HPS Headlines
Friday 18th October 2024

Head's Welcome
I hope you have had a good first half of the Autumn Term. It has certainly been a busy start to the year, and we are grateful for your ongoing support.
I am pleased to see that the adjustments made to the start of the school day and the end of term have been well-received by our busy families. We are committed to constantly evaluating and improving all aspects of our school's offerings. In line with this commitment, I will be sending out a letter to parents today, outlining the exciting main events planned for the remainder of the Autumn Term through to the end of the Summer Term.
Thank you for your dedication and involvement in our school community. We look forward to working together to create a positive and enriching educational experience for all the boys.
Warmest regards,
Mr C.Hammond
Recent HPS Highlights!
🎶 Our orchestras are in full swing under the guidance of Miss Fitzgerald (Juniors) and Mr. Aslangul (Seniors). The boys are diligently preparing for a fantastic Christmas concert!
Congratulations to James, who won Silver in the Surrey County Judo Open competition in the 9-11 years old under 34kg category. He narrowly lost in the final to an 11-year-old who placed 5th in the national championships yesterday! James also competed in the National Championships! Well done, James! We're very proud!
🌼🍃🌱🌷"In Art, the boys have been enjoying planning their big build, inspired by nature sculptors like Andy Goldsworthy. Over the past week, they’ve gathered natural items for their project! Today, the boys had lots of fun creating their final piece with their peers in our Art lesson." ~ Ms Johnson
🗣️"Year 1 practised ordering drinks in French through a fun memory game with their partners. A great way to learn and enjoy the lesson!" ~ Ms Read
🤖 Year 3's Hearts, Heads, Hands Project: Iron Man! Our Year 3 boys took on an exciting challenge with their project—creating their very own Iron Man! It's amazing to see how creative and resourceful they can be when given the chance to bring their ideas to life.
Subject Summaries
Art & DT:
All boys are now making good progress with their projects. Year 3 have been developing skills in PowerPoint, gathering Kandinsky images, Year 4 have been getting messy with chalk and charcoal and Year 5 have been working with carbon paper to create superhero Pop art repeats. Year 6 are almost ready for their sculpting, Year 7 have just created some fantastic 'worded portraits' and Year 8 are completing some hand drawn megacity images, ready for some oil paints and some soldering after half term!
English & Drama:
What a busy and productive half term it has been! Year 3 have delved into Hughes’ Iron Man, with some boys even creating a model of the main character as their homework project this term – some models were taller than the children and certainly ‘as big as a bedroom!’ Year 4 have developed their critical analysis and creative writing skills through Aiken’s The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, whilst Year 5 have created stunning pieces of nonfiction text celebrating inspirational women, as a tribute to Hargrave’s The Girl of Ink and Stars: in fact, we have converted some of the research projects into a beautiful display in the Upper School Library. Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the diversity of other people’s cultures through their travel-writing unit. Year 7 have turned reporter to write an article regarding Spiderman’s latest ‘daredevelling’ exploits across New York! Meanwhile, after weeks of rehearsals, Year 8 will be performing their original plays, which typify the tropes of ‘dystopian fiction’, with the drama curriculum mirroring and enriching their study of The War of the Worlds in English.
Geography has been full of discussions, practical sessions, debate and exploring new topics! Lower School have been learning about their world and local environments as well as using their Atlas skills. Year 3 have been exploring the physical and human features of the British Isles whilst Year 4 are enhancing their map reading skills! Year 5 are looking at the effects of pollution and global warming. Year 6 have been analysing population patterns and the factors that effect this. Year 7 have been learning all about tectonic plates and the effects of volcanoes. Year 8 are working hard to complete their coursework on their fieldwork investigation at the River Tillingbourne. Well done to all the boys for their hard work, determination and effort this half term!
This month is Black History Month. We have been celebrating this across our history lessons over the last 2 weeks. Year 3 studied the achievements of Katherine Johnson and Year 4 explored the recent history of Wangari Maathai and enjoyed sharing their fantastic homework on King Tutankhamun in class this week. There is an array of excellent pieces of work! Year 5 studied the life and achievements of Joseph Bologne Chevalier de Saint-Georges. Year 6 learnt about migration in Tudor Britain and presented about John Blanke, a Tudor trumpeter.
Year 2 have been continuing to develop their understanding of different written methods they could use to add two-digit and one-digit numbers confidently. They have continued to practise their fluent recall of number bonds to 10 and 20. Year 2 have also brought their unit on algebra to a close by looking at three methods for factorising and solving quadratic equations (the morning method, the mother method, and the quadratic formula). They have also conducted some revision on shape, space and measure.
