announcing several new expectations that will be put in place for the remainder of the home football and soccer games.
Students 5th grade and under can not enter the game unless they are with an adult (18 years or older). Students must sit with this adult during the game.
Unless seated with their parent/guardian, middle school students will be required to sit in the area designated for CMS students (east side of the bleachers).
Unless seated with their parent/guardian, high school students will be required to sit in the area designated for CHS students (west side of the bleachers).
Students are not allowed to bring balls of any type into Cardinal Stadium.
Students should remain seated during the game (unless using the restroom or visiting the concession stand). Students are not permitted to be on the track, under the bleachers, or on the visitor’s side of the stadium.
We appreciate your support and assistance in helping our fans and Clinton School District families have an enjoyable and safe experience while cheering on our Cardinals!
Are you hungry? If so, we have two student fundraisers that you are going to want to hear about!
For the next two weeks, you can support HOSA students (organization for Health Occupations and EMT students at Clinton Technical School). Students are selling Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough, chocolates, candles, gifts, and more. Check out what they are selling here.Please direct questions to Megan Weiss, mweiss@clintoncardinals.org
The Band Boosters are hosting a Fried Chicken Dinner on Sunday, September 22nd in the CHS cafeteria from 11:00-1:30 (or until gone). Come and eat some delicious fried chicken made by Robert Perrymann and help support the band’s trip to Universal Studios.
Tickets are $15 and can be purchased from any CHS band student, or at the door.
Please email Pat Miles, pmiles@clintoncardinals.org, or Katie Klinksick, kklinksick@clintoncardinals.org, with any questions.
The Clinton FFA Chapter will be holding their first ever Labor Auction on September 25th at 6:00pm at the Henry County Fairgrounds.
If you need help/assistance with any of the following, you can hire a pair of FFA students to help!
- Babysitting
- Yardwork/Gardening
- Cleaning/Organizing
- Painting
- Pet/House Sitting
- Fencing
- Simple Farm Chores
- Help with Clerical Duties
See the flyer below for more information.
Homecoming will be here in less than a month (October 11th).
One of the best traditions is our annual Homecoming Parade. If your business/organization would like to be in the parade, please use this form.
If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Eckers at jeckers@clintoncardinals.org
We hope Henry Elementary School and Clinton Intermediate School students can join us for WALK TO SCHOOL DAY on October 2nd!
- Parents can drop students off or park at Equity Bank (7th and Ohio) between 7:15 and 7:45 a.m. on the morning of October 2nd. Parents should enter Equity Bank on 7th Street and exit on 6th Street.
- A volunteer or teacher will walk with small groups of students and students will learn how to use crosswalks and crossing guards.
- For more information contact Gina Johannsen, gjohannsen@clintoncardinals.org
Interested in becoming an EMT?
This November-February, Clinton Technical School will be offering an Adult Basic EMT course.
If you are interested, or want to learn more, email Megan Weiss-mweiss@clintoncardinals.org
In case you weren't keeping track, Christmas arrives in 104 days!
To help you get ready, Clinton Intermediate School will be holding their annual Cardinal Holiday Mart on November 16th from 9:00-2:00. Mark you calendar for this amazing day of shopping!
Also, if you (or someone you know) is interested in having a booth at this event, please email Annisa Bracher to sign-up, abracher@clintoncardinals.org. The price of a booth is $30.
FirstView is a bus tracking and communications app, offered in partnership with First Student, the district's transportation provider. The FirstView app offers parents live bus tracking with custom alerts and notifications.
To get started using FirstView, please use this link. If you should have questions, please contact Transportation at 660-885-2644.
Want to catch our Cardinals in action this year?
You can view a full athletic calendar on our website at this link.
To accommodate students who purchase school meals, payment options include an online payment system (found here) that will take credit and debit cards, or cash and check payments may be made at all school sites. We ask that lunch accounts do not incur a negative balance.
If you have not already completed a Free and Reduced Meal application for the 2024-2025 school year, we encourage you to do so. This application can be found here on our website, or you may request one from your child’s school office.
Please be aware that even if your child qualifies for free/reduced meals, there are still circumstances where they will be charged full-price for food/drink items.
- A la carte items (CMS/CHS)
- Choosing extra entrees as they go through the lunch line (CHS)
- Getting a second chance breakfast after having a regular breakfast earlier in the morning (CHS)
- Extra milk with lunch/breakfast (all schools)
- Snack milk (Henry Elementary)
The Cardinal Compliment program is back!
This program is a way for you to salute any Clinton School District employee who goes above and beyond what is expected. Whether you're a parent impressed with that special touch your child's teacher added to a moment, a coworker who thinks their colleague doesn't hear often enough about the great job they are doing, or a community member who witnesses a staff member’s commitment to kids - you can send a Cardinal Compliment!
Supervisors, including the superintendent, will see your submission. The employee will receive a certificate of gratitude and a token of appreciation that lets everyone know he or she was given a Cardinal Compliment.
Every month, Cardinal Compliment recipients will be listed on the district website and posted on the district Facebook page to let others know the names of the district's difference makers!
The 2024-2025 school year calendar can be found below.
You can find a printable version on our website.