November 16th-20th
Parent teacher conferences...
Early Childhood PQA visits begin!
Cool to Care...
Cardinal Code Lessons...
This week I will begin my weekly visits to Cardinal's Nest. One of the new things that I will be introducing to students this year will be the Cardinal Code lessons. As part of the district's PBSS initiative, we will begin using the lessons and following the schedule with all of our district's preschool programs.
Please remember to communicate the Cardinal Code lesson being taught in your classroom each week to parents in your weekly newsletter. It is important to make the home-school connection so that these lessons can we reinforced at home, and parents are aware of how important keeping the code is. I heard a couple families at conferences last week ask their child what the Cardinal Code was as they were filling out the district survey.After meeting with the Thomson PBSS team last week, I became aware of additional lessons that are available in addition to the lessons we have scheduled through December. We will need to tweak the lessons in order for them to be appropriate for our younger students. We will move forward with this at our next staff meeting. Our next staff meeting will be the first Friday after we return from Thanksgiving break.
The Week Ahead...
Tuesday, November 17th- PQA visit for Robin and Haley a.m. Susan at Cardinal's Nest
PQA visit for Lindsey and Erin in p.m.
Wednesday, November 18th- PBIS @ GISD GSRP team, Card Nest, Thomson
PQA visit for Lindsey and Michelle a.m.
Thursday, November 19th- Creative Curriculum Training @ GISD- new staff
Friday, November 20th- Creative Curriculum Training @ GISD- new staff
Other Things
- Heather, Natalie, and myself will be planning dates for our parent advisory meetings. These will take place in January and early March. Dates will be shared as soon as possible.
- If you are in need of any special supplies for your classroom Thanksgiving "feast" please let me know by this Friday, November 20th.
- I am still waiting on an update regarding the playground. I believe fixes were made and I will get the playground inspector back out to give us approval as soon as I get word.
- Literacy library items will be ordered this week along with your 2nd classroom supply order. I am excited for us to get the books and start using them with students. I was able to order mid-first to second grade level additional titles for the students that we need to challenge.
Have a wonderful week!!