Year 3 have been consolidating their understanding of efficiently adding and subtracting numbers up to 1000. They have explored many mental and written strategies such as, round and adjust, compensating and efficient subtraction. They have also been applying their understanding of number and place value to problem solving, using correct terminology. Year 3 have also been exploring addition across 10s and 100s, looking at the concept of commutativity and efficiency by using partitioning with number bonds and fact families for efficient calculations.
Year 4 have been applying their knowledge of inverse operations to practice checking their work and applying this to reasoning and problem solving with larger numbers. They have also been challenging themselves when multiplying by 10 and 100. They have applied this to division and explored challenges of factors and abundant numbers.
Year 5 have been recapping their knowledge of addition with larger numbers, including quantities and masses, consolidating place value, and using the inverse operation to find solutions to problem solving. They have also been deepening their understanding of column subtraction by applying known methods to larger numbers. As well as exploring rounding and estimating.Year 5 have been finalising their addition and subtraction unit by looking at estimation and the inverse. They have begun looking at how multiplying and dividing links to place value.
Year 6 have deepened their understanding of properties of number identifying prime and composite numbers, factors, multiples and indices as well as exploring large cube numbers and their accompanying roots. They have also been learning about the multiplicative relationships between factors and multiples and using prime factor decompositions to identify highest common factors and lowest common multiples.
Year 7 have been exploring multiplicative relationships by investigating: powers and roots; expanding brackets; and the laws of indices. The boys have also focused on powers, roots and indices. The boys have developed their awareness the addition and subtraction rules for indices and then put these into practice in order of operations questions.
Year 8 are continuing to deepen their understanding of algebra by looking at equations plotted on graphs (both linear and non-linear). Pupils have explored straight line graphs and the equations y=mx+c, as well as discussed gradients and how coordinates intercept the y axis.
Year 3 are continuing with their skeletons and movement topic learning about joints and muscles. Year 4 have enjoyed investigating the refraction and dispersion of light. Year 5 have just completed their cells topic and are about to move onto forces. Year 6 have had a couple of weeks jam-packed with experiments; they especially enjoyed carrying out the squeaky pop test to test for hydrogen gas! Year 7 have started a new topic looking at elements, mixtures and compounds. 8H have started their metals and non-metals topic and enjoyed seeing how the alkali metals react with water. 8S have been learning about limiting factors and observing leaf stomata under the microscope as part of their photosynthesis unit.
Boys have had a busy half term in STEAM. Reception have enjoyed STEAM challenges while Year 1 have looked at symmetry, Year 2 have created model rockets and are in the process of evaluating them while Year 4 are starting to think about ideas for their Leaders Award. Year 5 have continued their Magnify by Eye project while Year 6 have started their collaborative working as they design model fitness circuits.
In the Lower School, the boys in Year 1 have continued to explore different ways in which plants, animals and people are created in different Creation stories. In Year 2, the boys have been learning about the story of Noah's Ark and how this links to the idea of stewardship.
In Upper School, the boys in Year 3 have been linking their knowledge of Plato's Allegory of the Cave in writing their own diary entries in the perspective of the freed prisoner. In Year 4 the boys have been reflecting on God's relationship with his Creation through the crossing of the Red Sea.
In Year 5 the boys have reflected on the story of the the Good Samaritan and its deeper meaning. The boys will begin looking at the Ten Commandments and the story of Daniel and the Lion's Den to make links to the Golden Rule. Year 6 are further understanding the teachings of Martin Luther King, particularly with a focus on equality, justice and fairness. Year 7 have been exploring and deepening their understanding of the call of Moses and Year 8 have been further exploring Martin Luther King's legacy.
Lower School Summary
We cannot believe that we have already reached half-term! The Nursery boys have done so incredibly well. During the last week or so, the boys have been taking some time to reflect on their Homefield journey so far. We have been discussing our favourite activities at school and spent time looking through our learning journeys, picking out the ones we enjoyed most.
It has been a very busy half-term, and it was lovely to sit with the boys and reflect on their first term at school!
Reception have had an amazing first half-term. They have settled into a new school and started their Homefield journey remarkably well. We are really proud of how resilient they have been! Well done, boys!
In Literacy, we have been reading Percy the Park Keeper: After the Storm. We focused on story structure, discussing characters, settings, and the beginning, middle, and end. The boys have worked hard to understand what a setting is and have been identifying the different settings within the story. We have also been expanding our vocabulary and exploring descriptive language to describe the settings. For example, Theodore described, "The woods are bright and sunny," and Caleb shared, "The storm was dark and scary."
The boys have also practised writing their names in their Literacy books, and the progress in their letter formation since September has been remarkable. Well done, boys!
In Maths, we have been exploring number bonds to 5. The boys have used various materials, such as chains, compare bears, Lego, cubes, and even outdoor resources like sticks, stones, and leaves to represent their number bonds. We have introduced new vocabulary related to addition, such as "more than," "together," "plus," "equals," and "makes." The boys have also worked hard on forming their numbers up to 5 correctly. Additionally, we have linked our number learning to shapes, focusing on pentagons and their five sides.
