Bay Harbor Sailors Log

Main Office - (920) 662-8800
Attendance - (920) 662-8888
A message from our Principal
Sailor Families,
Serving-Learning-Achieving----TOGETHER is a tagline our district has had for a long time and a key pillar of who we are! There is no lack of opportunities out there to serve others. With that being said, our partnership with our local Giving Tree is critical to their success and ability to support local families in need. During the week of the 14th-18th, we will be holding our annual Food Drive led by our 4th grade students. Watch for more information to come on that.
Speaking of service opportunities, our School Resource Officer, Brittany Coffey, reached out regarding an immediate opportunity to support the Police Department in Asheville, North Carolina, with their response of aid for the recent Hurricane victims in that area. A local semi truck full of donations will be shipping out on Friday, so if you would like to help in any way with this, please have your donations to BH by the end of the day Thursday. This is a short turnaround, but they want to get donations down there asap. She said ANYTHING helps and is appreciated!
Here’s what they need:
-Bottled water / gallon jugs of water
-Paper Towels
-Toilet Paper
-Diapers/Baby Wipes
-Trash Bags
-Non Perishable SNACK items
-NEW blankets and towels (no tag, no take)
There is plenty happening at BH in October. In addition to our Food Drive on the week of the 14th, we will also be getting into the spirit by celebrating Homecoming Week at BP. We will have dress-up opportunities each day which will also align to some Digital Citizenship lessons we will teach about. Watch for more information on this. Student-Led Conferences sign-up will also come out on the 14th and we are working hard to prepare our goals and portfolios for our conferences on the 22nd and 24th.
Lastly, our only fundraiser and major FUN-raiser is our Fall Fest! A LOT of planning has been taking place for this event which is held on November 9th. It is going to be an awesome time with a plethora of amazing things to bid on! With all that is taking place, please continue to stay in the loop via our weekly newsletter as well as classroom teacher communication.
Thank you for your continued support,
Tony Ebeling, BH Principal
Today is the last day to order your students photos to ensure you receive them with the first delivery!
****Didn't get your students order form? Click HERE to request a new form!
Bay Harbor’s 4th graders are having a food drive for The Giving Tree! We will be collecting food the week of October 14-18th. All donations will help stock the shelves at The Giving Tree. If you would like to donate, have your student/s drop off the items in one of the many Giving Tree bins that will be located in the main hallway of the school.
Canned corn, carrots & mixed veggies
Pancake mix & syrup
Can soup
Ramen noodles
Peanut Butter
Boxed rice, potato, pasta
Pasta sauce
Can fruit
**They ask that you check expiration dates as any items that are expired will be discarded. **Plastic containers are best.
At the end of the month our 4th graders will be taking a field trip to the pantry to fill up the shelves with all the items donated. More information coming soon!
Thank you for your consideration in making it a successful food drive for our 4th graders!
If reporting an ABSENCE or LATE ARRIVAL for your student, please call the
Attendance Line at 920-662-8888.
If picking your student UP EARLY, please call the main office at 920-662-8800 as you're on the way or in the driveway. We'll have your child in the office when you arrive.
Student-Led conferences will take place on October 22 and 24 from 4:00 to 7:30. These 15 minute conferences will be a time to celebrate growth and to talk about goals. Students will lead a portion of this conference and will utilize their portfolios to do so.
Conference sign-up will begin October 14th through the 17th. Watch for more information to come.
Nominations for the 32nd Golden Apple Awards are now open!
Please click on the link below to nominate a current or past favorite teacher!
Food & Supply Donations
Our Food & Supply Donation signup is now open! Help with event items for our kitchen, raffles, and prizes. Deadlines vary, so please read carefully.
We Need More Volunteers!
Thank you to those already signed up! Our spots are about 25% full. Spots include games, cafe help, ticket sales, and more. Adult and youth volunteers are needed. This is a great opportunity for those who need volunteer hours! Sign up here!
More Ways to Get Involved
We can still accept late business donations, but please contact us ASAP. Donate a silent auction basket, raffle items, or money toward event expenses. We also take donations on our Square site. Info about Classroom Baskets will be coming next week.
Email us at bayharborpto@gmail.com with questions. Thank you!!
Bay Harbor Elementary PTO
Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates!
Returning Student Registration and School Fees
- Have you completed the Returning Student Registration that must be done for each student? If not, please do so as soon as possible by visiting this link: http://hssdschools.powerschool.com/public/ . It is important that this is completed so we have your current information in case of an emergency. Please call the school office if you have any questions at 662-8800.
- School fees will not be posted until November. Please look for future communication on that date and how to pay fees.
9 - BH Day- wear your Bay Harbor apparel or colors!
14-18 - 4th Grade Food Drive
14-18 - Spirit Week - more info to come
22 - Parent/Teacher Conferences/Book Fair
24 - 4K Only NO SCHOOL
24 - Parent/Teacher Conferences/Book Fair
1 - End of 1st Quarter
5 - Picture Re-take Day
5 - PTO Meeting @ 6pm
6 - Friday Schedule
6 - BH Day
8 - NO SCHOOL - Staff PD
9 - Fall Fest
11 - Report Cards Emailed Home
15 - School Store -during lunch
27 - 29 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Recess
11 - BH Day
23-31 - NO SCHOOL - Winter Recess
The Giving Tree will be starting to register families for our December Holiday Store. Please reach out to your school social worker if you think your student may benefit from assistance with The Giving Tree. For our generous community, look for information in future district communications about donating to our Holiday Store and volunteering!
This month we are collecting canned soup. Please feel free to send donations with your students to put in the collections bins/carts near the main office of school. Items can also be dropped off during school hours. The Giving Tree appreciates the community support in helping ensure food is not a barrier to a student’s education
School Board President - Greg Klimek
Please Click HERE to view the latest Broadcast Communication. For more information, contact the Bay Harbor Elementary Board of Education representative:
Phone: 920-621-2485
The mission of the HSSD Board of Education is the same as the District's: To work with families and community to ensure that our students have the knowledge and skills to succeed in a changing world.
Bay View Community Open House
We are pleased to invite you to the Bay View Community Open House on September 25 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Construction was completed earlier this month, in time for students and staff to return for the 2024-25 school year. We are excited to show you our renovated building!
What: Bay View Community Open House
When: Wednesday, September 25 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Where: Bay View Middle School (1217 Cardinal Ln. Green Bay, WI 54313)
Who: Residents and community members of the Howard-Suamico School District
Details: On April 6, 2021, Howard and Suamico residents approved two referendums. Question 1 was an operational referendum, allowing HSSD to exceed the revenue limit by $5 million for five years beginning in 2023-24. Question 2 was a facilities referendum to borrow $98 million to renovate and improve all eight buildings.
During the Community Open House, you will see the outcome of Question 2. Bay View and Forest Glen received significant updates, and both schools are now complete. Click here to view the Facilities Update website.
Hilly Haven Golf Course
Hilly Haven Golf Course is excited to announce a new program for Juniors, called Junior Golf Academy, which takes place after school hours. Please see their website for more details.
Calling all Lady Hoopers!! Come returning players - come NEW players - we want you ALL!
REGISTRATION IS OFFICIALLY OPEN for the 2024-2025 Bay Port Girls Youth Basketball season!
We've made some updates to our program and have a lot of great things in store for the upcoming season. We hope each of your athletes will return to play for us!
Register early to help us get organized prior to parent meetings!