Florence 1 Schools | PD Blast

February 2025
–Malcolm X
SBHA SC School Behavioral Health Academy
Professional Development through the South Carolina Department of Education
The South Carolina School Behavioral Health Academy (SBHA) is an exciting initiative transforming school behavioral health (SBH) in South Carolina. The SBHA was created in partnership between the University of South Carolina (USC) and the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SC DHSS), and it is implemented by a team of researchers, practitioners, and consultants from psychology, education, and social work. The goal of the SBHA is to advance and strengthen school behavioral health, increase access to high-quality mental health care, and provide essential resources for educators and community members.
The SBHA reaches these goals by creating a community of learning through online instruction and personalized district coaching. Online SBHA courses provide valuable resources for implementing MTSS practices and provide learners with skills needed to improve student mental health and strengthen school behavioral health in South Carolina. Academy courses are for everyone: they are directed towards professionals working in the school setting but are available for any family or community members interested in supporting youth. Courses are available free of charge, completely self-paced, and easily accessible on our online platform. Click HERE to enroll.
Course Offerings include:
All Hands on Deck
- 5 units of renewal activity credit toward SC Educator Certification
- 8 units of renewal activity credit toward SC Educator Certification
Tier 1
- 8 units of renewal activity credit toward SC Educator Certification
Tier 2
- 8 units of renewal activity credit toward SC Educator Certification
Tier 3
- 8 units of renewal activity credit toward SC Educator Certification
Free Online PD Webinars
Afterschool with ETV
Afterschool with ETV is a free one-hour virtual series offering educators an opportunity to learn about new and exciting tools and resources. Educators can choose to attend one of two planned session times, both conveniently offered shortly after school ends. Grab your fellow educators and participate together. Attendees earn a certificate of participation for one hour of PD. *We also offer session recordings for those unable to attend the live events; see further below.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Personal Finance Gamification
Presented by Sarah Ostergaard
- Discover how games can turn personal finance lessons into exciting, hands-on experiences! In this session, we’ll explore innovative ways to use gamification to teach #FinLit concepts and reinforce vocabulary. Learn how engaging, interactive play can build financial literacy, motivate smart money habits, and make learning about finance fun for all ages. Ready to level up your money game?
- Register now to attend the 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. session or the 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. session.
Save the dates for these upcoming AWE sessions: (*Dates and times are subject to change.)
- March 20, 2025: Workforce Preparation presented by Demeterius Smith, CDP
- April 17, 2025: Civics Education presented by Saudah N. Collins
- May 15, 2025: Media Literacy presented Sherard Duvall
Here’s what attendees had to say about last year’s Science of Reading Week:
“The entire week of presentations is a great idea and very helpful for educators. It’s great to be able to share and receive resources, thoughts and questions from colleagues from all over!”
“This was such a rich discussion with thoughtful and intentional conversation that resonates with me. I so appreciate the opportunity to join.”
“Such a wealth of knowledge. So many fantastic resources. I love leaving a PD training feeling like
I’m ready to implement something TODAY!”
Opening Keynote: A Conversation With Zaretta Hammond Monday, March 3 at 12 pm Eastern Time
Transformative Leadership in the Science of Reading: Empowering School Administrators Tuesday, March 4 at 12 pm Eastern Time
This session offers school and district administrators a tailored, transformative experience designed to meet you where you are in your leadership journey. Whether you're just beginning to explore the science of reading, building momentum in your literacy initiatives, or leading systemic change, this panel will provide actionable strategies to help you take the next step.
Focused Leadership in the Science of Reading: Supporting District Administrators Wednesday, March 5 at 12 pm Eastern Time
Designed to meet you where you are—whether you're just starting, gaining momentum, or achieving systemic success—this panel will provide insights into leading effective change management at every stage of your district's science of reading journey.
Influential Leadership in the Science of Reading: Literacy Advocacy for Teachers Thursday, March 6 at 12 pm Eastern Time
Teaching today can often feel overwhelming, but this panel is designed to help you shift from feeling burdened to empowered by embracing the science of reading. You'll discover how to expand your instructional capacity, champion evidence-based literacy practices, and create lasting, positive outcomes for your students—without adding more to your already full plate.
Test Prep with Screencastify: Leverage video to prepare your students for upcoming assessments
Feb 12, 2025 11:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Discover how videos created with Screencastify can revolutionize your students' preparation for state-wide assessments and AP exams in this engaging webinar tailored for K-12 teachers. We'll explore techniques for developing concise, focused videos that align with assessment objectives and standards, allowing students to review material at their own pace and as often as needed. You'll also discover how Screencastify videos can be used for formative assessment, enabling you to identify and address learning gaps before the high-stakes tests. By the end of this session, you'll be equipped with practical strategies to leverage video, boost student engagement, and ultimately improve test performance across your classroom or school district.
SPHERE Fostering Civil Discourse and Diverse Viewpoints for Every Classroom
Sphere Education Initiatives is excited to announce the acceptance of applications for the 2025 edition of our annual Sphere Summit: The Foundations of Civic Culture coming this summer!
