Boerne ISD Board Report

The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting in the BISD Board Room on Monday, December 16, 2024
This month's Board meeting included:
- District Personnel Updates
- Reunification Plan Updates
- 2022 Bond Update
- 2025-2026 Boerne ISD Calendar Approval
- Board Member Reports
- Superintendent Report
- Commendations, Core Values in Action, BEF WOW Moment
- To view the entire agenda please CLICK HERE.
KES Students Led The Pledges
Thank you to students from Kendall Elementary for leading the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Pledge.
They also had great questions for our Board members!
New Principal Named for Curington Elementary
Boerne Independent School District is proud to announce that Michael Joannou has been named the new Principal of Curington Elementary and will begin his tenure on January 6, 2025.
Joannou has served as Assistant Principal at Van Raub Elementary since 2021 and was the Boerne ISD Elementary Summer School Principal in 2024. Prior to his role as Assistant Principal, Joannou excelled as an Instructional Coach at Herff Elementary and as a Teacher at Cibolo Creek Elementary. Before joining Boerne ISD, he also gained valuable experience teaching in London, England.
A celebrated educator, Joannou was named the National Outstanding Assistant Principal of the Year for Texas 2023-24 by the National Association of Elementary School Principals. He also earned the distinction of Education Service Center Region 20 Assistant Principal of the Year 2023-24, awarded by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association.
Joannou earned a Bachelor of Arts in Learning and Teaching from Middlesex University in London and a Master of Education in Educational Administration from Lamar University.
New Academic Dean Named for Champion High School
Brittney Walker was named Academic Dean at Champion High School. Walker, who joined Boerne ISD as an Assistant Principal at Champion High School in July 2024, brings a wealth of experience and leadership to her new role.
Walker’s five years of campus administration experience include serving as the Secondary Dean of Student Support at La Marque High School in Texas City ISD and as an Assistant Principal at Clear Falls High School and Westbrook Intermediate School in Clear Creek ISD. Before transitioning into administration, she taught for 10 years, beginning her career as a teacher in Socorro ISD in 2009.
Walker earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Print Media and Secondary Education from the University of Texas at El Paso and her Master of Education in Educational Leadership from Stephen F. Austin State University.
Walker and her husband, Roddray Walker, Jr., are proud parents to two daughters, Marley and Lena.
Superintendent Report: Reunification Update
This report highlights the BISD Reunification Model program in place in the event of a critical incident or evacuation to ensure the safe and orderly return of students to the parents or guardian.
Operations: 2022 Bond Update
This report provided:
- An update on project progress
- Addressed milestones and challenges
- Highlighted responsible use of funds
Administrative Services: 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
This report:
- Summarized the District Educational Improvement Committee (DEIC) Calendar subcommittee process for determining calendar options
- Reported the results of public input for the 2025-26 calendar recommendation
Board Member Reports
Legislative Activities (Rich Sena)
The 89th session begins January 14, 2025 and a lot of new bills deal with property tax relief, and the committee will receive updates. Members of the Board are planning a Day at the Capitol visit on Thursday, January 16 to visit with legislators in Austin.
Bond Oversight Committee (Courtney Darter-Bruce)
The committee met to discuss land updates and the progress of bond construction projects across the district.
School Health Advisory Council Meeting (Courtney Darter-Bruce)
The members reviewed recommendations for screen time at home and for homework, along with wellness plans for digital devices and family guideline recommendations.
PTO (Kristi Schmidt)
The PTOs had a successful pie day and every PTO donated pies to Central Office for Thanksgiving. The PTOs are busy with end of the year holiday celebrations on campus.
Communications Committee (Kristi Schmidt)
The committee discussed several new video series produced by the Communication Department to showcase engaging learning activities in the classroom and highlight student accomplishments over adversity. The committee also discussed "hype reels" to promote athletic events, and recapped the success of the 6th Annual Cookies, Cocoa & Toy Drive.
Program Evaluation Committee (Kristi Schmidt)
The committee discussed the exciting things happening at the Mitchell Learning Center and reviewed the 18+ program admission requirements and goals. The committee reviewed the recently released Results Driven Accountability System from the TEA.
Board Finance Committee (Carlin Friar)
The committee discussed defeasance updates, budget amendments, debt service funds, upcoming legislation affecting school finance and open discussion on the BSAC committee.
BISD Systems of Care Committee (Dallas Pipes)
The advisory committee met to review data from the previous meeting and the Care and Share Center, a resource store for families in crisis to access clothing and home goods. The Care and Share Center will also help students navigate financial resources for college.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Crafts' report included:
Current enrollment of 11,091.
Boerne Academy, housed in the new Mitchell Learning Center, has graduated 28 students this year.
A bond update, including the new P-TECH wing at Champion High School, which will open after the winter break.
Congratulations to all of the fine arts programs in the District for a successful first semester.
Congratulations to the Boerne High School Varsity Boys Football team for tremendous success in their first 5A Division II competition. A special thank you to the student groups that make football games a strong community event: band, cheer, drill team, student council, athletic trainers, safety staff, ticket and concession stand workers.
A recap of the first-ever basketball games between Boerne High School and Champion High School this past Saturday.
The 6th Annual Cookies, Cocoa & Toy Drive was a huge success! The district collected over 700 toys for the Kendall County Blue Santa Toy Drive. Student groups performed throughout the day and District staff received their retention bonus check.
To view all reports in their entirety please view the meeting agenda.
Monthly Approvals
The Board also:
- Approved Minutes from the Prior Meeting
- Approved the Purchasing Report
- Approved Designation of Local District Non-Business Days
Board Commendations
The Board commended Boerne ISD students and staff, as well as celebrated district-wide honors. Below are some of the honorees.
- 2024 Boerne ISD Holiday Art Card contest winners
- VFW Post 688 Citizenship Teacher, Voice of Democracy & Patriots Pen Competition Winners
- Rick Goodrich, Chief of Safety & Security
To learn more about our December 2024 Commendations please click below for the presentation script.
Core Values in Action Staff Recipient
This month's Core Values in Action Staff Recipient is Lee Mann, bus driver for BISD Transportation. Mr. Mann is an exceptional district employee who embodies every Core Value at Boerne ISD. He understands the importance of building positive relationships not only with his student riders, but with their parents as well. He is kind and courteous, dedicated to his job, and approaches each day with a great attitude.
We are grateful to have Mr. Mann on the Boerne ISD team! Thank you Mr. Mann for all that you do, and do so well, for our community!
BEF WOW Moment
This month's BEF WOW moment highlights how interactive play equipment at Herff Elementary provides students with different learning abilities the opportunity to be successful in the classroom.
Thank you to BEF for helping every student, every teacher and every campus at Boerne ISD!
Next Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Connect With Boerne ISD
Email: Communications@BoerneISD.net
Website: www.BoerneISD.net
Location: 235 Johns Road, Boerne, TX, USA
Phone: 830-357-2000
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BoerneISD
Twitter: @BoerneISD