Great Gatherings - PASI Annual Fundraiser
Purchase your tickets now!
What is Great Gatherings?
Great Gatherings is PASI's primary fundraiser. As parents of students who attend a specialized program within the public school system, we are committed to enhancing the program with funding above and beyond the district's budget. The main focus of our fundraising is to bring Spanish-speaking interns from around the world into the classrooms with our kids. We are thrilled to have a total of 16 interns this year. We know the interns who have been working in the schools are already making an impact on our kids.
There are several ways to get involved in Great Gatherings 2022. If you would like details on how you and your family can get involved, click here.
Why should I attend?
Each intern costs PASI about $6,000. We also fund teacher grants and Spanish language library book purchases. Every parent of an immersion student is automatically a member of PASI and while there are no membership dues, we do ask for your financial support to keep this program running at the high level it does today. Great Gatherings is a fun way to bring our community together and support our school program too.
Great Gatherings!
Friday, Oct 28, 2022, 07:00 PM
ICON Events + DaDa Gastropub, North Main Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
- Make donating to PASI a snap with Gracias Giving
- Keep earning toward your students' trips with Scrip
- Follow us on Instagram @sfspanishimmersionparents
Email: pasi.sf.sd@gmail.com
Website: pasisf.org
Location: PO Box 75 Sioux Falls SD, 57101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PASIsf
Twitter: @parentsforspan1