Sphere Summit, a full‐scholarship professional development program for grades 5–12 educators, returns as a fully in‐person experience in Washington, DC. Summit will run June 29–July 3 and July 14–August 18. Both Sphere Summits for 2025 are open to all educators and administrators, and groups of educators from the same school are particularly encouraged. Each Summit will offer distinct programming to meet the needs of both middle and high school educators as well as educators teaching either grade level or advanced courses like AP or IB.
New this year, each Summit has a unique theme. The first Summit’s theme is “Freedom, Rights, and America’s 250th” while the second Summit’s theme is “Cultivating Curiosity, Openness, and Civil Discourse in Every Classroom.”
Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program
Applications for the 2025-2026 Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program are due February 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST.
The Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program is a yearlong professional learning opportunity and short-term exchange for elementary, middle, and high school educators from the United States to develop skills to prepare students for a competitive global economy. The program equips educators to bring an international perspective to their schools through targeted training, experience abroad, and global collaboration.
Program Description
Participants in the Fulbright Teachers for Global Classrooms Program will:
- Complete a rigorous, semester-long online course focused on best practices in global education.
- Gather for an in-person professional development workshop in Washington, D.C.
- Travel abroad for two to three weeks to immerse themselves in another country’s culture and education system.
- Create a global education guide that serves as a resource in their local community to share the skills, experiences, and resources they have developed throughout the program.
Learn more and and apply HERE
Need Funding for Professional Development Experiences | NEA Learning and Leadership Grants - Due February 17, 2025
Educators are the backbone of our public education system, yet all too often, don’t have resources at their disposal to prioritize their professional learning journeys. Learning and Leadership Grants enable educators to grow their leadership skills and invest in professional development to maximize their impact inside and outside the classroom.
The NEA Foundation provides annual educator grants to teachers or educational support professionals, such as school bus drivers, custodial staff, and school nurses. Grants can be used to support various projects or professional development, including:
- Travel
- Rooms
- Registration fees
- Classroom materials
The NEA Foundation also provides a helpful video on how to apply for grant funding. Applications are typically between June and September.
SCDE Renewal Matrix
Want to learn more about what is acceptable as professional learning. Click HERE to review the South Carolina Renewal Matrix
Kick Up Directions and Links
Helpful Kick Up Links
Here are a few helpful resources to orient you to the basic actions you might take in KickUp:
Access our PD platform with https://pulse.kickup.co/
Kick Up Dos & Don'ts
- Complete the session survey located in Kick Up after each session is completed.
- Register and sign up for sessions during the registration window or prior to the session if applicable.
- Unregister for a session in the same time block before registering for a new event, if you change your mind about a session or if you are unable to attend the session.
- Immediately enter your Kick Up code to confirm attendance or write down the code for later reference. Some facilitators may not be available to provide codes after the session.
- Unregister for a session if you are on the waitlist 1 day prior to the PD session. The KickUp platform only registers a waitlist participant for the session if a space becomes available.
- Move to another session without registering for the session.
- Leave a session without obtaining the KickUp confirmation code for attendance. KickUp confirmation codes can be obtained from the facilitator.
NOTE: All KickUp codes must be provided by the facilitator. The Office of Professional Development can not confirm attendance during PD sessions.
LETRS Online Platform: Login and Access
Participants will also need to complete both the welcome session, pre-test, and Volume coursework at this time. If you are unable to log-in please email Calandra.Davis@fsd1.org.
General Information
Please see frequently asked questions below.
Q: What is LETRS training?
A: The Lexia LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) Suite is comprehensive professional learning designed to provide early childhood and elementary educators and administrators with deep knowledge to be literacy and language experts in the science of reading. Developed by Dr. Louisa Moats, Dr. Carol Tolman and leaders in the field of literacy, Lexia LETRS teaches the skills needed to master the foundational and fundamentals of reading and writing instruction—phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and written language.
Q: Where can I find the legislation requiring the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) to provide LETRS training statewide?
A: Proviso 1A.73 of the SC General Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2023-24 requires the department to offer training in foundational literacy skills and work with districts on an implementation plan for training eligible educators.
Q: Which educators and staff are eligible for state funding for LETRS training?
A: Districts may request to begin with cohorts by school, district, and/or specific role. While districts may pay for additional staff to participate in the training, educators in the following roles are eligible for state funding:
Classroom teachers in grades K-3
Special education teachers in elementary schools serving grades K-3
Reading/literacy coaches and reading interventionists in elementary schools serving grades K-3
School administrators in elementary schools serving grades K-3
Q: I have my R2S endorsement. Do I need to take LETRS? A: Act 114 of the 2023-24 legislative session amends the Read to Succeed Act to include the following requirements in Section 59-155-170 (B)(1): The SCDE “shall deliver professional development that has demonstrated success in establishing deep knowledge of foundational literacy skills grounded in the science of reading and promoting student reading achievement. Each district shall participate in the implementation of this foundational literacy skills training with the goal of statewide implementation to include all kindergarten through third grade teachers certified in early childhood, elementary, or special education, and elementary administrators. This training shall be offered at no cost to the district or teacher.” LETRS is the professional learning the state is providing to meet the requirement in Act 114. Even if a teacher has earned the R2S Literacy Teacher endorsement, engaging in LETRS further enhances the individual’s professional knowledge, skills, and classroom practice. The training can be used for renewal credit, and any educator who has not previously earned the R2S Literacy Teacher endorsement can do so by successfully completing both volumes of the training and submitting the required documentation to the Office of Educator Services. Q: Does my license expire? A: A license is consumed when the assigned participant completes the associated course’s Intro/Welcome session that comes before Unit 1. Please see consumption policy for additional information: LETRS License Consumption Policy If you have not completed the training and are nearing the end of your license, or if your license expired before completion, you may contact Lexia at support@lexialearning.com to request a quote for a one-year extension. If you move schools or districts before completion, your license travels with you. Work with your district Point of Contact to have Lexia change your email address and transfer your data to the new district, if necessary.
