College and Career Readiness News
April 2024
What to expect from this month's newsletter
It's April! Can you believe it? We are one month away from sending our class of 2024 seniors off to their future endeavors. This month we will focus on checklists. What should students being doing to close out their school year? What should seniors be focusing on for college/career options? What should juniors be focusing on as they head into their final summer before senior year? What about sophomores and freshmen?
We'll address all these questions, plus more, as well as feature scholarships and student events. Enjoy!
Senior checklist
It's April of my senior year! I'm about to graduate! Wait, what happens next?
Below is a list of things to think about this month.
-May 1st is National College Decision Day: This means colleges will want your deposits and your final agreements by May 1st. This also means you should let other colleges (that you applied to) know you won't be attending their school. Most schools will not offer a refund for prior deposits, but it is a courtesy to let them know you will not be attending their school. This will also allow them to allot funding to other students.
-Follow up with your college about student housing, orientation and enrolling in classes.
-Write thank you letters to teachers, coaches, and other adults in your life that provided a recommendation letter for you or helped you out this year.
-Continue applying for scholarships! The Mustang HS scholarship page is updated weekly to help you with your search. Search engines like Bold, Going Merry or Scholarships (and more) will always have ongoing scholarships to apply for.
Junior checklist
I'm about to finish what might be the absolute hardest year of HS (according to many students). I need to take a break, but I'm about to go into my senior year and I want to get a jumpstart on being prepared. What do I need to do?
-Plan your senior year. Have you met with your counselor? Are you planning on taking a concurrent college course? Work with your counselor to have a senior class schedule that works best for you. Consider all factors like: will you have a job? will you take an online class?
-Focus on those state tests! The ACT is required for graduation as well as entrance to most colleges and universities. Take advantage of the free ACT the state provides. The state science and history tests are required as well. Although colleges will not see this information, it is to your advantage to do your best.
-Get to work on that college search! Narrow down your choices. Visit a campus if you haven't already or set up a zoom call with a representative. Many schools also have virtual tours in case you cannot make it in person.
Sophomore checklist
At the end of a student's sophomore year, they may not be thinking of much else other than passing their semester tests and taking a fun summer vacation. But there are many things a student can be thinking about...
-As a junior, eligible students can take up to 9 credit hours concurrently. Students had an opportunity to meet with counselors and hear more about concurrent enrollment, but if they missed the session, they can still talk with their counselor about the opportunity.
-Eligible students may also take employment essentials (if they have a job) or educational or professional internship (depending on where their internship is). A student needs to meet with their counselor and Mrs. Jennifer Robinson to discuss if this is an option for them.
-This is an excellent time to start visiting college campuses, discussing financial awareness for college and consider taking the ACT (or SAT).
Freshman checklist
Mom, Dad, Family members, Grandparents, the family dog....we made it through your child's freshman year! If it was like most students, it was a road paved with cobblestones, potholes, sticky tar and maybe even some nice smooth concrete. Of course, I am kidding, but we all know that freshman year can be challenging. A new school environment, new students and new teachers can lead to different experiences held by all. We hope that your student had a positive experience and we hope you know that MHS staff is here to support you through the next three years.
So, what should a freshman be thinking about at the end of their first high school year?
-The first thing is to finish strong! Turn in missing assignments. Study for finals. Finish with a year to be proud of. Showing growth from semester one to semester two looks excellent to recruiters.
-Consider seeking out an internship or a job. Learning some real-world skills can take them far.
-Start thinking about college and career options. okcollegestart.org has fantastic resources. Students can take interest quizzes, learn about resume building and also begin to look at test prep for tests such as the PSAT and PreACT.
Who is visiting MHS in April?
April 5-OCCC concurrent enrollment day (see article below)
April 9-Redlands concurrent enrollment day (see article below)
April 11-Department of Defense (scholarships and internships)
April 15-North Texas University (1st and only visit this school year!)
April 17-Texas Tech University (1st and only visit this school year!)
April 22-UCO
April 23-OU and Department of Defense
April 24-CVTech Eye Care Tech program
April 30-CVTech Eye Care Tech program
OCCC concurrent enrollment day with MHS!
On April 5th, representatives from Oklahoma City Community College will be on the MHS campus from 10am-2pm. Current sophomores and juniors that have already been accepted to OCCC can meet with a representative to register for summer and fall classes! This alleviates the issue of students having to drive to OCCC to register.
Students must have their OCCC financial agreement (signed in advance) and their OCCC contract (signed in advance) with them in order to complete the process. MHS counselors have these contracts OR a student may get them directly from OCCC's website https://www.occc.edu/concurrent-students/junior-senior/
Redlands CC concurrent enrollment day with MHS!
On April 9th, representatives from Redlands Community College will be on the MHS campus from 10am-2pm. Current sophomores and juniors that have already been accepted to RCC can meet with a representative to ask any questions about the summer and fall classes!
Prior to meeting with a representative, students need to:
1. Submit an application: https://admissions.redlandscc.edu/apply/
2. Submit an enrollment form: https://www.redlandscc.edu/hs-concurrent-authorization-form
3. Have their high school transcript and ACT/SAT scores sent in or upload it themselves in the application
Junior state testing reminder
Featured Scholarships
Upcoming college fair!
We are excited to announce that GPACAC is hosting a Oklahoma City Area College Fair at Casady School on Monday, April 15, 2024. All high school students and families are encouraged to attend to meet admission representatives from up to 50 colleges and universities from across the country! The full list of colleges and universities that will be in attendance can be found here.
Electronic student scanning will be available at the fair. Students should register for a barcode at www.strivefair.com. A barcode will be sent immediately via text and email. Admission reps will scan the student’s barcode directly from their phones.
GPACAC’s Oklahoma City Area College Fair
Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:00-7:30 PM
Casady School
Bennett Athletic Center
9500 Pennsylvania Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73120