Little Mountain Messenger
October 2024
Principal's Message
LME Families,
As we wrap up the month of September, I am feeling very proud of our students and staff. The start time change has been a big transition for us, and it has gone better than expected. Also, our September attendance rates were the highest they have been since I started at LME. Thank you for consistently getting your children to school!
Tomorrow, we will participate in the Kindness in Chalk movement during the school day at LME. The students and staff will spread kindness in the form of positive chalk messages. We encourage families to help us spread kindness by writing words of encouragement on the sidewalks in your neighborhoods.
This newsletter is full of information and upcoming events. If you have any questions, please reach out to the LME office.
Thank you,
Nicole Croteau
LME Principal
HEALTH OFFICE SCHEDULE: I’m the Licensed School Nurse for Eastview Education Center, Little Mountain Elementary, and Pinewood Elementary. My schedule allows me to visit all 3 sites on a regular basis. Health Paraprofessionals (all are LPNs or RNs) are assigned to each health office.
MEDICATION POLICY: When it is necessary for your child to received prescription medication (inhalers, epinephrine, daily ADHD medications, etc…) during the school hours, the medicine must be in its original container and a form must be completed by the prescribing physician (these can be faxed to us at 763-272-2609). Also, we will need written parental permission. Over the Counter (OTC) medication (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc…) can be administered with written parental permission only. It must also be in its original container that includes dosage and directions. We will not, however, administer any OTC medication beyond the recommended pediatric dosage without a physician’s written approval. Also, aspirin or any other product not recommended for children will not be administered. All medications, vitamins, and supplements must be FDA approved.
WHEN TO KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME: It is often difficult to know when your child is ill and should stay home. Immediate care at home will shorten the period of illness and prevent infection of schoolmates and staff. The following are general practices:
If a child has had a fever of 100.4 degrees F or more, the child should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medications (such as Tylenol/Ibuprofen).
If a child has vomited or had multiple episodes of diarrhea, the child should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
If a child has any rash or suspicious skin condition, your child should see their health care professional for a diagnosis.
All 1st, 3rd and 5th grade students completed vision screening over the last two weeks. If they did not pass, a letter will be mailed to you this week (some were mailed last week). Please let me know if your child was prescribed glasses or any follow up they had. Only @10 students have been referred for vision in each grade since we began using the Lion’s Club vision screening machine; It is quick and accurate. Please call if you’d like more information or if you need assistance in paying for an eye exam and/or glasses.
We’ll be completing the hearing screening next month also. We don’t usually get many referrals for hearing so I will call each family instead of mailing a letter.
MN law requires all children are vaccinated against certain diseases OR have legal exemption on file to enroll in school. This is the link for the immunization form https://www.health.state.mn.us/people/immunize/basics/readyk12.pdf
If you’re currently without insurance, we have a great resource with Wright County called the Wellness on Wheels (WOW) van that travels to Monticello Community Center 1-2x/month. To schedule an appointment, please call them at 763.335.0280.
Thank you and I look forward to the school year!
Tana L. Kalnbach, RN, PHN
Licensed School Nurse 763.272.2620
4th & 5th Grade MCA and MTAS Test Results
4th & 5th Grade Families,
In the mail, you should have received the Individual Student Results for MCA and/or MTAS test taken last school year in the spring for the Monticello School District.
Assessments are designed to provide information about student learning, but there is no single assessment that can provide the full perspective of what a student has learned. These assessments provide one data point that should be considered in the context of additional evidence of student learning. An Individual Student Report (ISR) for reading, mathematics, and/or science is generated for every student who is expected to take a Statewide Assessment. The ISR provides information about your student’s performance, including overall results, their performance level, and information about their learning of Minnesota Academic Standards.
New this year, Student Results Video - A video report is available for each student with at least one valid score. The video is accessed by scanning the QR code printed on the report. The video may also be available in a home language based on student enrollment data, if specified.
For questions or concerns, please contact your student’s school.
Important Dates
1 - Kindness in Chalk
2 - 1st Grade Field Trip ~ Deer Lake Apple Orchard
16 - Unity Day (wear orange), Read-A-Thon Begins, Conference Sign-up Sent Out
17 & 18 - NO SCHOOL ~ Fall Break
24 - Picture Retakes
31 - Black & Orange Day
This month our focus is Responsibility.
PTO Read-a-thon Coming Soon!
The PTO selected a Read-A-Thon for our fundraiser this year. Students will track reading time and collect flat rate donations from friends and family.
Why a read-a-thon?
- No door to door selling of items – We know half of the town of Monticello is still afraid to answer the door out of fear it is a roofer.
- More money stays with the school – With this fundraising platform, all money (minus credit card fees) stays with the school.
- Encourages reading – We want all students to develop a love of books.
