Falcon News- August 2024
School Starts on Tuesday 8/6
Welcome Message
Aloha Hickam Families,
Thank you for participating in Wednesday's Meet and Greet! It was wonderful to welcome back our returning families and introduce our new families to Hickam. Our teachers have been working diligently to set up their classrooms this week, and they are ready to go. We are excited to see our students' smiling faces as they return to our campus.
Here are some important reminders and changes for the upcoming school year:
- Please ensure that students bring a water bottle filled with water daily.
- Our school website, www.hickam.k12.hi.us, is an essential communication tool for our families and an invaluable resource with important information. If you have any questions, use the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the website.
Let's embark on a journey of learning. and growth in this new school year, everyone! We are thrilled, too, and can't wait to see what we'll achieve together. Thank you again for your continued support.
Patrick Wetzel
Morning Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Parent Handbook
Listed below is our Parent Handbook. These are the policies and procedures set forth by the Department of Education and/or Hickam Elementary School. This handbook includes important information such as the school calendar, the school’s vision & mission, curricular focus areas, school policy and procedures, volunteer opportunities, and school discipline procedures to name a few.
Dress Code Reminders
As a reminder, we will be implementing our school dress code policy for this upcoming school year. Listed below are the specifics:
Students at Hickam Elementary wear uniforms in a school-wide effort to keep our students safe and easily identified by emergency personnel in case of an emergency. The uniform policy consists of the following:
Properly fitted black, gray, navy, or tan walking shorts, capris, skorts, or pants
Hem of bottoms must be longer than the tip of the middle finger while standing with arms down
Hickam Elementary School T-Shirt (navy blue or red)
School-issued I.D. must be visible on collar (first one provided by the school, 1st replacement cost will be $1.00, 2nd is $2.00, etc.)
Properly fitted sweatshirts and jackets can be worn over uniform
Closed toe and covered heel shoes must be worn with socks
The following items are NOT PERMITTED unless otherwise specified:
Cargo pocket shorts, cargo pants, athletic pants (soccer, basketball, yoga, etc.), skirts, or dresses
Sandals, slippers/flip-flops, individualized toe shoes, Crocs, Heelys
Shorts, skorts, capris, athletic pants (soccer, basketball, yoga, etc.), or pants with decorative rhinestones, appliques, holes, or excessively worn out bottoms
Jeans (blue, white, black, and colored denim)
Headgear (scarves, caps, hats) and sunglasses
Uniform Waiver Policy
The DOE policy requires a provision allowing parents to request a waiver to the wearing of the uniform. Requests for waivers will be granted in cases of (1) financial hardship, (2) incoming or PCS date within 90 days, or (3) medical reasons establishing a student’s intolerance to the standard uniform. Requests for waivers on other grounds will be reviewed by the Principal. Each waiver will be approved/disapproved on a case-by-case basis and must be renewed each year. For those students who hold a waiver, the “Hickam Dress Code” applies in its entirety.
Student Drop-Off:
Student drop off begins at 7:40 a.m. This rule is for their safety as staff members are not required to be on duty until this time. The only exception is for students purchasing school breakfast from the cafeteria. Meal service begins at 7:10 a.m. and ends at 7:40 a.m.
Drop-off for all students is located on the curbside of Manzelman Circle fronting the walkway that leads to the cafeteria. Students in the first five vehicles are allowed to exit their vehicles on the curbside. We humbly ask for your assistance for not dropping off students on Julian Way where the Child Development Center is located and Radio Road on Julian Avenue due to the immense amount of foot and bike traffic in these areas.
Students should exit the vehicle on curbside, not roadside.
The Bus Stop is located on Julian Avenue near the portable classrooms. There is no school bus service since students live within one mile of the school. “Curb-to-curb” transportation (for DOE students) must be a Related Service listed on the IEP or 504 Plan.
Always use the crosswalks. Crosswalk safety is of utmost importance for school-aged children. Bicyclists shall follow JBPHH regulations, which includes walking bicycles across streets.
Observe the crossing guards and follow their direction. Do not speed past them or reverse to avoid them, even if you are in a hurry.
Observe the Falcon Safety Patrol Officers (FSPO). Our FSPO provide traffic safety assistance for students traveling to and from school.
Observe the 15 MPH speed zone during arrival and dismissal times as indicated by the street signs. Right turns onto Julian Avenue are prohibited during 7:30am-8:00am.
Parking area within the Freedom Tower lot is for Hickam Elementary staff, with visitor spots available in the front. When others are parked in the lot, that can make it difficult for teachers to find parking elsewhere and get to their classrooms on time. You may park along 8th and 9th Street.
Do not park in the drop area located on Manzelman Circle.
Student Pickup:
Begins after school dismissal at 1:10pm on Wednesdays, and 2:10pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. If your child(ren) is not present while picking them up at the circle, we kindly ask you circle back around and try again. There is no parking or waiting as this will delay traffic.
Rainy Day Dismissal
Students will be dismissed from the school’s Cafeteria whenever there is a storm with thunder/lightning.
