MVS Family News
Blazing our own path to excellence!
Friday, August 23rd
Off to the Races & Starting Strong!
We have now had a few weeks in virtual school, and hopefully everyone is getting used to their daily routine and are completing all their assignments! Keep looking for the weekly Progress Reports to know how each course is going. If we have any concerns around grades or attendance, you will be receiving a call or email from Miss Geter offering support. If you have specific questions about grades, please contact the teacher of the course. Go M@VS!
:0) Mrs. Bishop
Upcoming Dates
August 28-- AP Access for All Parent Webinar @ 6:00
August 29-- Parent Zoom Meeting for grades 4-5 @ 4:00
August 29-- Parent Zoom Meeting for grades 6 @ 5:00
August 29-- Parent Zoom Meeting for grades 7-8 @ 4:00 or 5:00
September 4-- Holiday/ No School
September 12-- 7th Grade Science Lab at MVS @ noon to 2:00
September 13-- Optional ASVAB testing for 10-12 graders (at Maryville High School @ 8:25 AM)
September 19-- 8th Grade Science Lab at MVS @ noon to 2:00
October 7-11-- Fall Break/ No School
October 14-- Intervention and Enrichment/ No School
October 15-- Professional Development/ No School
October 22-- ACT Retake for all Seniors (at Maryville Virtual School)
Pictures Taken on Oreintation Day
Please be looking for an email from Jennifer Davis with the link to see your student's pictures and to have the option to purchase.
🍎 Lower School: Grades 4th-8th
Parent Zooms for Grades 4-8
Mrs. Vagnier, Miss Geter, and Mrs. Smith will be hosting Parent Zoom meetings for all parents of students in grades 4-8 grades. They will be starting both meetings by reviewing how you can see the work that your child needs to do for the week; then, they will have time for questions and answers. Please look for an email from Emily Smith or Melissa Vagnier directly to you for the Zoom links. Please see times below.
- August 29-- Parent Zoom Meeting for grades 4-5, 4:00
- August 29-- Parent Zoom Meeting for grades 6, 5:00
- August 29-- Parent Zoom Meeting for grades 7-8, 4:00 or 5:00
🎓 Upper School: Grades 9th-12th
Senior Pictures Taken at Maryville High School- Make Up Day
If you missed the ProPhoto Senior Pictures that were taken at Maryville High School, and you would like to attend the make-up day, please email Jennifer Davis at jennifer.davis@maryville-schools.org. The makeup date is Aug. 28 at MHS from 3:30pm-6pm. A $35.00 sitting fee is required before the pictures are taken. If you have any questions, please contact ProPhoto at (865) 922-5987.
ASVAB Testing at MHS (optional for grades 10-12)
ACT Retakes for All Seniors
AP Access for All Parent Webinar
For parents of students currently taking AP classes-- AP Access for All's Welcome Webinar for Students & Guardians will be held on Wednesday, August 28th at 6pm EST. Please click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqdOuqrj4oGdGtmNmWZ-Fs2MEw43qg8ZND
Progress Reports
Starting this Wednesday, be looking for an email from Maryville Virtual School. There will be an attached Progress Report that shows your student's current grade and attendance in each course. See the example below.
- Yellow- total days absent and number of unexcused absences. These are the numbers that inform the truancy process.
- Blue- courses absences. This number shows you how many days a student has not completed their work for a specific class.
- Green- Q1 % and Q1. This shows the current average in % and grade for each course for this grading period. Q1 stands for Quarter 1 or the first nine weeks of school.
- Orange- Course % and Course Grade. This shows the current average in % and grade for each course. This will become more important as the year progresses.
If you do not receive the Progress Report email by Thursday, please check the clutter folder of your email. If you still do not see it, please contact MVS to make sure we have your email address listed correctly in PowerSchool.
Securly Login
If you ever see this screen, click on Login with Microsoft Azure AD. Once you click that, it should disappear and continue on with whatever you were doing.
Canvas Parent Accounts
- First Time: Creating an Account:
- Directions
- Once you have created a login, use your User ID and Password.
- Existing Parent Account: Adding an additional student
- Editing Notifications:
- Once you make your account, you will start getting email updates unless you turn them off under Notifications.
- Directions
Edgenuity or Imagine Learning: Daily Assignments
PowerSchool/ Gradebook Access for Parents
1. Login to https://ps.maryvillecityschools.k12.tn.us/public/home.html
with your Parent username and password.
2. Sign up for emails of grades and attendance
- Setting Up Automatic Reminders: Emailed Notification of Grades
- Once parent is logged in, choose Email Notification on the left.
- Check what information you would like to receive, how often, and to what email address.
- Click Submit and Sign Out.
3. Download the PowerSchool app and view it on your phone
- PowerSchool Mobile App
- Install App.
- Enter District Code: QLNK.
- Login using the Parent username and password.
MVS Contacts
Principal: Deana Bishop
Registrar/Bookkepper/Front Office: Jennifer Davis
Academic Support Center: Marissa Geter
IEPs/ 504s: Melissa Vagnier
Ready Graduate Advisor (9-12): Wes Lambert
School Resource Officer: Adam Cook
Tech Support for Hardware: Click on the "Student Tech Help" button in ClassLink or click here.