The South Carolina Department of Education Personalized Learning Team exists to support educators in the exploration and implementation of student-centered learning practices for the benefit of students. The work stems from the SCDE’s Vision to provide "an exceptional education for every South Carolina student." Explore this website to learn more about the many ways this professional learning opportunity can support you along your journey towards personalizing student learning!
Do you need professional support with:
- Meeting kids' needs at various ability levels?
- Classroom management and culture?
- Motivating and engaging students?
- Student-centered goal setting and conferencing?
- Formative assessment and feedback?
- Student discourse and academic conversation?
Well, PersonalizeSC PD is the right place! Personalized PD FAQ's
SCDE Professional Learning Library
What is the Professional Learning Library?
The Office of Educator Effectiveness and Leadership Development supports the growth of all educators so that they can be prepared to grow all of their students. This includes creating systems for new teacher and principal induction, supporting professional growth, development, and evaluation in all districts, and offering professional learning opportunities focused on high quality instruction and leadership development. In 2018, the SCDE made a commitment to personalized professional learning by adding the first version of the professional learning video library to compliment the roll out of SCLead and the SC Teaching Standards rubric.
The Professional Learning Library Includes:
Full Courses (2+ hours)
•Video response
•Reflective writing
•Articles and blogs
•3rd party links
•Discussion boards
•Multiple choice assessments
•Multimedia Learning Experience
Mini Courses (<1 hour)
Curated Video List
1 Discussion Board
1 Reflection
My Plan
Build your own video playlist
Search for videos by topic, SCTS standard or PADEPP standard
How Do I Access the PLL?
Ways to Access the Professional Learning Library Click HERE:
- SCLead.org
- SC Instruction Hub
- PowerSchool Professional Learning
- Ed Impact PLL
All Florence 1 Educators can access the PLL using their SCLead log in.
•Click Library, SCTS 4.0 or PADEPP Standards
•The PLL courses are listed alphabetically, or by standard
•Click the Course Title to view
•Courses may be assigned or open to self-registration
NOTE: If you do not have access to your SCLead login, you must contact a member of SCLead
customer support by dialing (877) 314-1412 or Online Support Form. Please provide customer support with your full name and South Carolina certificate identification number or CID.
Free Virtual Training for Educator from SCDE
Virtual SCPD
Please note that registration closes at 4:00 PM.
Check out our Self-Paced Courses and Learning Modules to earn renewal credits NOW.
If you're seeking an accredited online course to earn 120 renewal credits - or 3 graduate credits, TeacherStep is here to help, especially if you're seeking a math course!
Sorting through course options can be difficult sometimes, so TeacherStep offers the following ways to explore our 30+ course options:
- For a handy overview, download a course catalog containing an overview of the topics for each course.
- Ready to learn more about a particular course or two? Download a syllabus containing a detailed outline of the course framework including prerequisites, objectives, assignments and more.
- Of course, you can readily explore courses online too.
One Stop Workshop
SCDE now has a great PD resource for arts teachers called One Stop Workshop. The resource is a partnership between the South Carolina Department of Education and the South Carolina Arts Commission. The One Stop Workshop is a completely free, fully virtual professional learning conference for SC teachers. This virtual platform offers a “one-stop” source for professional learning on arts in education, offering content for both educators interested in arts integration as well as discipline-specific arts specialists.
LINK: https://onestopworkshop.vfairs.com/
This user guide details how to get renewal credits for the sessions you take:
Praxis Support
Option 1: Learning Liaisons Boot Camp
STEP 1:Please email Dr. Courtney Clayton for Learning Liaisons access code. cclayton@fsd1.org
STEP 2: Use the provided link to register for the online Praxis Boot Camp.
STEP 3: Watch the welcome video from Dr. A. Use the code to get free access to your Praxis test prep.
Serious inquires only. Participants will be required to finish all courses. Data analytics will be provided to district administration.
National Board Certification
Online & On Demand PD Opportunities
edWeb.net is an award-winning professional learning network that serves the global education community. Join communities to connect with peers and learn from experts on so many topics! Watch edWebinars live or on demand anytime to earn CE certificates. Listen to podcasts of selected edWeb programs.
SC Codes
F1S Technology Tools and Resources
Calandra Brisbone-Davis
500 S Dargan St, Florence, SC 29506