Bus Transportation
1. Regular Education School Bus Applications
Bus Transportation arrangements can be made at the school or accessing eTrition—
https://hi.etrition.com/busapplication. However, doing it online requires knowing your child's student ID number.
2. Quarterly Bus Pass Application Periods
All school bus applications must be submitted, reviewed, and approved on a quarterly basis
per the schedule provided below:
Quarter 1:July 17, 2023 – August 31, 2023
Quarter 2:September 18, 2023 – October 31, 2023
Quarter 3:November 27, 2023 – January 31, 2024
Quarter 4:February 19, 2024 – April 30, 2024
3. Quarterly Pass and Payment Information
Only quarterly bus passes (roundtrip or one-way) will be available for purchase.
• $72 roundtrip (AM and PM)
• $36 one-way (AM only or PM only)
All students are required to pay $5 for a replacement hard pass to the school office (cash only).
4. Bus Pass Procedures
All students are expected to display their bus pass to the bus driver upon entering the bus
and on demand.
For both AM and PM services, if a student is unable to display their valid pass because it
was lost/misplaced/forgotten, the bus driver is expected to check the rider manifest to
confirm the student’s eligibility status (Hawaii Administrative Rules §8-28-3).
If the student is found to be riding in the AM with only a one-way PM pass, they will be
reported by the driver to the school and Student Transportation Administrative Office.
If the student does not have their pass for the PM trip and is not on the rider manifest, they
may be denied service.
f any student attempts to ride without a valid pass, no matter the grade level, up to three (3)
times consecutively, the Department reserves the right to revoke rider privileges up to a
semester or for the rest of the year if applicable.
Further bus pass procedure updates are listed below:
Elementary and Middle School Students
• If a student fails to display a valid bus pass in the morning, the driver will notify the
Student Transportation Administrative office and the school. Although services will be
provided to school in the AM, proper measures must be taken depending on the
• If a replacement pass is required, the school is responsible to instruct
student/family/guardian that this must be taken care of before the end of day or they
will be responsible for picking up their student at school for PM service.
• If student needs to upgrade their current PM one-way pass to a round-trip pass, this
will need to be taken care of before the end of the day or the family/guardian will be
responsible for taking their student to school the next day.
High School Students
• If a student fails to display a valid bus pass in the morning, the driver may refuse bus
• If a replacement pass is required, the student must provide proper identification for
name verification on the rider manifest and will be required to purchase a replacement
pass at school.
• The receipt will act as the temporary pass until the hard pass is made available at the
• If the student is not on the rider manifest, they will be denied service.
• If the student needs to upgrade their current PM one-way pass to a round-trip pass,
this will need to be taken care of before the end of the school day or the
parent/guardian will be responsible for taking their student to school the next day.
There is no grace period for bus riders. All bus riders must have at least a temporary pass.
Breakfast and Lunch Service
The cost of breakfast is $1.10. The cost of lunch is $2.50. Payments are made in the front office. All new students will have take their ID picture tomorrow to ensure they can purchase a meal if they elect to do so. Parents are prohibited from eating school breakfast or lunch with their children. Your understanding with this matter is greatly appreciated.
August Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Other Annoucements
Employment Opportunities
We are still looking to hire part-time positions:
- RtI Teacher (Part-Time) to support students who need more help learning the foundations of reading. The position is 17 hours a week, and the pay is dependent upon the educational credentials the applicant possesses.
- Substitute Teachers- we are always in need of substitute teachers. You can click on the link if you're interested. https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ConnectWithUs/Employment/JobOpportunities/Pages/Substitute-teachers.aspx
- Adult Supervisors. Duties include supporting the school's supervision plan and supporting students with recess and lunch supervision duties. Pay starts at $14 an hour and the times are from 9:45-1:00. If interested in joining our team, please use the Contact Us button on the bottom of the school's webpage, hickam.k12.hi.us. Thanks!
If you could not pick up T-shirts at Meet and Greet, you still have time to get one. Here is the link to order.
Kindergarten Schedule
On August 6th-8th (Tu-Th) Kindergarten teachers will begin conducting initial assessments for all incoming Kindergarten students.
On August 9th (F), students in Group A will be on campus for their orientation, while Group B students will remain at home.
On August 12th (M), students in Group B will be on campus for their orientation, while Group A students will remain at home.
On August 13th (Tu)- First day of school for all Kindergarten students.
Important Dates to Know
August 6th (Tu) Students first day for all students except Kindergarten
August 6th-8th (Tu-Th) Kindergarten Testing
August 9th (F) Kinder Group A
August 12th (M) Kinder Group B
August 13th (Tu) All Kindergarten students' first day
August 13th (Tu) 8:00 a.m. BooHoo Yahoo Social (for Kindergarten parents only)
August 15th (Th) Regal Fundraiser Bread Starts
August 16th (F) Statehood Day (No School)
August 21st (W) Welcome Back Assembly
August 22nd (Th) Fire Drill
August 29th (Th) National College Colors Day (College Tshirt Day)
August 30th (F) Radford Complex Waiver Day- no school for students