News and events

November 17, 2024
Character Trait of the Month
Our Character Strong trait for November is GRATITUDE. Check out what each grade level is working on:
A Message from the Principal
Hello Hoover Families,
The weather is interesting again this week. We are starting the week with potential rain and low 50s and then it gets windy and drops to the 30s. Please make sure to send students to school with appropriate attire for the weather. Students will continue to go outside for recess (light sprinkles, snow, wind, etc), and we want them to be comfortable and warm! It always helps to send an extra change of clothing for them to keep in their backpacks or lockers for those days where there might be a food/milk/recess incident that may require them to change clothes.
This Week's Events:
- Tuesday, November 19 - Last Day for the Texas Roadhouse Fresh-Baked Bread and Gift Card Fundraiser - https://www.facebook.com/share/1AmFz7UxkM/
- Wednesday, November 20 - PTO Dining Night: Texas Roadhouse - https://www.facebook.com/share/1Amgcp3x5e/
- Thursday, November 21 - Math Family Night
- Friday, November 22 - End of Tri 1
- Monday, November 25-Friday, November 29 - No School for Students
- 11/25 - Staff PD Day - No Students
- 11/26 - Staff Planning/Grading Day - No Students
- 11/27 - Conference Conversion Day - No Staff and Students
- 11/28-11/29 - Holiday/District Closed - No Staff and Students
Mrs. Strusz
P.S. In case you missed the last Hoover Family Updates. Click here to view.
P.S.S. Check out last week's Hoover Howl News video announcement. Click here to view.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, December 4-Thursday, December 5 - Gr 4-5 Winter MAP Reading Testing
Wednesday, December 4-10 - Hour of Code in Media Class
Friday, December 6 - Gr K STEMH Boney Bones Onsite Field Experience
Monday, December 9 - Tri 1 Report Cards Go Live Online
Tuesday, December 10-Wednesday, December 11 - Gr 4-5 Winter MAP Math Testing
Thursday, December 12 - Gr 1 STEMH Muscle Madness Onsite Field Experience
Monday, December 16 - Gr 2 STEMH Hoo Got Ate? Onsite Field Experience
Tuesday, December 17 - Winter Ugly Sweater Day
Thursday, December 19 - Winter Classroom Parties
Friday, December 20 - No School - Licensed Staff PD Day
Monday, December 23-Wednesday, January 1 - No School - Winter Break
Hoover Highlights ⭐
Please Cast Your Vote!
Gr 4 STEMH Bakken Museum Offsite Field Experience
Our 4th students showed off their scientific exploration by engaging in hands-on, inquiry-based lessons and activities at The Bakken Museum. Click here to see pictures from the experience.
Veterans Day Assembly
We want to thank all of the Veterans who were able to join us at this year's Veterans Day Assembly at Hoover. Our students and staff are grateful for your service and honored to be able to spend the afternoon showing you our appreciation.
Thank you for your service!
- Jacob Olson, Navy - 8 years of service
- Stacie Albertson, Army - 4 years of service
- Bee Yang, Army - 6 years of service
- Tyler Reitz, Army National Guard - 10 years of service
- Mark Winczewski, Air Force & Air National Guard - 11 years of service
- Ronson Beard, Army Reserve & Marine Corp - 4 years of service
- Jeremy Hill, Navy - 4 years of service
- Denny Leaser, Navy - 24 years of service
- Tom Gade, Army National Guard - 19 years of service
- Anthony Halvorson, Navy - 8 years of service
- Matthew Fobair, Navy - 6 years of service
- Jamie Sibri, Air Force - 12 years of service
- Frank Bruneau, Air Force - 5 years of service
- Mitch Bruneau, Army - 5 years of service
- Thomas Davis, Army & Air Force - 16 years of service
- Gary Meyer, Army - 2 years of service
- Josh Willett, Army National Guard - 11 years of service
- Tyler Pearson Gilbert, Army - 6 years of service
- Bruce Thingelstad, Navy - 4 years of service
- Robert Dickey, Marines - 7 years of service
- Gus Gusciora, Navy - 4 years of service
- Kevin Spence, Marines - 11 years of service
- Suzanne Nelson, Army - 4 years of service
- Peng Xion, Army - 8 years of service
- Bill Scherer, Army - 3 years of service
Veterans Day Poster Winners
Congratulations Amari, Leah, and Isabel!
PTO Events This Week!
You're Invited to Our Math Family Night!
We are looking forward to seeing our students and families at our Math Family Night. There is still time to turn in your RSVP early this week. As a reminder, students must attend the event with their parents/guardians.
