CDW Summer Update
July 28, 2023
A Message from Ms. Santa
Wednesday, August 16th~ 5th Grade Locker Day 10:00 AM-12:00 PM (See specific information below.)
Wednesday, August 30th~ New to District Student Orientation Part I 9:00 AM-11:30 AM and then again 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Friday, September 1st~ New to District Student Orientation Part II 1:00 PM
Monday, September 4th~ School Closed for Labor Day
Tuesday, September 5th~ First Day for CDW Students; 12:30 PM Dismissal for Staff PD Day
Thursday, September 7th~ 7th Grade Parent Sharpe Reservation Information Meeting, 6:30 PM
Thursday, September 14th~ Back to School Night 7:00 PM (More information will be shared soon!)
Monday, September 25th~ School Closed for Yom Kippur
New CDW Staff
We have new staff members that will be joining us this year at CDW.
5th/6th/7th Grade Spanish ~ Ms. Tania Rodriguez
6th/7th Grade Social Studies ~ Mr. Nicholas Dohn
6th/8th Grade Social Studies ~ Mr. Matthew Ferrara
Speech ~ Ms. Cheryl Chesner
Summer Academic Work
Summer work is meant to guide students to review the essential skills learned in reading and math throughout the year. This allows them to transition more smoothly to the next grade level. The links are below, and the information can also be found via the CDW website under, "For Students."
Summer Reading
Please see Ms. DiPisa's information letter, and here are the required Summer Reading recommendations for all grade levels.Summer Math
Here is the strongly suggested Summer Math Work. Please read the correspondence and complete the work associated with your child's grade level completed during the 2022-2023 school year.
Important Genesis Parent Portal Reminder
Genesis Homeroom/Period 1 Release Date
Each student's Homeroom/Period 1 class will be shared with families via the Genesis Parent Portal at the end of August. Prior to these assignments being released, parents need to complete the Summer Packet 2023-2024 Forms and Documents on the Genesis Parent Portal.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Rosica-Kirchner at (201)664-1475 or
Are you moving?
Planning for the 2023-2024 school year is well underway! We need to know if your family is moving out of Old Tappan this summer, or if your child(ren) will transfer to another middle school. Please contact Mrs. Rosica-Kirchner ( or Ms. Santa ( as soon as possible if your child(ren) will no longer attend CDW in the fall!
Grade 5 Locker Day
The CDW Grade 5 Locker Day is on Wednesday, August 16th beginning at 10:00 AM and ending at 12:00 PM. As Grade 5 students will be using lockers for the first time when transitioning to CDW, we offer a time for them to come in and prepare their locker before school starts. There will be Grade 8 students at CDW guiding the Grade 5 students through the process. Parents are also welcome to come and assist their child(ren). See the flyer below and attached for more information.
Orientation For New Students to the District
Dr. Sullivan, our Supervisor of Instruction for Curriculum and Educational Technology, will be hosting the math placement assessment on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 from 9:00 AM-11:30 AM. All students will then return from 1:00-2:30 PM on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 for the OLSAT Assessment.
Ms. Adamo, our School Counselor, has organized a “New Student Welcome,” on Friday, September 1, 2023 from 1:00 PM-2:00 PM. At that time, the students will have a tour of the school, given by CDW Grade 8 students, and have any questions answered.
Grade 8 Student Volunteers
If you will be starting Grade 8 in September, please look at the volunteer opportunities below and sign up if you are interested!
- Wednesday, August 16th~ 5th Grade Locker Day 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
- Friday, September 1st~ New Student Orientation 1:00 PM-2:00 PM
If you can volunteer for one or more events, please sign up here.
Chromebook Insurance Information
New to our insurance policy this year is that all Chromebooks must be in cases or the insurance will not cover any claims.
Supply Lists for the 2023-2024 School Year
The 2023-2024 Supply Lists are now posted to the CDW website under "For Parents."
The PTO will be selling prepackaged school supplies through School Tool Box. If you purchase through School Tool Box (visit, the OT PTO will earn funds to use for special school projects and your school supplies will be delivered to your house!
CDW Transition Meetings
Grade 4 into Grade 5 Transition Meeting
Grade 5 into Grade 6 Transition Meeting
Grade 6 to Grade 7 Transition Meeting
CDW Sports and Intramurals
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s):
In order to participate in any of our middle school sports and/or intramurals programs, your child(ren) must have his/her most recent medical records on file. Please speak with your child(ren) to see what sport(s) he/she is interested in and make sure to submit all medical documents by the dates below. Unfortunately, your child(ren) will not be able to participate/compete until all medical documents have been submitted, reviewed, and approved. Please be mindful that all physicals expire after one calendar year. Therefore, if your child(ren) submitted a physical around October 2022, then he/she will need to submit a new physical before October 2023 to complete the fall season on the team.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the CDW Athletic Coordinator, Mrs. Mueller at
B/G Volleyball
B/G Basketball
B/G Track
*Intramurals will begin in the fall and will be held throughout the year.
Fall Sport:
Submit between July 1, 2023, and August 30, 2023
Winter Sport:
Submit before October 13, 2023
Spring Sport:
Submit before February 16, 2024
*All forms must be submitted to the school nurse, and coaches will verify all medical documents are on record.
Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Forms
The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (PPE) may ONLY be completed by a licensed physician, advanced practice nurse (APN) or physician assistant (PA) who has completed the Student-Athlete Cardiac Assessment professional development module.
- Physical Examination Form to be filled out by your Physician
- Health History Forms -to be filled out by Parents
Concussion Management Guidelines
Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes
All of this information can also be found in the Student Handbook.
CDW Intramurals
Join the PTO!
Volunteers play a huge part in the PTO and what we are able to offer our students and teachers. Without volunteers, many of the programs that students, teachers, and families enjoy will not be able to happen. Volunteer descriptions can be found at: under "More Info" and then "Flyers."
If you have interest in joining the PTO Board, joining or running a committee, or just want to learn more- please reach out to the PTO by visiting and selecting "Contact Old Tappan PTO" under the Help tab.
Families Needed for the Buddy Program
Old Tappan 2023-2024 School Year Calendar
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Twitter: @OldTappanSD