- Fun prizes for reading and fundraising – We are trying to limit trinkets and create some grade level and school level prizes.
The PTO Read-a-Thon will run from Wednesday, October 16th until Wednesday, November 6th. More information will come out soon!
Every Meal Weekend Meal Program
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Healthy eating is so important for children. At Little Mountain, we work hard to ensure
students receive a healthy breakfast and lunch each day to support their developing
brains and bodies. Research shows that children who eat regular, nutritious meals are
more likely to attend school and be engaged in learning.
We are excited to partner with Every Meal to offer a free weekend meal program to all
our students.
Every Meal is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to fight child hunger
through community and school partnerships. They strive to make a difference in
children’s lives by focusing on food gaps like weekends, school breaks, and summer
when they can’t receive food in school.
● Free for all families
● No qualifications required
● Students enrolled in the program will receive a 4-5 pound bag of nutritious,
nonperishable food each week
● Every Meal does not collect information from families; privacy is protected
● Families may choose to participate in the program anytime throughout the
school year
● Families may choose from a variety of different weekend food bag options
● Please contact Nichole Rengel to participate or for more information
○ nichole.rengel@monticello.k12.mn.us
○ #763-262-2606
Nicole Croteau, Principal
Nichole Rengel, Social Worker
Queridos Padres/Guardianes,
La alimentación saludable es tan importante para los niños. En Little Mountain,
trabajamos duro para asegurar que los estudiantes reciban un desayuno y almuerzo
saludables todos los días para apoyar el desarrollo de sus cerebros y cuerpos. Las
investigaciones muestran que los niños que comen comidas nutritivas con regularidad
tienen más probabilidades de asistir a la escuela y participar en el aprendizaje.
Estamos emocionados de asociarnos con Every Meal para ofrecer un programa de
comida de fin de semana gratuito a todos nuestros estudiantes.
Every Meal es un 501(c)(3) organización sin ánimo de lucro con la misión de combatir el
hambre infantil a través de asociaciones entre la comunidad y la escuela. Se esfuerzan
por marcar una diferencia en la vida de los niños al enfocarse en las brechas de
alimentos como los fines de semana, las vacaciones escolares y el verano cuando no
pueden recibir alimentos en la escuela.
● Gratis para todas las familias
● No se requiere calificar
● Los estudiantes recibirán una bolsa de 4-5 libras de alimentos nutritivos y no
perecederos cada semana.
● Every Meal no recopila información de familias; la privacidad está protegida
● Las familias pueden participar en el programa en cualquier momento durante el
año escolar.
● Las familias pueden elegir entre una variedad de diferentes opciones de bolsas
de comida de fin de semana
● Por favor complete el formulario de inscripción o contacte Nichole Rengel.
○ nichole.rengel@monticello.k12.mn.us
○ #763-262-2606
Nicole Croteau, Principal
Nichole Rengel, Social Worker
Every Meal Enrollment Form
Student Handbook
All families must review our 2024-2025 student handbook. Please select this link to review the handbook and fill out the Student Handbook Google Form.
This month we are highlighting the use of Cellphones and Other Electronic Communication Devices.
Students are prohibited from using cell phones and other electronic communication devices during the instructional day. Students also are prohibited from using a cell phone or other electronic communication device to engage in conduct prohibited by school district policies including, but not limited to, cheating, bullying, harassment, and malicious and sadistic conduct. If the school district has a reasonable suspicion that a student has violated a school rule by use of a cell phone or other electronic communication device, the school district may search the device. The search of the device will be reasonably related in scope to the circumstances justifying the search. Students who use an electronic communication device during the school day and/or in violation of school district policies may be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the school district’s discipline policy. In addition, a student’s cell phone or electronic communication device may be confiscated by the school district and, if applicable, provided to law enforcement. Cell phones or other electronic communication devices that are confiscated and retained by the school district will be returned in accordance with school building procedures.
Reminder: DROP OFF STUDENTS may not exit their vehicles until 7:35am, thank you for your help in making our morning drop off efficient and safe! Please DO NOT drop your students off early and leave the parking lot, you need to wait in the drop off line with your student(s) in your vehicle.
STUDENT DROP-OFF will be 7:35am-7:45am.
STUDENT PICK-UP will be 2:20pm.
Safety is our number one priority, especially during our arrival and dismissal times. If you pick-up your student(s) at the end of the day, please be patient, follow staff cues, and pull ALL the way forward. Thank you! You should have received your pick up sign by now, if you haven't, or need an extra sign, please email lisa.sawatzke@monticello.k12.mn.us to request one. Please view the map below for instructions. Thank you for your cooperation!
Meet Remy!
September Photos
Little Mountain Elementary
Address: 9350 Fallon Ave NE, Monticello, MN 55362
Email: lisa.sawatzke@monticello.k12.mn.us
Phone: 763.272.2603