View Your Students MCA Scores Online
Click HERE to see the "Read more, and get step-by-step instructions for logging in to view your student's test score." link referenced in the picture above.
Hoover Winter Food Drive
Hoover is doing a winter food drive! Donations go to the Christmas Committee that helps our community. https://www.christmascommittee.com/.
TOP 3 classes with the most donations will earn a popcorn party!!
Questions? Please reach out to our Brianna Havelka, School Social Worker at Brianna.Havelka@ahschools.us
Anoka Christmas Committee Information
Message from the Nurse's Office
Please send an extra pair of pants and underwear for your child in case there is an accident (bathroom, breakfast/lunch spill, etc.). The health office loves donations of gently used sweatpants and leggings sizes 5-10. We also appreciate new packs of underwear for boys and girls sizes 5-10.
The health office has free at home Covid tests. Email Darlene.Anderson@ahschools.us and we can send them home with your child.
Wondering if your child is well enough to come to school? Click here for more information.
If your child goes to the doctor or dentist, please request a doctor's note and send it with your child for attendance purposes.
Message from the Volunteer Service Coordinator (VSC)
Hello families!!
On behalf of myself, the school and the PTO, I want to thank you so much for your help this past week. We had some last minute changes and we had some urgent needs that many stepped up to help us with and make our week a success!
Some things to keep in mind these next couple of weeks. My position is not scheduled to work November 25th to November 29th. I will return to the office Monday, December 2nd. During that week, we won't have volunteers in the building.
We still have volunteer opportunities for those looking to help out our school! Those can be found HERE.
Just a reminder that any volunteer 18 years or older must complete the volunteer application and background check each school year. Those 17 and younger only need to complete the volunteer application each school year.
Please reach out Tina Fletcher, Volunteer Service Coordinator, at Tina.Fletcher@ahschools.us or 763.506.2830 with any questions.
Message from the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
Hello Hoover Staff and Families! We wanted to share an update about things we have planned for the year.
Fall Fundraiser
Thank you for sharing the fundraising information with our Hoover families and supporting this event!! Our top three classrooms were KSB, 4MR, and 2MT. We’ll reach out to you separately regarding your classroom reward. The pickup date for those who chose to ship items to the school is November 4, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM.
Restock the Classroom - December/January
We’ll sponsor another “Restock in the Classroom” with a January delivery goal. This time we’ll ask for donations from families and our community supporters in advance so we can do more for you!
Read-A-Thon - February
We’ll host a Read-a-thon in February, and this event will rotate every other year with the Kids Heart Challenge. We’ll do our best to inspire the students as much as the Kids Heart Challenge did. One of our annual commitments is to donate $1000 to the Media Center for book purchases.
Spring Carnival - May
We will host the Spring Carnival in May. This event requires many volunteers, and you know we’ll ask you for help too. Feel free to share any feedback or suggestions through Mr. White.
HundredX - May
Our HundredX Fundraiser will return this school year. This one is awesome as it doesn’t require families and supporters to purchase anything. They simply complete questionnaires regarding their recent shopping trips or business interactions.
Fundraiser Nights
We’ll try to have either a restaurant night or a family entertainment night once a month. This is a great opportunity to bond with Hoover families and earn some funds for our initiatives.
PTO Meeting
Our PTO meeting time changed to 6:45 PM – 7:30 PM. We hope the time reduction will entice participation. The PTO Board will now meet beforehand to hash out plans that may overwhelm new attendees. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month unless there is a conflict or need to change.
Classroom Amazon Lists
If you have an existing list or need one created, please send us an email. We will share them on our social media platforms throughout the year. The links will be housed on our Google site here.
We also have a page on our site that will list school & PTO items. Feel free to reference this page for your weekly updates to families.
Please reach out if you have any questions or feedback. We’d love to hear from you. Thank you for your support; we appreciate you!
Hoover PTO
Message from the Parent Educator
Support Hoover with Box Tops 4 Education
Another option is to go to https://www.boxtops4education.com/ to learn more about downloading the app to scan receipts for box tops for Hoover Elementary.
Virtual Flyer Gallery - Opportunities for families from local nonprofit groups
The Anoka-Hennepin School District allows qualifying flyers from nonprofit groups to be distributed at school and sent home with students. These flyers have gone through the district approval process. A virtual gallery of flyers is also available. These events, classes and activities are not sponsored or endorsed by Anoka-Hennepin Schools.
This does NOT change our regular flyer policies or procedures! To have a flyer posted, the organization still needs to go through the process, be approved, and deliver paper flyers to schools in our district.
This e-newsletter is published by Hoover Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.