Superstar Snapshots
May 2024

From the Principal
Superstar Families,
It is our last full month together. I always have such mixed feelings about May. I'm ready for the summer, but know there's still work to be done. Nonetheless, I plan on enjoying every moment with our Superstars!
State testing begins next week for grades 3 - 5. All grade levels are also beginning to take their end of year district assessments. Every Superstar has worked hard this year. The assessments are their opportunity to show what they know! Make sure your Superstar gets a good night's rest, a good breakfast, and is to school on time ready to do their best.
The weather is getting warmer. Please remember that, to play on the school equipment, students need to wear shoes that are not open-toed and cover the heel.
As always, I want to share information with you for the upcoming month as well as share reminders.
- If your Superstar is going to eat breakfast, please have them at school by 8:15.
- If you have moved or your phone number has changed, please contact the office with your new information.
- If your Superstar is going to be absent, please contact the school office. Do not use Remind to report a student absence. If you have not communicated the absence with the office, you will receive a phone call.
- If you need to change how your Superstar gets home at the end of the day, please contact the school office. Do not use Remind to communicate the changes.
- The walking routes for after school have not changed. For your safety, please only cross Beech Street where we have crossing guards.
We're so thankful for your partnership with us. We do not take it for granted that our partnership is so important. You, as an expert on your Superstar, help make each day a success.
Stephanie Teel, Principal
If your Superstar is going to eat breakfast, please have them at school by 8:15.
Nurse News
Please remember to schedule your well child appointments early for your children, especially if your child needs medications or immunizations for the 2024-2025 school year. Asthma inhalers, Epipens, and ADHD medications all require a doctor's note with the prescription clearly written. The medication you bring in to the nurse must match the doctor's order. Additionally, if you would like your child to have Tylenol or ibuprofen, this will require a doctor's note as well. Cough drops only require a note written by the parent to allow the nurse to give to the child.
Rita Triana, LPN
School Nurse
Conscious Discipline
Our trait for May is perseverance. A simple definition of this term is that it is the ability to overcome challenges with your mind and body. This is an essential skill for life because life is full of difficulties. Perseverance is the drive to keep trying, even when it’s hard. How do we do it?
Make a goal!
Have a positive mindset!
Know that making mistakes is necessary to learn.
Take a short break if needed, but be willing to try again!
One of my favorite stories is The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires. This story teaches us the power of perseverance, determination, and a growth mindset.
Wendy Schiller, Behavior Coach
Counselor's Corner
Hello Superstar Families!
This month we are choosing to focus on perseverance, which is “To keep at doing something in spite of difficulties” or as students sometimes say, “Never give up.” This is an important skill during the last full month as we move in to State Testing and the end of the school year.
Typically, at this point there can be an increase in students becoming upset and having challenging behaviors. It is important to remember that all behavior is a form of communication and these things don’t mean that a child is a “bad kid”. Rather when students struggle it means they are lacking a skill or unsure how to solve a problem.
Conscious Discipline reminds us that we don’t gain anything by punishing students for skills they don’t have. In fact, we can view unwanted behaviors as a chance to teach and help students discover new solutions and skills. This month we will be focusing on working hard and using our “grit” when challenged. Join us in modeling perseverance and helping our students finish the year well.
Wishing you well,
Mr. Thomas, Counselor
PTO is looking for volunteers! If you're interested in supporting our Superstars, come to the office and fill out the CHAMPS packet..
If your Superstar needs school supplies or a coat, please let the office know.
Our next PTO meeting is Thursday, May 16.
Goodie Friday is back! Goodie Friday is May 3 and May 17. If your Superstar is in line to make a purchase, please park your car rather than stay in the car line.
About Us
Email: steel@longview.k12.wa.us
Website: http://sthelens.longviewschool.com/
Location: 431 27th Avenue, Longview, WA 98632