Our First School Trip:
As a reward for their hard work, we went on our first school trip this week. We visited Gatton Park in Reigate and took a stroll through the deep dark wood to find the Gruffalo! The boys behaved wonderfully and had lots of fun. We were tasked with finding the animals from the story, ending with discovering the Gruffalo hidden in the trees. The boys then made their own "Gruffalo crumble" using natural materials such as mud, sticks, stones, and bark. It was a morning full of fun (and mud)! Fortunately, the Gruffalo didn't manage to eat any of us, and we returned safely to school just in time for lunch.
Year 1:
We cannot believe that the boys have completed six weeks in Year 1 already! They have settled well into their new routines, and we are seeing great improvements in their learning. They are certainly ready for a break, and we look forward to hearing about their adventures when we return in November.
In English, the boys have been fine-tuning their sentence writing and even attempted some creative writing this week. We were very impressed with their first attempts. In Maths, we have been focusing on greater and less than, number bonds, and numbers as words. In History, we continued learning about the Titanic, ordering the events of the sinking and exploring its aftermath.
We are sending home the boys' Nativity lines for them to practise over the half-term. Please help them to learn these so they can confidently deliver their lines for our Christmas performance in December.
Year 2:
In Year 2, the boys have continued to show enthusiasm and positivity in all areas of their learning. In Maths, they have been practising different methods of addition, specifically making 10 first. In English, the boys have been developing their descriptive language by creating their own characters for our core text, Masha and the Firebird.
We have continued deepening our knowledge of the Great Fire of London, and this week, we have focused on the life of Laurie Cunningham as part of Black History Month. In Geography, the boys have been exploring how to use an atlas, finding different locations with the help of the index and contents pages. In Science, we have been studying the properties of materials, most recently testing absorbency and reflecting on absorbent everyday objects. In TPR, the boys have enjoyed learning about the story of Noah's Ark and contemplating why God chose Noah for this special task.
Homefield Heroes
Emil, for showing confidence and resilience in the Nursery setting. Caleb, for demonstrating resilience when faced with challenges.
Rana, for showing kindness towards a boy who visited us for a taster day and ensuring that he was included throughout his time with us. Theodore, for making excellent progress in his letter formation over the last half term.
Year 1:
Renshan, for being so kind and courteous towards others and always using impeccable manners. Alex, for such great focus during our History lesson learning about the Titanic. Shaan, for an excellent effort during our creative writing task in English. Rian, for working so well in Maths this week and completing his work independently. Aarin, for having a brilliant first half term of Year 1 and for always following and demonstrating our Homefield Values.
Year 2:
Harry, for continuing to show a positive attitude towards his learning and showing kindness to his peers. Nufail, for always listening attentively in lessons and making thoughtful contributions in class discussions.
Year 3:
In 3S, Will has been an excellent role model, always showing respect to others and following instructions, especially demonstrating endeavour. Qisen, for displaying all of the Homefield values in Science, particularly respect and kindness.
Year 4:
In 4H, Aarya has shown excellent commitment to Maths and always perseveres through challenges. In 4S, Ethan D has worked really hard in his reasoning sessions, completing all of his work in a presentable and detailed fashion.
Year 5:
In 5H, Alex has been working hard in English, creating amazing pieces of writing over the last few weeks. Benji has been consistently dedicated to his work in Maths, always striving to demonstrate his understanding in a clear and detailed manner. Ansh, for his sensible and mature behaviour at all times.
Year 6:
In 6P, Zayn, for helping a boy on a taster day feel welcome. Veer is our Homefield Hero for the half term because of his positive and sensible attitude.
In 6S, Dhanesh for demonstrating all of the Homefield values in his Science lessons, particularly endeavour as he has been working so hard in all of his practical investigations.
Year 7:
Enming, for demonstrating endeavour and respect by approaching his learning with enthusiasm. Aatman, for showing honesty and integrity during his Classics Quiz.
Year 8:
Ashar, for showing kindness and integrity towards his peers and staff members. Alex, for his resilience and endeavour when taking part in the House Cross Country Competition.
Congratulations to our new Head Boy, Harry! We’re also proud to announce the House Captains—Keller, Damon, Yiannis, and Harry—and the Prefects, Zaidan, Arthur, Luke, and Nashwan!
Being a leader at Homefield is more than just wearing a badge. It’s a commitment to being a role model and upholding Homefield Values—respect, kindness, integrity, endeavour, and resilience—in all that they do. Leaders must engage with teachers, peers, and the wider community to help improve the school, always setting a positive example through their behaviour and attitude.
