Check It Out!
MTRSD Elementary Libraries October 2024
Take a look at what's happening in our elementary school libraries!
Colrain Central School Library Update
The rotating black bookstand in the library is more than just a place to find books; it's an ever-changing display that reflects the interests and needs of our community. Every month, the library staff carefully selects books to feature on this stand, ensuring there's always something fresh and relevant for everyone to explore. The displayed themes often align with the current sports seasons, cultural celebrations as designated by the American Association of School Librarians, educational topics being discussed in classes, newly acquired books, and even some old favorites that deserve more attention.
Given the library's limited space and the acquisition of new books, it’s necessary to periodically review and weed out books that haven't been checked out in a while. Before being permanently removed from the collection, these books are displayed on the rotating bookstand, offering them a final opportunity to be discovered and enjoyed. Following our District practices, any books that are eventually weeded out are first offered to the community for free, and then donated to a used book seller, ensuring they find a new home.
Currently, the bookstand features an exciting array of books:
1. Soccer and football books to coincide with the fall sports season.
2. A selection of books celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.
3. An assortment of Hispanic folktales that offer a glimpse into rich cultural stories.
4. A new collection of cookbooks, reflecting the community's interest as revealed by our recent survey.
Next time you're at the library, don't forget to stop by the rotating black bookstand. It's a great way to stay updated on what's new and exciting, and you might just discover your next favorite book!
Book displays at CCS Library
Book displays at CCS Library
Book displays at CCS Library
News from the BSE Library!
September was a busy month for BSE students in the library. Upper grades considered three important questions about their needs and wishes for the space and our community: In a positive library community, what do we need from other students this year? From Ms. Whitsett? And how do we want the library to feel when we walk in each week? I was impressed with their thoughtful responses, which led to our next discussion about community guidelines and expectations. Check out student responses in the photo below.
Curricular highlights in September included classes embarking on scavenger hunts to understand library organization, enjoyment of stories in honor of Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month (see a couple of favorites pictured below), and the introduction of this year’s nominees for the Massachusetts Children’s Book Award. Students in grades 4-6 are stopping by daily to see if the nominated book they want to read next has been returned yet - such excitement!
We are near the end of our first six weeks of school already, which means that soon we’ll be moving on from our beginning of the year orientation and into other topics. Students in grades 2-6 will soon have their first digital citizenship lessons of the year, and older students will bring their Chromebooks to the library to begin some basic technology lessons. Finally, our youngest preschoolers are just beginning to visit the library. We’re reading, moving, and singing together to celebrate the joy of library time! As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, and check out our website for more information.
Lillian Whitsett, BSE Librarian
Hispanic Heritage Month Favorite
Hispanic Heritage Month Favorite
BSE Library--Student needs and wishes
Sanderson Library Update
October 2024
Did you know that approximately 14% of Americans speak Spanish, and 19% identify as Hispanic, Latinx, or both? At the Sanderson Library, students have been learning about and reading books that recognize Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month, which takes place from September 15 - October 15. Though we read books written by Hispanic and Latinx Americans throughout the year, I appreciate the opportunity to acknowledge the many achievements and contributions made by Hispanic and Latinx Americans this time of year, and learn about various cultures within the Hispanic and Latinx community. Check out some of the titles we’ve been reading below! In library class, fifth graders practiced library navigation skills with Destiny Discover (our online library catalog) to locate library books written and/or illustrated by Hispanic and Latinx Americans, while 6th graders explored various Online Information Databases to research and write fact cards about famous Hispanic and latinx Americans. Together, the fifth and sixth graders created a wonderful display for our library.
In closing, I’d like to extend a big THANK YOU to Sanderson 4th grader Everett Miller, who applied for and won the Time for Change Youth Award through First Book. Everett distributed litter cleanup kits to local soccer teams and public libraries, and he also donated two great books about caring for our planet to the Sanderson Library. Thank you Everett, and way to go!!!
Robin Wilson
Sanderson Academy Library and Media Specialist
Local events!
Belding Memorial Library
Fall Festival Book Sale
Saturday October 12 and Sunday October 13 10A.M. to 5P.M.
Our annual book sale is back! Drop by the library on Saturday & Sunday during Ashfield Fall Festival weekend to see our basement bookstore. Browse our fiction & nonfiction rooms and expansive children’s book section! Profits from this sale fund library programs & events all year long.
Quilting 101 with Carol Baldwin (ages 10 & up!)
Saturday October 28 from 1P.M. to 2P.M.
Registration required
Join master quilter Carol Baldwin for an afternoon that will have you in stitches! During this workshop we'll look at the history of quilts in America, including the story of Alice Stock, who made a quilt in 1910 that ended up with Carol, her great-granddaughter. You'll learn how quilts are made and why we still love them today. The group will receive a small quilting kit with fabric, batting and backing, learn how to thread a needle and make a running stitch, the backbone of handmade quilts.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Ashfield Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
Zine Club (all ages!)
Wednesday October 30 from 6:30P.M. to 7:30P.M.
A zine ("zeen") is a handmade & self-published booklet, usually photocopied and traded or sold in small batches. Did you know we’ve started a zine library & art-making station in the teen section? Join us on the last Wednesday of each month for ZINE CLUB, where we’ll have art games, creative prompts, and supplies for making your own zine!
Halloween at the Library!
Thursday October 31
We're a stop on the Ashfield Rag Shag Parade again! Stop by for tricks and treats at the library. Thank you to DJ Pete Wildermuth for setting the scene with lights, props, and music!
Upcoming Events at the Colrain Public Library!
Ms. Betty's October Craft