The Good News June 2, 2024
St. John XXIII Catholic School
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi
June 2024
Monday, June 3
- No special events
Tuesday, June 4
- Fr. Abraham Gr 3
- NK West River's Edge
- Talent Show forms due
- Run Club
- Early Dismissal 2:10, beach day
- Gr 3 Zoo 2U
- Gr 4 Activate
- Talent Show Auditions at last recess
- School Council BBQ 5-7pm
- Kindergarten Grad T shirt order form closes at noon
- Talent Show Auditions at last recess
- Gr 1 Flag Presentation
- Gr 2 Fitset Ninja
- Gr 3 Fort Edmonton
Looking Ahead...
June 10 - Gr 1 TPet
June 11 - K and NK Fun Day
June 12 - Fun Day, Hot Lunch
June 13 - Gr 4 Farewell, NK/K Edmonton Valley Zoo
June 14 - Pie Throwing Fundraiser
June 18 - Fun Run, Year End Mass @ OLA Church
June 20 - Talent Show
June 21 - Indigenous Peoples Day, K Safety City
June 25 - Kinder Grad
June 26 - Last Day for 1-4 Students
School Council Year End BBQ
Kindergarten 2023-2024 T-Shirt Order - Deadline is this Friday!
To celebrate our year and each other, we’d like to keep the Kindergarten tradition and offer parents the opportunity to order a T-shirt for their Kindergarten Milestone! It will celebrate St. John XXIII on the front and on the back it will have Kinder 2024 and your child's signature along with the signatures from everyone from their class. T-shirts are available to order in youth and adult sizes. Please check you email for more information.
The deadline to order a shirt is Friday, June 7th, 2024, at 12:00 noon
Chalice Fundraiser- Pie Throwing Event
Get ready for our 2nd annual Pie Throwing Fundraiser. Imagine the joy of watching your favorite teachers and staff members become targets of silly, splat-tastic fun!
For just $1 you can enter the raffle for a chance to throw a pie at your teacher or principal.
It's your time to shine as you take aim and let those whipped cream pies fly through the air to help raise funds for a great cause. Cash only please.
This fundraiser is dedicated to supporting our Chalice Foster children. Every dollar raised will go towards providing them with essential resources, support, and opportunities for a brighter future. It's an amazing chance to make a difference in the lives of children who truly deserve our help and love.
2024-2025 Faith Theme Artwork
Elk Island Catholic Schools invites staff, students and families to submit art work to go with our faith theme. Please submit your work to Andrea Haston ( andrea.haston@eics.ab.ca) by June 14.
Annual Talent Show: St. John XXIII's Got Talent
We are thrilled to announce that The Servant Leadership Squad is hosting the 11th annual school wide talent show! All students are welcome to share the gifts and talents that God has blessed them with during this show. A letter was sent home with your child this week with all of the details, including audition dates. If you have misplaced the letter, please refer to the document linked below.
St. John XXIII’s Got Talent” will take place on June 20 at 1:00pm in the gym.
Staff Long Service Awards
This week several of our staff were honoured for their years of service. Please help us celebrate the following St. John staff members:
5 year Recipients : Kristen Menzak, Barb Potter
20 year Recipient: May-Lee Buban
25 year Recipient: Gail Greene, Lesley Holt, Lee Trainor
Retirement: Gail Greene
Grade 3 students moving to Grade 4
Students entering grade 4 in the fall will need to bring a device to school as another tool for learning. EICS recommends Chromebooks as the ideal device due to price, battery life, fast startup, and usability.
2023-2024 Outstanding Fee Statements
2023-2024 outstanding fee statements were emailed on May 14th. Instructions on how to pay fees are located on the bottom of every newsletter.
Please contact the school office if you have any questions or concerns. 780-998-7777
Growing Brains & Sharing Smiles! It's a GREAT Day to be a St. John Kid!
Grade 1 Butterfly Release
Volunteer Appreciation
Grade 4 tour at JPII
Grade 2 and 3 buddies
Grade 4
Grade 2
Grade 1
St. Andre Bessette Grad Walk
Important School Information
2024-2025 Nature Programming at St. John XXIII
Limited Spaces Available
Our school offers a supplemental Nature Kindergarten program which operates Tuesdays/Thursdays and some Fridays. This paid program offers students the opportunity to spend a large part of their day outside engaged in meaningful ways of learning with their body, mind and spirit, while located in a natural setting. Enrolment in this program provides an option to attend kindergarten full time.
Nature Program Grade 1 and Grade 2
This program provides students with an opportunity to spend two half days outside each week. This paid program connects students to nature by fostering rich learning experiences, physical literacy and independence.
Please visit our website to access the Nature Programs Parent Handbook, found in the Quick Links
If your child is currently attending St. John XXIII, and you would like to register in one of our Nature Programs (K,1 or 2) please submit a B.3)Nature Program Application
2024-2025 Online Registration is Now Open!
Registration for Kindergarten, Nature Programs and NEW students began ONLINE, February 1st. Please note that Nature programs will be number dependent.
- To go to the EICS Kindergarten webpage - please click here. This includes a Kindergarten calculator, programming and transportation information.
- Pre Kindergarten at St. John XXIII, screening information click here
- St. John XXIII Pathways Program click here
- EICS NEW Student Registration-click here
- To request transportation, click here
2024-2025 Elk Island Catholic Schools Pre-Kindergarten Inquiry Form
*Please note, you only need to register your child if they are entering Kindergarten or are brand new to St. John XXIII
*If your child is currently attending St. John XXIII, and you would like to register in one of our Nature Programs (K,1 or 2) please submit a B.3)Nature Program Application
Community Information
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Email: stj@eics.ab.ca
Website: https://stj.eics.ab.ca/
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/St.JohnXXIII
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII