November Newsletter
Clinton Elementary 2024
From the Principal
Dear Parents:
Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship are the character traits Clinton Elementary focuses on throughout the school year. Creating a positive learning environment and a “Culture of Kindness” throughout our school is essential for everyone (students, parents, teachers, and staff) to be successful.
Throughout the school year, each classroom will review and reinforce the concepts of one of the character traits each month, through activities in their classrooms. Please keep an eye out for specific notes related to the many events which occur in our school each week.
Thank you for all you do to support our school and programs. I wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Mrs. K. McCartan
Important Dates for November
November 5 No School- Election Day
November 6 Picture Retake Day
November 7 PTA meeting
November 11 No School- Veterans Day
November 27-29 Thanksgiving Recess
From the Social Worker
World Kindness Day is November 13 and can be celebrated in many ways. Check out the image for some ideas to help your kids show kindness.
However you decide to celebrate World Kindness Day remember that the important thing to focus on is promoting kindness and caring towards one another.
One of the benefits of setting goals is that it helps children learn to set appropriate benchmarks and not feel overwhelmed or worried. The other benefit of setting goals is that it helps kids build resilience and cope with setbacks. Sometimes students find themselves on a roll — moving though things quickly. Other times, things are a little more challenging and they need to figure out what to change. Teaching kids to establish and work toward goals has many benefits.
- Responsibility: Success or failure depends on what they put into it.
- Time management: Kids learn how to manage their time to meet their goals.
- Self Confidence: Nothing beats the feeling of meeting your own goal.
- Resilience: Kids learn to cope with the small setbacks that might stand in their way.
- Perseverance: They learn to keep trying and rework their steps until they meet their goals.
The best way to give children the motivation to reach their goals is by teaching them how to set achievable goals and reach them. The best goals are those that help children stretch, reach and grow— but are within their sights. Choosing a goal that is impossible to achieve will defeat your child even before they begin. Some examples might be getting ready for school on time or completing schoolwork to achieve a better grade on a math test, etc.
Setting realistic goals is good—but achieving them is even more important.