HFRCS Newsletter October 1, 2024
SY 2024-2025 Vol. 4 Issue 4
From the Principal's Office
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Happy October! Our month is busting with many events and activities, opportunities for learning and fun. October is also the month of the Holy Rosary. During this month the faithful venerate the Blessed Virgin Mary especially under her title of Our Lady of the Rosary. Later in October, our students will be participating in a Living Rosary Prayer Service and will honor our Blessed Mother in a special way.
Our school is continuing our Virtues in Practice program, year two. For the month of September, we learned about the virtue of HOPE. Several students were recognized by their teachers as exemplifying this virtue and received a certificate with a pin this morning. Please see today’s newsletter for photos of these students. For the month of October, we are learning about the virtue of STUDIOUSNESS, defined as seeking knowledge to grow closer to Truth.
Next week, our students will be joining the Queen of the Universe Parish in their Forty Hours devotions by having prayer services before the Blessed Sacrament. Led by Father Weber and Father Flores, students will sing hymns, hear the Gospel, have opportunity for silent prayer, and Benediction before the Blessed Sacrament. We are grateful to have this prayer experience for our students and look forward to praying together at this special time.
On Friday, our school will welcome Monsignor McCormac as we gather for Mass for the first Friday of October. At the conclusion of Mass, we will be installing our Student Council officers and representatives as well as our Safety Patrol. Please join us if your schedule permits.
Today, your child will be coming home with information about the Pot of Gold Challenge! The Pot of Gold program is sponsored by St. Frances Cabrini Parish and participation affords parents the opportunity for tuition assistance. Please read carefully the information in the Pot of Gold packet. Right now, the jackpot is $41,000! It only takes one ticket to win!
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Haggerty
We are a family of FAITH!
Remember to go to Mass this weekend.
Virtues in Practice: HOPE (September)
Congratulations to the following students who were recognized for exemplifying the virtue of HOPE.
October Calendar change
Please note the following changes to the October calendar that was distributed to the students:
- Fire Prevention Program (PK-K) is on October 17, not October 9.
- 40 Hours on October 7 will start at 1:30 PM (not 1:00 PM) for the following grades: K-Gr.4
- 40 Hours on October 8 will start at 1:30 PM (not 1:00 PM) for the following grades: Gr.5-8
Changes are highlighted/marked in the attached calendar. The calendar on the school website has the latest updates.
Carline Pick Up (K-Gr.8)
Please do not block the entranceway (coming into the parish/school grounds from Trenton Rd.). Buses need to be able to the back of the school. When you park, please pull up your car as close to the car in front of you to accommodate many cars in one late. Thank you for your cooperation.
November Lunch Order
Per the October calendar, the due date for the November lunch order form is October 8. However, the order form is not yet available since the menus are pending from NDS. An email will be sent out once the menus and order form are available. You can also check out the website for an update.
As a reminder, please only select the specific lunches that your child will eat to reduce food waste. Please remind your child(ren) the days they are to come up for lunch. Thank you for your cooperation.
FACTS Family Portal and Start of the School Year Documents
FORMS ARE OVERDUE. Please complete them ASAP. Each student must have a completed packet. The FACTS Payment Plan / Financial Aid account where you set up your tuition payment is different from the FACTS Family portal. If you have any issues completing the form, please reach out to michelle.mangapit@hfrcs.org
Sign in to your FACTS Family Portal. Please see attachment to setup your account if you do not have FACTS Family Portal Account. District Code is HFR-PA
> Apply / Enroll
> Enrollment / Reenrollment
> Click here to open reenrollment
See attached file for more details.
Crescendo Music Academy
Crescendo Music Academy is a private music studio based near Norristown, PA, that specializes in private music lessons for students of all ages, abilities, and experience levels. Crescendo Music Academy is excited to offer these musical opportunities to the students of Holy Family. During the program year, expect two concerts; one in December and another in May. Please note: students will be responsible to rent or purchase their own instruments.
Fee is $15 per individual or small group lesson (each will be half an hour in length). Band and lessons on the following instruments are offered:
- Flute
- Clarinet
- Saxophone
- Trumpet
- Trombone
- Percussion
For any students grades 4–8 interested in beginning an instrument or deepening their experience on an instrument they already play, Mr. Walzer will speak to each of his general music classes about how to participate in the program.
Anyone who would like to sign up NOW is welcome to do so on Crescendo's website, using THIS FORM. Please note, parents are billed in advance of each month, so signing up does not commit you to the entire year.
From Enrollment & Marketing
Our second annual Grandparents Day will be held on Tuesday November 26th and is open to grades PK3 through 3rd and their siblings. RSVPs will open in the coming weeks so keep an eye out for updates!
From the Nurse's Office
Specific grades have State-mandated screenings (Physical for Kindergarten & 6th Grade and Dental for Kindergarten, 3rd Grade & 7th Grade). Refer to the school website for more information.