We’re excited to see the impact these boys will have on Homefield!
For Year 3 and Year 4 Parents
Boys in Years 3 and 4 will be shorly embarking on the Leader's Award Competition run by Primary Engineer. As part of the assignment they need to interview an engineer. If there are any parents who work in the engineering fields and would be prepared to provide a short presentation and answer some questions from the boys about the work they do, please could they contact Ms Larkin. (slarkin@homefieldprep.school).
Dates for the Diary
Week of 11th November: Parent ‘Book Looks’ 8:00 – 8:50am in classes throughout the week:
Tuesday 12th November: Reception, Years 1 and 4.
Wednesday 13th November: Years 2 and 6.
Thursday 14th November: Years 3, 5 and 7 and 8.
Friday 22nd November: Lower School Parent Consultations (Virtual) 12:30pm – 8.00pm.
Thursday 28th/Friday 29th November: Upper School Parent Consultations (virtual) 11.00am – 8.00pm, 11.00am – 7.00pm.
Thursday 5th December: Christmas Carol Concert Years 4 – 8 @ Trinity Church.
Friday 6th December: Year 3 Christmas Concert at 3.15pm.
Tuesday 10th December: Nursery and Reception Christmas Concert 8.30am.
Tuesday 10th December: Years 1 and 2 Christmas Concert 2.30pm.
Thursday 12th December: Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch.
Artwork of the Week | Rudy Year 7
Great work from Rudy in year 7 who created his 'portrait with words' expressing his thoughts about growing up!
Sports Update
On Monday 7th October, the U13 A team achieved an outstanding football victory away at Royal Russell School. Playing on a beautiful 11-a-side pitch, Keller was named man of the match, dominating the central midfield. Luke scored two well-worked goals, leading Homefield into halftime with a 2-0 advantage. Royal Russell responded just after the break, putting pressure on Homefield, but Arthur was superb at the back, and Harry, commanding his area well in goal, helped maintain the lead.
Lachlan added a well-taken goal following excellent work from Yiannis and Damon on the wing, extending Homefield's lead. Keller then made a stunning run from the halfway line to score a brilliant individual goal, and Adam sealed the victory with a powerful shot into the top corner. It was a fantastic win against very strong opposition.
The B team’s result did not go in their favour, but a well-worked goal from Rudy and some fantastic battling from Aaden were highlights of the match. Jesse worked tirelessly, and all the boys demonstrated excellent resilience.
The C team also faced a tough match and were defeated, but Alex M scored another goal, while Alexander Z was very strong in defence.
Well done to all the boys who played.
Mr Matthews
Homefield's Year 4 to Year 8 boys took part in the House Cross Country!
Year 4
1st - Zaviaan / Alex
3rd - Ryan
Year 5
1st - Jai
2nd - Yusuf
3rd - Anirudh
Year 6
1st - Haran
2nd - Zain I.
3rd - Max VB
Year 7/8
1st - Arthur
2nd - Keller
3rd - Adam
Overall winners: Ellis House
A special mention to Ivaan, Aun, Asher, and Antoine for showing great resilience throughout the event.
Good luck to Jai, Yusuf, Anirudh, Axel, Ansh, Lucas L, Haran, Zain I, Max VB, Ethan, Daniel B, and Nathan M, who will be representing Homefield School at Epsom College on Friday.
Free VIP Tickets to the Independent Schools Show 2024
Date: Friday 8 November – Saturday 9 November
Location: Evolution London, Battersea Park SW11
To book free tickets please visit: https://schoolsshow.co.uk/london-tickets
This year the show is offering parents at our school two ticket offers:
1. FREE VIP Ticket (usually £30) is valid for both days of the show and includes fast-track VIP entry to the show.
2. FREE Experience Boarding VIP Ticket (value £35) is for parents considering boarding school. The ticket includes children's tickets for the Experience Boarding trail, plus parent entry to the VIP boarding pavilion where you can get all your boarding questions answered.
To claim the 100% discount use the Promo Code: Prep2024
Orchard Childcare
Natural History Museum Sleepovers
Have you ever wanted to have a sleepover with a giraffe? Or spend the night camped beneath a blue whale?
This unique sleepover gives children aged 7 to 11 the chance to explore the Museum after dark while taking part in fun and educational activities. Click on the link to find out more: Have a sleepover at the Museum!
Safety Notice
Road Safety - Stop and Drop
We kindly remind all parents using the morning *Stop and Drop* facility to remain in their cars during drop-off. Our Estates staff will be on hand to escort your son safely into school. This ensures a smooth and safe process for all boys.
If you prefer to walk your son to the school entrance, we ask that you park safely a short distance away from the school and walk him in. This helps maintain a safe environment for everyone on the school site.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in keeping our school community safe!
Western Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2TE
+44 020 8642 0965