Also, signed Medical Treatment Order forms will also be needed if your child needs to take any medication during school hours.
Emergency Information Record & Medical Information update - RETURN
All students must have a completed Emergency Information Record & Medical Information Update form on school file. This is a back-to-back white form that was distributed to all students on the first day of school.
It is important that we have all the information on this form, especially the Medical Information update. Many families returned the form without the Medical Information Update or the Emergency Information Record. Please see attached for the forms. If you believe you did not complete both sides of the form, please complete the attached and return asap. This is critical information that the school needs in case of an emergency.
**** HOME & SCHOOL ****
H&S Upcoming Events
See the calendar of events and flyers for details:
- Oct 8: H&S Meeting @ 7:00 PM
- until Oct 11: Spirit wear sale - see this link to order
See flyer for more details on purchasing discounted Shady Brook Farm Fall Fest tickets.
H&S Calendar of Events
Spirit Wear Sale
Shady Brook Fall Fest Fundraiser
Queen of the Universe
Father John R. Weber, Pastor
Father Manuel Flores, Parochial Vicar
View the Parish Weekly Bulletin.
Sunday Mass Schedule:
4:00 PM (Vigil Mass), 7:30 AM , 9:30 AM , 11:30 AM , 1:00 PM La Misa en Español
Weekday Daily Mass:
8:30 AM - Monday through Saturday
Holy Days: (subject to change)
5:00 PM (Vigil), 8:30 AM, Noon, & 7:00 PM
The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Thursday: 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM, Saturdays: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
The Sacrament of Baptism:
1st and 3rd Saturdays, at 11:00 AM
St. Frances Cabrini
Monsignor Michael Magee, Weekend Assistant
View the Parish Weekly Bulletin.
Mass Schedule:
- Monday-Saturday: 9:30 AM
- Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM
- Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
- Holy Days: 6:30 AM, 12 Noon, 7:00 PM (except January 1st which follows a Sunday Mass schedule)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:15-5:15 PM or by appointment
Daily Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Saint Joseph Chapel
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Sunday: 12:30 PM–8:00 PM
The results of the drawing can be found here. The jackpot prize is $41,000!
**** CYO ****
Season is at the halfway point. Last weekend saw some rainouts and some games played in the rain. Kids don't care, they just want to play (parents weren't thrilled). Come out and cheer the kids on!
Congratulations to these Player of the Game.
The combined St. Marks/Holy Family 3rd/4th grade girls soccer team remains undefeated!
Their record is now 5-0-1
Game results from the weekend:
Girls are doing amazing - this is their first year playing!
Ariana Pak
vs. St. Ignatius Silver
Zoey Genievich
vs. St. Ignatius Black
Gia Luna
When? Practices start early November. Season runs Dec-Feb
How much? $115 for all kids (down from $125 last year)
Where? Practices at Cabrini gym (Fairless Hills)
Who? Boys and girls - Grades 3-12
How? Click the registration link below. Registration Closes Oct 6th
Want more information on CYO sports and activities? Join our CYO Facebook group!
You can contact CYO by emailing holyfamilyrcscyo@gmail.com
**** OTHER NEWS ****
The Gifts from Gwyn Foundation - Annual 5K and 1 mile fun walk
The annual 5k and 1 mile fun walk will be held on Saturday November 16th, 2024 starting at 9:30 AM. Every runner/ walker that signs up by October 19th, 2024, gets a Gifts from Gwyn t-shirt and wristband. There will be multiple door prizes and refreshments available to all participants. There will be raffles for; sports memorabilia, restaurant gift cards, movie tickets, gym membership, basket of cheer and many more. Please come out and support our foundation as we aim to keep Gwyn in our hearts and minds by giving back to the community that she was a part of. We look forward to seeing you there!
You may sign up here: https://giftsfromgwyn.org/
NDS Placemat & Slogan Contest
NDS is sponsoring a Placemat & Slogan Contest which will be held during National School Lunch Week! All students are invited to submit original artwork that encourages healthy eating and physical activity and/or promotes school lunch or breakfast. We encourage ALL students to participate in this fun and creative event. Prizes for all winning students! This year's theme is School Lunch Pirates Find Your Treasure! See flyer for more information. Thank you!
Pack 168
Pack 168 is looking for boys AND girls in kindergarten-5th grade who are looking to join Cub Scouts! We meet Tuesday Nights 6:00 - 700 PM at the 1st Methodist Church of Fairless Hills. Stop by any Tuesday night. Contact Mr. Sonnie 215-939-6411 or email smtroop168@gmail.com
Pack 19 Open House
Open House on October 5 from 3:00-5:00 PM at Heritage Farm. See flyer for details.
Visit pack19rocks.com or contact pack19ROCKS@gmail.com for more information.